Featured Researches

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Broadband RF Phased Array Design with MEEP: Comparisons to Array Theory in Two and Three Dimensions

Phased array radar systems have a wide variety of applications in engineering and physics research. Phased array design usually requires numerical modeling with expensive commercial computational packages. Using the open-source MIT Electrogmagnetic Equation Propagation (MEEP) package, a set of phased array designs is presented. Specifically, one and two-dimensional arrays of Yagi-Uda and horn antennas were modeled in the bandwidth [0.1 - 5] GHz, and compared to theoretical expectations in the far-field. Precise matches between MEEP simulation and radiation pattern predictions at different frequencies and beam angles are demonstrated. Given that the computations match the theory, the effect of embedding a phased array within a medium of varying index of refraction is then computed. Understanding the effect of varying index on phased arrays is critical for proposed ultra-high energy neutrino observatories which rely on phased array detectors embedded in natural ice. Future work will develop the phased array concepts with parallel MEEP, in order to increase the detail, complexity, and speed of the computations.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Broadband study of OQ 334 during its flaring state

The blazar OQ 334 displayed a {\gamma}-ray flare in 2018, after being in the long quiescent {\gamma}-ray state since 2008. Subsequent to the flare, the source was in a higher {\gamma}-ray flux state and again flared in 2020. We present here the first spectral and timing analysis of the source at its various flaring states. During the higher {\gamma}-ray state, we found four major peaks identified as P1, P2, P3, and P4. From timing analysis, we found the rise and decay time of the order of hours with the fastest variability time of 9.01+/-0.78 hr. We found the highest {\gamma}-ray photon of 77 GeV during P4, which suggests the location of the {\gamma}-ray emitting region at the outer edge of the broad-line region or the inner edge of the torus. The {\gamma}-ray spectral analysis of the source indicates that during P4, the {\gamma}-ray spectrum clearly deviates from the power-law behavior. From cross-correlation analysis of the {\gamma}-ray and radio lightcurves, we found that the two emission regions are separated by about 11 pc. Our broadband spectral energy distribution modeling of the source during quiescent and active phases indicates that more electron and proton power are required to change the source from low flux to high flux state. The Anderson-Darling test and histogram fitting results suggest that the three days binned {\gamma}-ray fluxes follow a lognormal distribution.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

CRAFTS for Fast Radio Bursts Extending the dispersion-fluence relation with new FRBs detected by FAST

We report three new FRBs discovered by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), namely FRB 181017.J0036+11, FRB 181118 and FRB 181130, through the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS). Together with FRB 181123 that was reported earlier, all four FAST-discovered FRBs share the same characteristics of low fluence ( ??0.2 Jy ms) and high dispersion measure (DM, >1000 \dmu), consistent with the anti-correlation between DM and fluence of the entire FRB population. FRB 181118 and FRB 181130 exhibit band-limited features. FRB 181130 is prominently scattered ( ? s ?? ms) at 1.25 GHz. FRB 181017.J0036+11 has full-bandwidth emission with a fluence of 0.042 Jy ms, which is one of the faintest FRB sources detected so far. CRAFTS starts to built a new sample of FRBs that fills the region for more distant and fainter FRBs in the fluence- D M E diagram, previously out of reach of other surveys. The implied all sky event rate of FRBs is 1.24 +1.94 ??.90 ? 10 5 sky ?? day ?? at the 95% confidence interval above 0.0146 Jy ms. We also demonstrate here that the probability density function of CRAFTS FRB detections is sensitive to the assumed intrinsic FRB luminosity function and cosmological evolution, which may be further constrained with more discoveries.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Calibrating X-ray binary luminosity functions via optical reconnaissance I. The case of M83

