Featured Researches

Information Theory

Optimal Coding Scheme and Resource Allocation for Distributed Computation with Limited Resources

A central issue of distributed computing systems is how to optimally allocate computing and storage resources and design data shuffling strategies such that the total execution time for computing and data shuffling is minimized. This is extremely critical when the computation, storage and communication resources are limited. In this paper, we study the resource allocation and coding scheme for the MapReduce-type framework with limited resources. In particular, we focus on the coded distributed computing (CDC) approach proposed by Li et al.. We first extend the asymmetric CDC (ACDC) scheme proposed by Yu et al. to the cascade case where each output function is computed by multiple servers. Then we demonstrate that whether CDC or ACDC is better depends on system parameters (e.g., number of computing servers) and task parameters (e.g., number of input files), implying that neither CDC nor ACDC is optimal. By merging the ideas of CDC and ACDC, we propose a hybrid scheme and show that it can strictly outperform CDC and ACDC. Furthermore, we derive an information-theoretic converse showing that for the MapReduce task using a type of weakly symmetric Reduce assignment, which includes the Reduce assignments of CDC and ACDC as special cases, the hybrid scheme with a corresponding resource allocation strategy is optimal, i.e., achieves the minimum execution time, for an arbitrary amount of computing servers and storage memories.

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Information Theory

Optimal Demand Private Coded Caching for Users with Small Buffers

Coded Caching is an efficient technique to reduce peak hour network traffic. One limitation of known coded caching schemes is that the demands of all users are revealed to their peers in the delivery phase. Schemes that assure privacy for user demands are studied in recent past. Assuming that the users are equipped with caches of small memory sizes, the achievable rate under demand privacy constraints is investigated in this work. We present an MDS code based demand private coded caching scheme with K users and N files that achieves a memory rate pair ( 1 K(N??)+1 ,N(1??1 K(N??)+1 )) . The presented memory-rate pair meets the lower bound under demand-privacy requirements, proposed by Yan \textit{et al.} in the recent work \cite{c13}. By memory sharing this characterizes the exact rate-memory trade-off for the demand private coded caching scheme for cache memory M?�[0, 1 K(N??)+1 ] .

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Information Theory

Optimal Pre-Processing to Achieve Fairness and Its Relationship with Total Variation Barycenter

We use disparate impact, i.e., the extent that the probability of observing an output depends on protected attributes such as race and gender, to measure fairness. We prove that disparate impact is upper bounded by the total variation distance between the distribution of the inputs given the protected attributes. We then use pre-processing, also known as data repair, to enforce fairness. We show that utility degradation, i.e., the extent that the success of a forecasting model changes by pre-processing the data, is upper bounded by the total variation distance between the distribution of the data before and after pre-processing. Hence, the problem of finding the optimal pre-processing regiment for enforcing fairness can be cast as minimizing total variations distance between the distribution of the data before and after pre-processing subject to a constraint on the total variation distance between the distribution of the inputs given protected attributes. This problem is a linear program that can be efficiently solved. We show that this problem is intimately related to finding the barycenter (i.e., center of mass) of two distributions when distances in the probability space are measured by total variation distance. We also investigate the effect of differential privacy on fairness using the proposed the total variation distances. We demonstrate the results using numerical experimentation with a practice dataset.

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Information Theory

Optimal SIC Ordering and Power Allocation in Downlink Multi-Cell NOMA Systems

In this work, we propose a globally optimal joint successive interference cancellation (SIC) ordering and power allocation (JSPA) algorithm for the sum-rate maximization problem in downlink multi-cell non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems. The proposed algorithm is based on the exploration of base stations (BSs) power consumption, and closed-form of optimal powers obtained for each cell. Although the optimal JSPA algorithm scales well with larger number of users, it is still exponential in the number of cells. For any suboptimal decoding order, we propose a low-complexity near-optimal joint rate and power allocation (JRPA) strategy in which the complete rate region of users is exploited. Furthermore, we design a near-optimal semi-centralized JSPA framework for a two-tier heterogeneous network such that it scales well with larger number of small-BSs and users. Numerical results show that JRPA highly outperforms the case that the users are enforced to achieve their channel capacity by imposing the well-known SIC necessary condition on power allocation. Moreover, the proposed semi-centralized JSPA framework significantly outperforms the fully distributed framework, where all the BSs operate in their maximum power budget. Therefore, the centralized JRPA and semi-centralized JSPA algorithms with near-to-optimal performance are good choices for larger number of cells and users.

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Information Theory

Optimal Signaling with Mismatch in Priors of an Encoder and Decoder

We consider communications between an encoder and a decoder, viewed as two decision makers, which have subjective beliefs on the probabilistic model of the source distribution. Even though the decision makers employ the same cost function, induced expected costs are different from the perspective of the encoder and decoder due to their subjective probabilistic beliefs, which requires a game theoretic treatment. Depending on the commitment nature of the encoder to its policies, we analyze this signaling game problem under Nash and Stackelberg equilibrium concepts. In particular, we consider a communication scenario through a Gaussian noise channel with a power constrained encoder. We show that the Stackelberg equilibrium cost of the encoder is upper semi continuous, under the Wasserstein metric, as encoder's prior approaches to decoder's prior and in the particular case of Gaussian subjective priors it is also lower semi continuous, which proves the robustness of the equilibrium around the team setup. We further prove that the optimality of affine policies for Gaussian signaling under Stackelberg equilibria breaks down due to the presence of prior mismatch. We also investigate the informativeness of Stackelberg equilibria under affine policy restriction when there is prior mismatch and show that under certain conditions the equilibria become non-informative, that is information transmission ceases to exist. For the Nash setup, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which there exist informative affine Nash equilibria. Furthermore, we show that there exist fully informative Nash and Stackelberg equilibria for the cheap talk problem (i.e., no additive noise term and no power constraint at the encoder) as in the team theoretic setup under an absolute continuity condition.

