Featured Researches

Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adaptable Deformable Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation of Fisheye Images in Autonomous Driving Systems

Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems rely heavily on perception tasks such as semantic segmentation where images are captured from large field of view (FoV) cameras. State-of-the-art works have made considerable progress toward applying Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to standard (rectilinear) images. However, the large FoV cameras used in autonomous vehicles produce fisheye images characterized by strong geometric distortion. This work demonstrates that a CNN trained on standard images can be readily adapted to fisheye images, which is crucial in real-world applications where time-consuming real-time data transformation must be avoided. Our adaptation protocol mainly relies on modifying the support of the convolutions by using their deformable equivalents on top of pre-existing layers. We prove that tuning an optimal support only requires a limited amount of labeled fisheye images, as a small number of training samples is sufficient to significantly improve an existing model's performance on wide-angle images. Furthermore, we show that finetuning the weights of the network is not necessary to achieve high performance once the deformable components are learned. Finally, we provide an in-depth analysis of the effect of the deformable convolutions, bringing elements of discussion on the behavior of CNN models.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Branch Architecture Search for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is a key field in visual recognition, as it enables robust performances across different visual domains. In the deep learning era, the performance of UDA methods has been driven by better losses and by improved network architectures, specifically the addition of auxiliary domain-alignment branches to pre-trained backbones. However, all the neural architectures proposed so far are hand-crafted, which might hinder further progress. The current copious offspring of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) only alleviates hand-crafting so far, as it requires labels for model selection, which are not available in UDA, and is usually applied to the whole architecture, while using pre-trained models is a strict requirement for high performance. No prior work has addressed these aspects in the context of NAS for UDA. Here we propose an Adversarial Branch Architecture Search (ABAS) for UDA, to learn the auxiliary branch network from data without handcrafting. Our main contribution include i. a novel data-driven ensemble approach for model selection, to circumvent the lack of target labels, and ii. a pipeline to automatically search for the best performing auxiliary branch. To the best of our knowledge, ABAS is the first NAS method for UDA to comply with a pre-trained backbone, a strict requirement for high performance. ABAS outputs both the optimal auxiliary branch and its trained parameters. When applied to two modern UDA techniques, DANN and ALDA, it improves performance on three standard CV datasets (Office31, Office-Home and PACS). In all cases, ABAS robustly finds the branch architectures which yield best performances. Code will be released.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Examples Detection beyond Image Space

Deep neural networks have been proved that they are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are generated by adding human-imperceptible perturbations to images. To defend these adversarial examples, various detection based methods have been proposed. However, most of them perform poorly on detecting adversarial examples with extremely slight perturbations. By exploring these adversarial examples, we find that there exists compliance between perturbations and prediction confidence, which guides us to detect few-perturbation attacks from the aspect of prediction confidence. To detect both few-perturbation attacks and large-perturbation attacks, we propose a method beyond image space by a two-stream architecture, in which the image stream focuses on the pixel artifacts and the gradient stream copes with the confidence artifacts. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods under oblivious attacks and is verified effective to defend omniscient attacks as well.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Imaging Pipelines

Adversarial attacks play an essential role in understanding deep neural network predictions and improving their robustness. Existing attack methods aim to deceive convolutional neural network (CNN)-based classifiers by manipulating RGB images that are fed directly to the classifiers. However, these approaches typically neglect the influence of the camera optics and image processing pipeline (ISP) that produce the network inputs. ISPs transform RAW measurements to RGB images and traditionally are assumed to preserve adversarial patterns. However, these low-level pipelines can, in fact, destroy, introduce or amplify adversarial patterns that can deceive a downstream detector. As a result, optimized patterns can become adversarial for the classifier after being transformed by a certain camera ISP and optic but not for others. In this work, we examine and develop such an attack that deceives a specific camera ISP while leaving others intact, using the same down-stream classifier. We frame camera-specific attacks as a multi-task optimization problem, relying on a differentiable approximation for the ISP itself. We validate the proposed method using recent state-of-the-art automotive hardware ISPs, achieving 92% fooling rate when attacking a specific ISP. We demonstrate physical optics attacks with 90% fooling rate for a specific camera lenses.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Segmentation Loss for Sketch Colorization

We introduce a new method for generating color images from sketches or edge maps. Current methods either require some form of additional user-guidance or are limited to the "paired" translation approach. We argue that segmentation information could provide valuable guidance for sketch colorization. To this end, we propose to leverage semantic image segmentation, as provided by a general purpose panoptic segmentation network, to create an additional adversarial loss function. Our loss function can be integrated to any baseline GAN model. Our method is not limited to datasets that contain segmentation labels, and it can be trained for "unpaired" translation tasks. We show the effectiveness of our method on four different datasets spanning scene level indoor, outdoor, and children book illustration images using qualitative, quantitative and user study analysis. Our model improves its baseline up to 35 points on the FID metric. Our code and pretrained models can be found at this https URL.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Shape Learning for Building Extraction in VHR Remote Sensing Images

