Featured Researches


Can ROS be used securely in industry? Red teaming ROS-Industrial

With its growing use in industry, ROS is rapidly becoming a standard in robotics. While developments in ROS 2 show promise, the slow adoption cycles in industry will push widespread ROS 2 industrial adoption years from now. ROS will prevail in the meantime which raises the question: can ROS be used securely for industrial use cases even though its origins didn't consider it? The present study analyzes this question experimentally by performing a targeted offensive security exercise in a synthetic industrial use case involving ROS-Industrial and ROS packages. Our exercise results in four groups of attacks which manage to compromise the ROS computational graph, and all except one take control of most robotic endpoints at desire. To the best of our knowledge and given our setup, results do not favour the secure use of ROS in industry today, however, we managed to confirm that the security of certain robotic endpoints hold and remain optimistic about securing ROS industrial deployments.

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Cell A* for Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Partially-known Environments

Proper path planning is the first step of robust and efficient autonomous navigation for mobile robots. Meanwhile, it is still challenging for robots to work in a complex environment without complete prior information. This paper presents an extension to the A* search algorithm and its variants to make the path planning stable with less computational burden while handling long-distance tasks. The implemented algorithm is capable of online searching for a collision-free and smooth path when heading to the defined goal position. This paper deploys the algorithm on the autonomous drone platform and implements it on a remote control car for algorithm efficiency validation.

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Centralized Collision-free Polynomial Trajectories and Goal Assignment for Aerial Swarms

Computationally tractable methods are developed for centralized goal assignment and planning of collision-free polynomial-in-time trajectories for systems of multiple aerial robots. The method first assigns robots to goals to minimize total time-in-motion based on initial trajectories. By coupling the assignment and trajectory generation, the initial motion plans tend to require only limited collision resolution. The plans are then refined by checking for potential collisions and resolving them using either start time delays or altitude assignment. Numerical experiments using both methods show significant reductions in the total time required for agents to arrive at goals with only modest additional computational effort in comparison to state-of-the-art prior work, enabling planning for thousands of agents.

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Closing the Planning-Learning Loop with Application to Autonomous Driving in a Crowd

Imagine an autonomous robot vehicle driving in dense, possibly unregulated urban traffic. To contend with an uncertain, interactive environment with many traffic participants, the robot vehicle has to perform long-term planning in order to drive effectively and approach human-level performance. Planning explicitly over a long time horizon, however, incurs prohibitive computational cost and is impractical under real-time constraints. To achieve real-time performance for large-scale planning, this paper introduces Learning from Tree Search for Driving (LeTS-Drive), which integrates planning and learning in a close loop. LeTS-Drive learns a driving policy from a planner based on sparsely-sampled tree search. It then guides online planning using this learned policy for real-time vehicle control. These two steps are repeated to form a close loop so that the planner and the learner inform each other and both improve in synchrony. The entire algorithm evolves on its own in a self-supervised manner, without explicit human efforts on data labeling. We applied LeTS-Drive to autonomous driving in crowded urban environments in simulation. Experimental results clearly show that LeTS-Drive outperforms either planning or learning alone, as well as open-loop integration of planning and learning.

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Clutter Slices Approach for Identification-on-the-fly of Indoor Spaces

Construction spaces are constantly evolving, dynamic environments in need of continuous surveying, inspection, and assessment. Traditional manual inspection of such spaces proves to be an arduous and time-consuming activity. Automation using robotic agents can be an effective solution. Robots, with perception capabilities can autonomously classify and survey indoor construction spaces. In this paper, we present a novel identification-on-the-fly approach for coarse classification of indoor spaces using the unique signature of clutter. Using the context granted by clutter, we recognize common indoor spaces such as corridors, staircases, shared spaces, and restrooms. The proposed clutter slices pipeline achieves a maximum accuracy of 93.6% on the presented clutter slices dataset. This sensor independent approach can be generalized to various domains to equip intelligent autonomous agents in better perceiving their environment.

