Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Monte Carlo Tree Search Based Tactical Maneuvering

In this paper we explore the application of simultaneous move Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) based online framework for tactical maneuvering between two unmanned aircrafts. Compared to other techniques, MCTS enables efficient search over long horizons and uses self-play to select best maneuver in the current state while accounting for the opponent aircraft tactics. We explore different algorithmic choices in MCTS and demonstrate the framework numerically in a simulated 2D tactical maneuvering application.

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Artificial Intelligence

More is not Always Better: The Negative Impact of A-box Materialization on RDF2vec Knowledge Graph Embeddings

RDF2vec is an embedding technique for representing knowledge graph entities in a continuous vector space. In this paper, we investigate the effect of materializing implicit A-box axioms induced by subproperties, as well as symmetric and transitive properties. While it might be a reasonable assumption that such a materialization before computing embeddings might lead to better embeddings, we conduct a set of experiments on DBpedia which demonstrate that the materialization actually has a negative effect on the performance of RDF2vec. In our analysis, we argue that despite the huge body of work devoted on completing missing information in knowledge graphs, such missing implicit information is actually a signal, not a defect, and we show examples illustrating that assumption.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi Agent Path Finding with Awareness for Spatially Extended Agents

Path finding problems involve identification of a plan for conflict free movement of agents over a common road network. Most approaches to this problem handle the agents as point objects, wherein the size of the agent is significantly smaller than the road on which it travels. In this paper, we consider spatially extended agents which have a size comparable to the length of the road on which they travel. An optimal multi agent path finding approach for spatially-extended agents was proposed in the eXtended Conflict Based Search (XCBS) algorithm. As XCBS resolves only a pair of conflicts at a time, it results in deeper search trees in case of cascading or multiple (more than two agent) conflicts at a given location. This issue is addressed in eXtended Conflict Based Search with Awareness (XCBS-A) in which an agent uses awareness of other agents' plans to make its own plan. In this paper, we explore XCBS-A in greater detail, we theoretically prove its completeness and empirically demonstrate its performance with other algorithms in terms of variances in road characteristics, agent characteristics and plan characteristics. We demonstrate the distributive nature of the algorithm by evaluating its performance when distributed over multiple machines. XCBS-A generates a huge search space impacting its efficiency in terms of memory; to address this we propose an approach for memory-efficiency and empirically demonstrate the performance of the algorithm. The nature of XCBS-A is such that it may lead to suboptimal solutions, hence the final contribution of this paper is an enhanced approach, XCBS-Local Awareness (XCBS-LA) which we prove will be optimal and complete.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-Agent Path Planning based on MPC and DDPG

The problem of mixed static and dynamic obstacle avoidance is essential for path planning in highly dynamic environment. However, the paths formed by grid edges can be longer than the true shortest paths in the terrain since their headings are artificially constrained. Existing methods can hardly deal with dynamic obstacles. To address this problem, we propose a new algorithm combining Model Predictive Control (MPC) with Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG). Firstly, we apply the MPC algorithm to predict the trajectory of dynamic obstacles. Secondly, the DDPG with continuous action space is designed to provide learning and autonomous decision-making capability for robots. Finally, we introduce the idea of the Artificial Potential Field to set the reward function to improve convergence speed and accuracy. We employ Unity 3D to perform simulation experiments in highly uncertain environment such as aircraft carrier decks and squares. The results show that our method has made great improvement on accuracy by 7%-30% compared with the other methods, and on the length of the path and turning angle by reducing 100 units and 400-450 degrees compared with DQN (Deep Q Network), respectively.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Logic Specifications

In this paper, we study the problem of learning to satisfy temporal logic specifications with a group of agents in an unknown environment, which may exhibit probabilistic behaviour. From a learning perspective these specifications provide a rich formal language with which to capture tasks or objectives, while from a logic and automated verification perspective the introduction of learning capabilities allows for practical applications in large, stochastic, unknown environments. The existing work in this area is, however, limited. Of the frameworks that consider full linear temporal logic or have correctness guarantees, all methods thus far consider only the case of a single temporal logic specification and a single agent. In order to overcome this limitation, we develop the first multi-agent reinforcement learning technique for temporal logic specifications, which is also novel in its ability to handle multiple specifications. We provide correctness and convergence guarantees for our main algorithm - ALMANAC (Automaton/Logic Multi-Agent Natural Actor-Critic) - even when using function approximation. Alongside our theoretical results, we further demonstrate the applicability of our technique via a set of preliminary experiments.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Path Finding via Decoupled and Integrated Goal Vertex Ordering

