Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

Efficient q-Integer Linear Decomposition of Multivariate Polynomials

We present two new algorithms for the computation of the q-integer linear decomposition of a multivariate polynomial. Such a decomposition is essential for the treatment of q-hypergeometric symbolic summation via creative telescoping and for describing the q-counterpart of Ore-Sato theory. Both of our algorithms require only basic integer and polynomial arithmetic and work for any unique factorization domain containing the ring of integers. Complete complexity analyses are conducted for both our algorithms and two previous algorithms in the case of multivariate integer polynomials, showing that our algorithms have better theoretical performances. A Maple implementation is also included which suggests that our algorithms are also much faster in practice than previous algorithms.

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Symbolic Computation

Efficient sparse polynomial factoring using the Funnel heap

This work is a comprehensive extension of Abu-Salem et al. (2015) that investigates the prowess of the Funnel Heap for implementing sums of products in the polytope method for factoring polynomials, when the polynomials are in sparse distributed representation. We exploit that the work and cache complexity of an Insert operation using Funnel Heap can be refined to de- pend on the rank of the inserted monomial product, where rank corresponds to its lifetime in Funnel Heap. By optimising on the pattern by which insertions and extractions occur during the Hensel lifting phase of the polytope method, we are able to obtain an adaptive Funnel Heap that minimises all of the work, cache, and space complexity of this phase. Additionally, we conduct a detailed empirical study confirming the superiority of Funnel Heap over the generic Binary Heap once swaps to external memory begin to take place. We demonstrate that Funnel Heap is a more efficient merger than the cache oblivious k-merger, which fails to achieve its optimal (and amortised) cache complexity when used for performing sums of products. This provides an empirical proof of concept that the overlapping approach for perform- ing sums of products using one global Funnel Heap is more suited than the serialised approach, even when the latter uses the best merging structures available.

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Symbolic Computation

Efficiently Computing Real Roots of Sparse Polynomials

We propose an efficient algorithm to compute the real roots of a sparse polynomial f?�R[x] having k non-zero real-valued coefficients. It is assumed that arbitrarily good approximations of the non-zero coefficients are given by means of a coefficient oracle. For a given positive integer L , our algorithm returns disjoint disks ? 1 ,?? ? s ?�C , with s<2k , centered at the real axis and of radius less than 2 ?�L together with positive integers μ 1 ,?? μ s such that each disk ? i contains exactly μ i roots of f counted with multiplicity. In addition, it is ensured that each real root of f is contained in one of the disks. If f has only simple real roots, our algorithm can also be used to isolate all real roots. The bit complexity of our algorithm is polynomial in k and logn , and near-linear in L and ? , where 2 ?��?and 2 ? constitute lower and upper bounds on the absolute values of the non-zero coefficients of f , and n is the degree of f . For root isolation, the bit complexity is polynomial in k and logn , and near-linear in ? and log ? ?? , where ? denotes the separation of the real roots.

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Symbolic Computation

Elimination-based certificates for triangular equivalence and rank profiles

In this paper, we give novel certificates for triangular equivalence and rank profiles. These certificates enable somebody to verify the row or column rank profiles or the whole rank profile matrix faster than recomputing them, with a negligible overall overhead. We first provide quadratic time and space non-interactive certificates saving the logarithmic factors of previously known ones. Then we propose interactive certificates for the same problems whose Monte Carlo verification complexity requires a small constant number of matrix-vector multiplications, a linear space, and a linear number of extra field operations , with a linear number of interactions. As an application we also give an interactive protocol, certifying the determinant or the signature of dense matrices, faster for the Prover than the best previously known one. Finally we give linear space and constant round certificates for the row or column rank profiles.

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Symbolic Computation

Encoding and Decoding Algorithms for Arbitrary Dimensional Hilbert Order

Hilbert order is widely applied in many areas. However, most of the algorithms are confined to low dimensional cases. In this paper, algorithms for encoding and decoding arbitrary dimensional Hilbert order are presented. Eight algorithms are proposed. Four algorithms are based on arithmetic operations and the other four algorithms are based on bit operations. For the algorithms complexities, four of them are linear and the other four are constant for given inputs. In the end of the paper, algorithms for two dimensional Hilbert order are presented to demonstrate the usage of the algorithms introduced.