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Information Theory

Optimizing Age of Information in Random-Access Poisson Networks

Timeliness is an emerging requirement for many Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In IoT networks, where a large-number of nodes are distributed, severe interference may incur during the transmission phase which causes age of information (AoI) degradation. It is therefore important to study the performance limit of AoI as well as how to achieve such limit. In this paper, we aim to optimize the AoI in random access Poisson networks. By taking into account the spatio-temporal interactions amongst the transmitters, an expression of the peak AoI is derived, based on explicit expressions of the optimal peak AoI and the corresponding optimal system parameters including the packet arrival rate and the channel access probability are further derived. It is shown that with a given packet arrival rate (resp. a given channel access probability), the optimal channel access probability (resp. the optimal packet arrival rate), is equal to one under a small node deployment density, and decrease monotonically as the spatial deployment density increases due to the severe interference caused by spatio-temproal coupling between transmitters. When joint tuning of the packet arrival rate and channel access probability is performed, the optimal channel access probability is always set to be one. Moreover, with the sole tuning of the channel access probability, it is found that the optimal peak AoI performance can be improved with a smaller packet arrival rate only when the node deployment density is high, which is contrast to the case of the sole tuning of the packet arrival rate, where a higher channel access probability always leads to better optimal peak AoI regardless of the node deployment density. In all the cases of optimal tuning of system parameters, the optimal peak AoI linearly grows with the node deployment density as opposed to an exponential growth with fixed system parameters.

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Information Theory

Optimizing Information Freshness for Cooperative IoT Systems with Stochastic Arrivals

This paper considers a cooperative Internet of Things (IoT) system with a source aiming to transmit randomly generated status updates to a designated destination as timely as possible under the help of a relay. We adopt a recently proposed concept, the age of information (AoI), to characterize the timeliness of the status updates. In the considered system, delivering the status updates via the one-hop direct link will have a shorter transmission time at the cost of incurring a higher error probability, while the delivery of status updates through the two-hop relay link could be more reliable at the cost of suffering longer transmission time. Thus, it is important to design the relaying protocol of the considered system for optimizing the information freshness. Considering the limited capabilities of IoT devices, we propose two low-complexity age-oriented relaying (AoR) protocols, i.e., the source-prioritized AoR (SP-AoR) protocol and the relay-prioritized AoR (RP-AoR) protocol, to reduce the AoI of the considered system. By carefully analyzing the evolution of the instantaneous AoI, we derive closed-form expressions of the average AoI for both proposed AoR protocols. We further optimize the generation probability of the status updates at the source in both protocols. Simulation results validate our theoretical analysis, and demonstrate that the two proposed protocols outperform each other under various system parameters. Moreover, the protocol with better performance can achieve near-optimal performance compared with the optimal scheduling policy attained by applying the Markov decision process (MDP) tool.

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Information Theory

Optimizing QoS for Erasure-Coded Wireless Data Centers

Cloud computing facilitates the access of applications and data from any location by a distributed storage system. Erasure codes offer better data replication technique with reduced storage costs for more reliability. This paper considers the erasure-coded data center with multiple servers in a wireless network where each is equipped with a base-station. The cause of latency in the file retrieval process is mainly due to queuing delays at each server. This work puts forth a stochastic optimization framework for obtaining the optimal scheduling policy that maximizes users' quality of service (QoS) while adhering to the latency requirements. We further show that the problem has non-linear functions of expectations in objective and constraints and is impossible to solve with traditional SGD like algorithms. We propose a new algorithm that addresses compositional structure in the problem. Further, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves a faster convergence rate than the best-known results. Finally, we test the efficacy of the proposed method in a simulated environment.

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Information Theory

Optimizing RRH Placement Under a Noise-Limited Point-to-Point Wireless Backhaul

In this paper, we study the deployment decisions and location optimization for the remote radio heads (RRHs) in coordinated distributed networks in the presence of a wireless backhaul. We implement a scheme where the RRHs use zero-forcing beamforming (ZF-BF) for the access channel to jointly serve multiple users, while on the backhaul the RRHs are connected to their central units (CUs) through point-to-point wireless links. We investigate the effect of this scheme on the deployment of the RRHs and on the resulting achievable spectral efficiency over the access channel (under a backhaul outage constraint). Our results show that even for noise-limited backhaul links, a large bandwidth must be allocated to the backhaul to allow freely distributing the RRHs in the network. Additionally, our results show that distributing the available antennas on more RRHs is favored as compared to a more co-located antenna system. This motivates further works to study the efficiency of wireless backhaul schemes and their effect on the performance of coordinated distributed networks with joint transmission.

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Information Theory

Optimum Detection of Defective Elements in Non-Adaptive Group Testing

We explore the problem of deriving a posteriori probabilities of being defective for the members of a population in the non-adaptive group testing framework. Both noiseless and noisy testing models are addressed. The technique, which relies of a trellis representation of the test constraints, can be applied efficiently to moderate-size populations. The complexity of the approach is discussed and numerical results on the false positive probability vs. false negative probability trade-off are presented.

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