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Co-Evolution of Multi-Robot Controllers and Task Cues for Off-World Open Pit Mining

Robots are ideal for open-pit mining on the Moon as its a dull, dirty, and dangerous task. The challenge is to scale up productivity with an ever-increasing number of robots. This paper presents a novel method for developing scalable controllers for use in multi-robot excavation and site-preparation scenarios. The controller starts with a blank slate and does not require human-authored operations scripts nor detailed modeling of the kinematics and dynamics of the excavator. The 'Artificial Neural Tissue' (ANT) architecture is used as a control system for autonomous robot teams to perform resource gathering. This control architecture combines a variable-topology neural-network structure with a coarse-coding strategy that permits specialized areas to develop in the tissue. Our work in this field shows that fleets of autonomous decentralized robots have an optimal operating density. Too few robots result in insufficient labor, while too many robots cause antagonism, where the robots undo each other's work and are stuck in gridlock. In this paper, we explore the use of templates and task cues to improve group performance further and minimize antagonism. Our results show light beacons and task cues are effective in sparking new and innovative solutions at improving robot performance when placed under stressful situations such as severe time-constraint.

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Co-Planar Parametrization for Stereo-SLAM and Visual-Inertial Odometry

This work proposes a novel SLAM framework for stereo and visual inertial odometry estimation. It builds an efficient and robust parametrization of co-planar points and lines which leverages specific geometric constraints to improve camera pose optimization in terms of both efficiency and accuracy. %reduce the size of the Hessian matrix in the optimization. The pipeline consists of extracting 2D points and lines, predicting planar regions and filtering the outliers via RANSAC. Our parametrization scheme then represents co-planar points and lines as their 2D image coordinates and parameters of planes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing it to traditional parametrizations in a novel Monte-Carlo simulation set. Further, the whole stereo SLAM and VIO system is compared with state-of-the-art methods on the public real-world dataset EuRoC. Our method shows better results in terms of accuracy and efficiency than the state-of-the-art. The code is released at this https URL.

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CollisionIK: A Per-Instant Pose Optimization Method for Generating Robot Motions with Environment Collision Avoidance

In this work, we present a per-instant pose optimization method that can generate configurations that achieve specified pose or motion objectives as best as possible over a sequence of solutions, while also simultaneously avoiding collisions with static or dynamic obstacles in the environment. We cast our method as a multi-objective, non-linear constrained optimization-based IK problem where each term in the objective function encodes a particular pose objective. We demonstrate how to effectively incorporate environment collision avoidance as a single term in this multi-objective, optimization-based IK structure, and provide solutions for how to spatially represent and organize external environments such that data can be efficiently passed to a real-time, performance-critical optimization loop. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by comparing it to various state-of-the-art methods in a testbed of simulation experiments and discuss the implications of our work based on our results.

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Communication-free Cohesive Flexible-Object Transport using Decentralized Robot Networks

Decentralized network theories focus on achieving consensus and in speeding up the rate of convergence to consensus. However, network cohesion (i.e., maintaining consensus) during transitions between consensus values is also important when transporting flexible structures. Deviations in the robot positions due to loss of cohesion when moving flexible structures from one position to another, such as uncuredcomposite aircraft wings, can cause large deformations, which in turn, can result in potential damage. The major contribution of this work is to develop a decentralized approach to transport flexible objects in a cohesive manner using local force measurements, without the need for additional communication between the robots. Additionally, stability conditions are developed for discrete-time implementation of the proposed cohesive transition approach, and experimental results are presented, which show that the proposed cohesive transportation approach can reduce the relative deformations by 85% when compared to the case without it.

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Comparative Analysis of Agent-Oriented Task Assignment and Path Planning Algorithms Applied to Drone Swarms

Autonomous drone swarms are a burgeoning technology with significant applications in the field of mapping, inspection, transportation and monitoring. To complete a task, each drone has to accomplish a sub-goal within the context of the overall task at hand and navigate through the environment by avoiding collision with obstacles and with other agents in the environment. In this work, we choose the task of optimal coverage of an environment with drone swarms where the global knowledge of the goal states and its positions are known but not of the obstacles. The drones have to choose the Points of Interest (PoI) present in the environment to visit, along with the order to be visited to ensure fast coverage. We model this task in a simulation and use an agent-oriented approach to solve the problem. We evaluate different policy networks trained with reinforcement learning algorithms based on their effectiveness, i.e. time taken to map the area and efficiency, i.e. computational requirements. We couple the task assignment with path planning in an unique way for performing collision avoidance during navigation and compare a grid-based global planning algorithm, i.e. Wavefront and a gradient-based local planning algorithm, i.e. Potential Field. We also evaluate the Potential Field planning algorithm with different cost functions, propose a method to adaptively modify the velocity of the drone when using the Huber loss function to perform collision avoidance and observe its effect on the trajectory of the drones. We demonstrate our experiments in 2D and 3D simulations.

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