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Symbolic Computation

Entropy supplementary conservation law for non-linear systems of PDEs with non-conservative terms: application to the modelling and analysis of complex fluid flows using computer algebra

In the present contribution, we investigate first-order nonlinear systems of partial differential equations which are constituted of two parts: a system of conservation laws and non-conservative first order terms. Whereas the theory of first-order systems of conservation laws is well established and the conditions for the existence of supplementary conservation laws, and more specifically of an entropy supplementary conservation law for smooth solutions, well known, there exists so far no general extension to obtain such supplementary conservation laws when non-conservative terms are present. We propose a framework in order to extend the existing theory and show that the presence of non-conservative terms somewhat complexifies the problem since numerous combinations of the conservative and non-conservative terms can lead to a supplementary conservation law. We then identify a restricted framework in order to design and analyze physical models of complex fluid flows by means of computer algebra and thus obtain the entire ensemble of possible combination of conservative and non-conservative terms with the objective of obtaining specifically an entropy supplementary conservation law. The theory as well as developed computer algebra tool are then applied to a Baer-Nunziato two-phase flow model and to a multicomponent plasma fluid model. The first one is a first-order fluid model, with non-conservative terms impacting on the linearly degenerate field and requires a closure since there is no way to derive interfacial quantities from averaging principles and we need guidance in order to close the pressure and velocity of the interface and the thermodynamics of the mixture. The second one involves first order terms for the heavy species coupled to second order terms for the electrons, the non-conservative terms impact the genuinely nonlinear fields and the model can be rigorously derived from kinetic theory. We show how the theory allows to recover the whole spectrum of closures obtained so far in the literature for the two-phase flow system as well as conditions when one aims at extending the thermodynamics and also applies to the plasma case, where we recover the usual entropy supplementary equation, thus assessing the effectiveness and scope of the proposed theory.

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Symbolic Computation

Error Correcting Codes, finding polynomials of bounded degree agreeing on a dense fraction of a set of points

Here we present some revised arguments to a randomized algorithm proposed by Sudan to find the polynomials of bounded degree agreeing on a dense fraction of a set of points in F 2 for some field F .

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Symbolic Computation

Error correction in fast matrix multiplication and inverse

We present new algorithms to detect and correct errors in the product of two matrices, or the inverse of a matrix, over an arbitrary field. Our algorithms do not require any additional information or encoding other than the original inputs and the erroneous output. Their running time is softly linear in the number of nonzero entries in these matrices when the number of errors is sufficiently small, and they also incorporate fast matrix multiplication so that the cost scales well when the number of errors is large. These algorithms build on the recent result of Gasieniec et al (2017) on correcting matrix products, as well as existing work on verification algorithms, sparse low-rank linear algebra, and sparse polynomial interpolation.

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Symbolic Computation

Essentially Optimal Sparse Polynomial Multiplication

We present a probabilistic algorithm to compute the product of two univariate sparse polynomials over a field with a number of bit operations that is quasi-linear in the size of the input and the output. Our algorithm works for any field of characteristic zero or larger than the degree. We mainly rely on sparse interpolation and on a new algorithm for verifying a sparse product that has also a quasi-linear time complexity. Using Kronecker substitution techniques we extend our result to the multivariate case.

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Symbolic Computation

Evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials on intervals and application to root finding

In approximation theory, it is standard to approximate functions by polynomials expressed in the Chebyshev basis. Evaluating a polynomial f of degree n given in the Chebyshev basis can be done in O(n) arithmetic operations using the Clenshaw algorithm. Unfortunately, the evaluation of f on an interval I using the Clenshaw algorithm with interval arithmetic returns an interval of width exponential in n . We describe a variant of the Clenshaw algorithm based on ball arithmetic that returns an interval of width quadratic in n for an interval of small enough width. As an application, our variant of the Clenshaw algorithm can be used to design an efficient root finding algorithm.

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