Building extraction in VHR RSIs remains a challenging task due to occlusion and boundary ambiguity problems. Although conventional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based methods are capable of exploiting local texture and context information, they fail to capture the shape patterns of buildings, which is a necessary constraint in the human recognition. To address this issue, we propose an adversarial shape learning network (ASLNet) to model the building shape patterns that improve the accuracy of building segmentation. In the proposed ASLNet, we introduce the adversarial learning strategy to explicitly model the shape constraints, as well as a CNN shape regularizer to strengthen the embedding of shape features. To assess the geometric accuracy of building segmentation results, we introduced several object-based quality assessment metrics. Experiments on two open benchmark datasets show that the proposed ASLNet improves both the pixel-based accuracy and the object-based quality measurements by a large margin. The code is available at: this https URL

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Training of Variational Auto-encoders for Continual Zero-shot Learning(A-CZSL)

Most of the existing artificial neural networks(ANNs) fail to learn continually due to catastrophic forgetting, while humans can do the same by maintaining previous tasks' performances. Although storing all the previous data can alleviate the problem, it takes a large memory, infeasible in real-world utilization. We propose a continual zero-shot learning model(A-CZSL) that is more suitable in real-case scenarios to address the issue that can learn sequentially and distinguish classes the model has not seen during training. Further, to enhance the reliability, we develop A-CZSL for a single head continual learning setting where task identity is revealed during the training process but not during the testing. We present a hybrid network that consists of a shared VAE module to hold information of all tasks and task-specific private VAE modules for each task. The model's size grows with each task to prevent catastrophic forgetting of task-specific skills, and it includes a replay approach to preserve shared skills. We demonstrate our hybrid model outperforms the baselines and is effective on several datasets, i.e., CUB, AWA1, AWA2, and aPY. We show our method is superior in class sequentially learning with ZSL(Zero-Shot Learning) and GZSL(Generalized Zero-Shot Learning).

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Guided with Deep Clustering for Face Presentation Attack Detection

Face Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) has drawn increasing attentions to secure the face recognition systems that are widely used in many applications. Conventional face anti-spoofing methods have been proposed, assuming that testing is from the same domain used for training, and so cannot generalize well on unseen attack scenarios. The trained models tend to overfit to the acquisition sensors and attack types available in the training data. In light of this, we propose an end-to-end learning framework based on Domain Adaptation (DA) to improve PAD generalization capability. Labeled source-domain samples are used to train the feature extractor and classifier via cross-entropy loss, while unsupervised data from the target domain are utilized in adversarial DA approach causing the model to learn domain-invariant features. Using DA alone in face PAD fails to adapt well to target domain that is acquired in different conditions with different devices and attack types than the source domain. And so, in order to keep the intrinsic properties of the target domain, deep clustering of target samples is performed. Training and deep clustering are performed end-to-end, and experiments performed on several public benchmark datasets validate that our proposed Deep Clustering guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (DCDA) can learn more generalized information compared with the state-of-the-art classification error on the target domain.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Adversarial example generation with AdaBelief Optimizer and Crop Invariance

Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are crafted by applying small, human-imperceptible perturbations on the original images, so as to mislead deep neural networks to output inaccurate predictions. Adversarial attacks can thus be an important method to evaluate and select robust models in safety-critical applications. However, under the challenging black-box setting, most existing adversarial attacks often achieve relatively low success rates on adversarially trained networks and advanced defense models. In this paper, we propose AdaBelief Iterative Fast Gradient Method (ABI-FGM) and Crop-Invariant attack Method (CIM) to improves the transferability of adversarial examples. ABI-FGM and CIM can be readily integrated to build a strong gradient-based attack to further boost the success rates of adversarial examples for black-box attacks. Moreover, our method can also be naturally combined with other gradient-based attack methods to build a more robust attack to generate more transferable adversarial examples against the defense models. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset demonstrate the method's effectiveness. Whether on adversarially trained networks or advanced defense models, our method has higher success rates than state-of-the-art gradient-based attack methods.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

AlphaNet: Improved Training of Supernets with Alpha-Divergence

Weight-sharing neural architecture search (NAS) is an effective technique for automating efficient neural architecture design. Weight-sharing NAS builds a supernet that assembles all the architectures as its sub-networks and jointly trains the supernet with the sub-networks. The success of weight-sharing NAS heavily relies on distilling the knowledge of the supernet to the sub-networks. However, we find that the widely used distillation divergence, i.e., KL divergence, may lead to student sub-networks that over-estimate or under-estimate the uncertainty of the teacher supernet, leading to inferior performance of the sub-networks. In this work, we propose to improve the supernet training with a more generalized alpha-divergence. By adaptively selecting the alpha-divergence, we simultaneously prevent the over-estimation or under-estimation of the uncertainty of the teacher model. We apply the proposed alpha-divergence based supernets training to both slimmable neural networks and weight-sharing NAS, and demonstrate significant improvements. Specifically, our discovered model family, AlphaNet, outperforms prior-art models on a wide range of FLOPs regimes, including BigNAS, Once-for-All networks, and AttentiveNAS. We achieve ImageNet top-1 accuracy of 80.0% with only 444M FLOPs. Our code and pretrained models are available at this https URL.

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