We introduce multi-goal multi agent path finding (MAPF MG ) which generalizes the standard discrete multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problem. While the task in MAPF is to navigate agents in an undirected graph from their starting vertices to one individual goal vertex per agent, MAPF MG assigns each agent multiple goal vertices and the task is to visit each of them at least once. Solving MAPF MG not only requires finding collision free paths for individual agents but also determining the order of visiting agent's goal vertices so that common objectives like the sum-of-costs are optimized. We suggest two novel algorithms using different paradigms to address MAPF MG : a heuristic search-based search algorithm called Hamiltonian-CBS (HCBS) and a compilation-based algorithm built using the SMT paradigm, called SMT-Hamiltonian-CBS (SMT-HCBS). Experimental comparison suggests limitations of compilation-based approach.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-Label Annotation of Chest Abdomen Pelvis Computed Tomography Text Reports Using Deep Learning

Purpose: To develop high throughput multi-label annotators for body (chest, abdomen, and pelvis) Computed Tomography (CT) reports that can be applied across a variety of abnormalities, organs, and disease states. Approach: We used a dictionary approach to develop rule-based algorithms (RBA) for extraction of disease labels from radiology text reports. We targeted three organ systems (lungs/pleura, liver/gallbladder, kidneys/ureters) with four diseases per system based on their prevalence in our dataset. To expand the algorithms beyond pre-defined keywords, attention-guided recurrent neural networks (RNN) were trained using the RBA-extracted labels to classify reports as being positive for one or more diseases or normal for each organ system. Confounding effects on model performance were evaluated using random initialization or pre-trained embedding as well as different sizes of training datasets. Performance was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) against 2,158 manually obtained labels. Results: Our models extracted disease labels from 261,229 radiology reports of 112,501 unique subjects. Pre-trained models outperformed random initialization across all diseases. As the training dataset size was reduced, performance was robust except for a few diseases with relatively small number of cases. Pre-trained classification AUCs achieved > 0.95 for all five disease outcomes across all three organ systems. Conclusions: Our label-extracting pipeline was able to encompass a variety of cases and diseases by generalizing beyond strict rules with exceptional accuracy. This method can be easily adapted to enable automated labeling of hospital-scale medical data sets for training image-based disease classifiers.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-objective Conflict-based Search for Multi-agent Path Finding

Conventional multi-agent path planners typically compute an ensemble of paths while optimizing a single objective, such as path length. However, many applications may require multiple objectives, say fuel consumption and completion time, to be simultaneously optimized during planning and these criteria may not be readily compared and sometimes lie in competition with each other. Naively applying existing multi-objective search algorithms to multi-agent path finding may prove to be inefficient as the size of the space of possible solutions, i.e., the Pareto-optimal set, can grow exponentially with the number of agents (the dimension of the search space). This article presents an approach named Multi-objective Conflict-based Search (MO-CBS) that bypasses this so-called curse of dimensionality by leveraging prior Conflict-based Search (CBS), a well-known algorithm for single-objective multi-agent path finding, and principles of dominance from multi-objective optimization literature. We prove that MO-CBS is able to compute the entire Pareto-optimal set. Our results show that MO-CBS can solve problem instances with hundreds of Pareto-optimal solutions which the standard multi-objective A* algorithms could not find within a bounded time.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning based approach for User-Centric Power Optimization in Smart Home Environments

Smart homes require every device inside them to be connected with each other at all times, which leads to a lot of power wastage on a daily basis. As the devices inside a smart home increase, it becomes difficult for the user to control or operate every individual device optimally. Therefore, users generally rely on power management systems for such optimization but often are not satisfied with the results. In this paper, we present a novel multi-objective reinforcement learning framework with two-fold objectives of minimizing power consumption and maximizing user satisfaction. The framework explores the trade-off between the two objectives and converges to a better power management policy when both objectives are considered while finding an optimal policy. We experiment on real-world smart home data, and show that the multi-objective approaches: i) establish trade-off between the two objectives, ii) achieve better combined user satisfaction and power consumption than single-objective approaches. We also show that the devices that are used regularly and have several fluctuations in device modes at regular intervals should be targeted for optimization, and the experiments on data from other smart homes fetch similar results, hence ensuring transfer-ability of the proposed framework.

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Artificial Intelligence

Multisource AI Scorecard Table for System Evaluation

The paper describes a Multisource AI Scorecard Table (MAST) that provides the developer and user of an artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) system with a standard checklist focused on the principles of good analysis adopted by the intelligence community (IC) to help promote the development of more understandable systems and engender trust in AI outputs. Such a scorecard enables a transparent, consistent, and meaningful understanding of AI tools applied for commercial and government use. A standard is built on compliance and agreement through policy, which requires buy-in from the stakeholders. While consistency for testing might only exist across a standard data set, the community requires discussion on verification and validation approaches which can lead to interpretability, explainability, and proper use. The paper explores how the analytic tradecraft standards outlined in Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 203 can provide a framework for assessing the performance of an AI system supporting various operational needs. These include sourcing, uncertainty, consistency, accuracy, and visualization. Three use cases are presented as notional examples that support security for comparative analysis.

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