Building on recent work by Chandar et al. (2020), we construct X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) for different classes of X-ray binary (XRB) donors in the nearby star-forming galaxy M83 through a novel methodology: rather than classifying low- vs. high-mass XRBs based on the scaling of the number of X-ray sources with stellar mass and star formation rate, respectively, we utilize multi-band Hubble Space Telescope imaging data to classify each Chandra-detected compact X-ray source as a low-mass (i.e. donor mass <~ 3 solar masses), high-mass (donor mass >~ 8 solar masses) or intermediate-mass XRB based on either the location of its candidate counterpart on optical color-magnitude diagrams or the age of its host star cluster. In addition to the the standard (single and/or truncated) power-law functional shape, we approximate the resulting XLFs with a Schechter function. We identify a marginally significant (at the 1-to-2 sigma level) exponential downturn for the high-mass XRB XLF, at logLx ~ 38.48^{+0.52}_{-0.33} (in log CGS units). In contrast, the low- and intermediate-mass XRB XLFs, as well as the total XLF of M83, are formally consistent with sampling statistics from a single power-law. Our method suggests a non-negligible contribution from low- and possibly intermediate-mass XRBs to the total XRB XLF of M83, i.e. between 20 and 50%, in broad agreement with X-ray based XLFs. More generally, we caution against considerable contamination from X-ray emitting supernova remnants to the published, X-ray based XLFs of M83, and possibly all actively star-forming galaxies.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Calibration of the Advanced Spectral Leakage scheme for neutron star merger simulations, and extension to smoothed-particle hydrodynamics

We calibrate a neutrino transport approximation, called Advanced Spectral Leakage (ASL), with the purpose of modeling neutrino-driven winds in neutron star mergers. Based on a number of snapshots we gauge the ASL parameters by comparing against both the two-moment (M1) scheme implemented in the FLASH code and the Monte Carlo neutrino code Sedonu. The ASL scheme contains three parameters, the least robust of which results to be a blocking parameter for electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. The parameter steering the angular distribution of neutrino heating is re-calibrated compared to the earlier work. We also present a new, fast and mesh-free algorithm for calculating spectral optical depths, which, when using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), makes the neutrino transport completely particle-based. We estimate a speed-up of a factor of 100 in the optical depth calculation when comparing to a grid-based approach. In the suggested calibration we recover luminosities and mean energies within 25%. A comparison of the rates of change of internal energy and electron fraction in the neutrino-driven wind suggests comparable accuracies of ASL and M1, but a higher computational efficiency of the ASL scheme. We estimate that the ratio between the CPU hours spent on the ASL neutrino scheme and those spent on the hydrodynamics is 0.8 per timestep when considering the SPH code MAGMA2 as source code for the Lagrangian hydrodynamics, to be compared with a factor of 10 from the M1 in FLASH.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Calibration of the Surface Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to study cosmic rays of the highest energies ( > 10 19 eV). The ground array of the Observatory will consist of 1600 water Cherenkov detectors deployed over 3000 km^2. The remoteness and large number of detectors require a robust, automatic self-calibration procedure. It relies on the measurement of the average charge collected by a photomultiplier tube from the Cherenkov light produced by a vertical and central through-going muon determined to 5 - 10% at the detector via a novel rate-based technique and to 3% precision through analysis of histograms of the charge distribution. The parameters needed for the calibration are measured every minute, allowing for an accurate determination of the signals recorded from extensive air showers produced by primary cosmic rays. The method also enables stable and uniform triggering conditions to be achieved.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Can the Local Bubble explain the radio background?

The ARCADE 2 balloon bolometer along with a number of other instruments have detected what appears to be a radio synchrotron background at frequencies below about 3 GHz. Neither extragalactic radio sources nor diffuse Galactic emission can currently account for this finding. We use the locally measured Cosmic ray electron population, demodulated for effects of the Solar wind, and other observational constraints combined with a turbulent magnetic field model to predict the radio synchrotron emission for the Local Bubble. We find that the spectral index of the modelled radio emission is roughly consistent with the radio background. Our model can approximately reproduce the observed antenna temperatures for a mean magnetic field strength B between 3-5 nT. We argue that this would not violate observational constraints from pulsar measurements. However, the curvature in the predicted spectrum would mean that other, so far unknown sources would have to contribute below 100 MHz. Also, the magnetic energy density would then dominate over thermal and cosmic ray electron energy density, likely causing an inverse magnetic cascade with large variations of the radio emission in different sky directions as well as high polarisation. We argue that this disagrees with several observations and thus that the magnetic field is probably much lower, quite possibly limited by equipartition with the energy density in relativistic or thermal particles (B = 0.2-0.6 nT). In the latter case, we predict a contribution of the Local Bubble to the unexplained radio background at most at the per cent level.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Can the gamma-ray bursts travelling through the interstellar space be explained without invoking the drastic assumption of Lorentz invariance violation?

