Featured Researches

Chaotic Dynamics

Controlling spatiotemporal chaos via small external forces

The spatiotemporal chaos in the system described by a one-dimensional nonlinear drift-wave equation is controlled by directly adding a periodic force with appropriately chosen frequencies. By dividing the solution of the system into a carrier steady wave and its perturbation, we find that the controlling mechanism can be explained by a slaving principle. The critical controlling time for a perturbation mode increases exponentially with its wave number.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Correlations in the Adiabatic Response of Chaotic Systems

Adiabatic variation of the parameters of a chaotic system results in a fluctuating reaction force. In the leading order in the adiabaticity parameter, a dissipative force, that is present in classical mechanics was found to vanish in quantum mechanics. On the time scale t, this force is proportional to I(t), the integral of the force-force correlation function over time t. In order to understand the crossover between the classical and the quantum mechanical behavior we calculated I(t) in random matrix theory. We found that for systems belonging to the Gaussian unitary ensemble this crossover takes place at a characteristic time (proportional to the Heisenberg time) and for longer times I(t) practically vanishes, resulting in vanishing dissipation. For systems belonging to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble I(t) drops like 1/t and there is no such characteristic time. I(t) is calculated for various models and the relation to experiment is discussed.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Correlations of electromagnetic fields in chaotic cavities

We consider the fluctuations of electromagnetic fields in chaotic microwave cavities. We calculate the transversal and longitudinal correlation function based on a random wave assumption and compare the predictions with measurements on two- and three-dimensional microwave cavities.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Correspondence between classical dynamics and energy level spacing distribution in the transition billiard systems

The Robnik billiard is investigated in detail both classically and quantally in the transition range from integrable to almost chaotic system. We find out that a remarkable correspondence between characteristic features of classical dynamics, especially topological structure of integrable regions in the Poincaré surface of section, and the statistics of energy level spacings appears with a system parameter λ being varied. It is shown that the variance of the level spacing distribution changes its behavior at every particular values of λ in such a way that classical dynamics changes its topological structure in the Poincaré surface of section, while the skewness and the excess of the level spacings seem to be closely relevant to the interface structure between integrable region and chaotic sea rather than inner structure of intergrable regoin.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Critical Attractor and Universality in a Renormalization Scheme for Three Frequency Hamiltonian Systems

We study an approximate renormalization-group transformation to analyze the breakup of invariant tori for three degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems. The scheme is implemented for the spiral mean torus. We find numerically that the critical surface is the stable manifold of a critical nonperiodic attractor. We compute scaling exponents associated with this fixed set, and find that they can be expected to be universal.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Critical Behavior of Period Doublings in Coupled Inverted Pendulums

We study the critical behaviors of period doublings in N (N=2,3,4,...) coupled inverted pendulums by varying the driving amplitude A and the coupling strength c . It is found that the critical behaviors depend on the range of coupling interaction. In the extreme long-range case of global coupling, in which each inverted pendulum is coupled to all the other ones with equal strength, the zero-coupling critical point and an infinity of critical line segments constitute the same critical set in the A−c plane, independently of N . However, for any other nonglobal-coupling cases of shorter-range couplings, the structure of the critical set becomes different from that for the global-coupling case, because of a significant change in the stability diagram of periodic orbits born via period doublings. The critical scaling behaviors on the critical set are also found to be the same as those for the abstract system of the coupled one-dimensional maps.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Critical behavior of vorticity in two-dimensional turbulence

We point out some similitudes between the statistics of high Reynolds number turbulence and critical phenomena. An analogy is developed for two-dimensional decaying flows, in particular by studying the scaling properties of the two-point vorticity correlation function within a simple phenomenological framework. The inverse of the Reynolds number is the analogue of the small parameter that separates the system from criticality. It is possible to introduce a set of three critical exponents; for the correlation length, the autocorrelation function and a so-called susceptibility, respectively. The exponents corresponding to the well-known enstrophy cascade theory of Kraichnan and Batchelor are, remarkably, the same as the Gaussian approximation exponents for spin models. The limitations of the analogy, in particular the lack of universal scaling functions, are also discussed.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Critical states of transient chaos

One-dimensional maps exhibiting transient chaos and defined on two preimages of the unit interval [0,1] are investigated. It is shown that such maps have continuously many conditionally invariant measures μ σ scaling at the fixed point at x=0 as x σ , but smooth elsewhere. Here σ should be smaller than a critical value σ c that is related to the spectral properties of the Frobenius-Perron operator. The corresponding natural measures are proven to be entirely concentrated on the fixed point.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Daisy Models: Semi-Poisson statistics and beyond

Semi-Poisson statistics are shown to be obtained by removing every other number from a random sequence. Retaining every (r+1)th level we obtain a family of secuences which we call daisy models. Their statistical properties coincide with those of Bogomolny's nearest-neighbour interaction Coulomb gas if the inverse temperature coincides with the integer r. In particular the case r=2 reproduces closely the statistics of quasi-optimal solutions of the traveling salesman problem.

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Chaotic Dynamics

Decaying magnetohydrodynamics: effects of initial conditions

We study the effects of homogenous and isotropic initial conditions on decaying Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). We show that for an initial distribution of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations, appropriately defined structure functions decay as power law in time. We also show that for a suitable choice of initial cross-correlations between velocity and magnetic fields even order structure functions acquire anomalous scaling in time where as scaling exponents of the odd order structure functions remain unchanged. We discuss our results in the context of fully developed MHD turbulence.

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