Experimental observations indicate that gamma-ray bursts (GRB) and high-energy neutrino bursts may travel at different speeds with a typical delay measured at the order of hours or days. We discuss two potential interpretations for the GRB delay: dispersion of light in interstellar medium and violation of Lorentz invariance due to quantum gravitational fluctuations. Among a few other media, we consider dispersion of light in an axion plasma, obtaining the axion plasma frequency and the dispersion relation from quantum field theory for the first time. We find that the density of axions inferred from observations is far too low to produce the observed GRB delay. However, a more precise estimation of the spatial distribution of axions is required for a conclusive result. Other known media are also unable to account for the GRB delay, although there remains uncertainties in the observations of the delays. The interpretation in terms of Lorentz invariance violation and modified dispersion relation suffers from its own problems: since the modification of the dispersion relation should not be dependent on particle type, delays between photons and neutrinos are hard to explain. Thus neither interpretation is sufficient to explain the observations. We conclude that a crucial difference between the two interpretations is the frequency dependence of the propagation speed of radiation: in dispersive plasma the group speed increases with higher frequency, while Lorentz invariance violation implies lower speed at higher frequency. Future experiments shall resolve which one of the two frequency dependencies of GRB is actually the case.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Canonical X-Ray Fluorescence Line Intensities as Column Density Indicators

X-ray line fluorescence is ubiquitous around powerful accretion sources, namely active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries. The brightest and best-studied line is the Fe K α line at λ=1.937 Å(6.4\,keV). This paper presents a survey of all well-measured Chandra/HETG grating spectra featuring several K α fluorescence lines from elements between Mg and Ni. Despite the variety of sources and physical conditions, we identify a common trend that dictates the K α line intensity ratios between elements. For the most part, the line intensities are well described by a simple, plane-parallel approximation of a near-neutral, solar-abundance, high column density ( N H > 10 24 cm −2 ) medium. This approximation gives canonical photon-intensity line ratios for the K α fluorescence of all elements, e.g., 0.104:\,0.069:\,1.0:\,0.043 for Si:\,S:\,Fe:\,Ni, respectively. Deviations from these ratios are shown to be primarily due to excess column density along the line of sight beyond the Galactic column. Therefore, measured fluorescence line ratios provide an independent estimate of N H and insight into the environment of accretion sources. Residual discrepancies with the canonical ratios could be due to a variety of effects such as a fluorescing medium with N H < 10 24 \,cm −2 , a non-neutral medium, variations in the illuminating spectrum, non-solar abundances, or an irregular source geometry. However, evidently and perhaps surprisingly, these are uncommon, and their effect remains minor.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Celestial-Body Focused Dark Matter Annihilation Throughout the Galaxy

Indirect detection experiments typically measure the flux of annihilating dark matter (DM) particles propagating freely through galactic halos. We consider a new scenario where celestial bodies "focus" DM annihilation events, increasing the efficiency of halo annihilation. In this setup, DM is first captured by celestial bodies, such as neutron stars or brown dwarfs, and then annihilates within them. If DM annihilates to sufficiently long-lived particles, they can escape and subsequently decay into detectable radiation. This produces a distinctive annihilation morphology, which scales as the product of the DM and celestial body densities, rather than as DM density squared. We show that this signal can dominate over the halo annihilation rate in γ -ray observations in both the Milky Way Galactic center and globular clusters. We use \textit{Fermi} and H.E.S.S. data to constrain the DM-nucleon scattering cross section, setting powerful new limits down to ??10 ??9 cm 2 for sub-GeV DM using brown dwarfs, which is up to nine orders of magnitude stronger than existing limits. We demonstrate that neutron stars can set limits for TeV-scale DM down to about 10 ??7 cm 2 .

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