Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

Guessing Gr{ö}bner Bases of Structured Ideals of Relations of Sequences

Assuming sufficiently many terms of a n-dimensional table defined over a field are given, we aim at guessing the linear recurrence relations with either constant or polynomial coefficients they satisfy. In many applications, the table terms come along with a structure: for instance, they may be zero outside of a cone, they may be built from a Gr{ö}bner basis of an ideal invariant under the action of a finite group. Thus, we show how to take advantage of this structure to both reduce the number of table queries and the number of operations in the base field to recover the ideal of relations of the table. In applications like in combinatorics, where all these zero terms make us guess many fake relations, this allows us to drastically reduce these wrong guesses. These algorithms have been implemented and, experimentally, they let us handle examples that we could not manage otherwise. Furthermore, we show which kind of cone and lattice structures are preserved by skew polynomial multiplication. This allows us to speed up the guessing of linear recurrence relations with polynomial coefficients by computing sparse Gr{ö}bner bases or Gr{ö}bner bases of an ideal invariant under the action of a finite group in a ring of skew polynomials.

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Symbolic Computation

Hierarchical Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition

The concept of comprehensive triangular decomposition (CTD) was first introduced by Chen et al. in their CASC'2007 paper and could be viewed as an analogue of comprehensive Grobner systems for parametric polynomial systems. The first complete algorithm for computing CTD was also proposed in that paper and implemented in the RegularChains library in Maple. Following our previous work on generic regular decomposition for parametric polynomial systems, we introduce in this paper a so-called hierarchical strategy for computing CTDs. Roughly speaking, for a given parametric system, the parametric space is divided into several sub-spaces of different dimensions and we compute CTDs over those sub-spaces one by one. So, it is possible that, for some benchmarks, it is difficult to compute CTDs in reasonable time while this strategy can obtain some "partial" solutions over some parametric sub-spaces. The program based on this strategy has been tested on a number of benchmarks from the literature. Experimental results on these benchmarks with comparison to RegularChains are reported and may be valuable for developing more efficient triangularization tools.

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Symbolic Computation

Holonomic Tools for Basic Hypergeometric Functions

With the exception of q-hypergeometric summation, the use of computer algebra packages implementing Zeilberger's "holonomic systems approach" in a broader mathematical sense is less common in the field of q-series and basic hypergeometric functions. A major objective of this article is to popularize the usage of such tools also in these domains. Concrete case studies showing software in action introduce to the basic techniques. An application highlight is a new computer-assisted proof of the celebrated Ismail-Zhang formula, an important q-analog of a classical expansion formula of plane waves in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials.

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Symbolic Computation

Homotopy techniques for solving sparse column support determinantal polynomial systems

Let K be a field of characteristic zero with K ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ its algebraic closure. Given a sequence of polynomials g=( g 1 ,…, g s )∈K[ x 1 ,…, x n ] s and a polynomial matrix F=[ f i,j ]∈K[ x 1 ,…, x n ] p×q , with p≤q , we are interested in determining the isolated points of V p (F,g) , the algebraic set of points in K ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ at which all polynomials in g and all p -minors of F vanish, under the assumption n=q−p+s+1 . Such polynomial systems arise in a variety of applications including for example polynomial optimization and computational geometry. We design a randomized sparse homotopy algorithm for computing the isolated points in V p (F,g) which takes advantage of the determinantal structure of the system defining V p (F,g) . Its complexity is polynomial in the maximum number of isolated solutions to such systems sharing the same sparsity pattern and in some combinatorial quantities attached to the structure of such systems. It is the first algorithm which takes advantage both on the determinantal structure and sparsity of input polynomials. We also derive complexity bounds for the particular but important case where g and the columns of F satisfy weighted degree constraints. Such systems arise naturally in the computation of critical points of maps restricted to algebraic sets when both are invariant by the action of the symmetric group.

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Symbolic Computation

Identifying the Parametric Occurrence of Multiple Steady States for some Biological Networks

We consider a problem from biological network analysis of determining regions in a parameter space over which there are multiple steady states for positive real values of variables and parameters. We describe multiple approaches to address the problem using tools from Symbolic Computation. We describe how progress was made to achieve semi-algebraic descriptions of the multistationarity regions of parameter space, and compare symbolic results to numerical methods. The biological networks studied are models of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) network which has already consumed considerable effort using special insights into its structure of corresponding models. Our main example is a model with 11 equations in 11 variables and 19 parameters, 3 of which are of interest for symbolic treatment. The model also imposes positivity conditions on all variables and parameters. We apply combinations of symbolic computation methods designed for mixed equality/inequality systems, specifically virtual substitution, lazy real triangularization and cylindrical algebraic decomposition, as well as a simplification technique adapted from Gaussian elimination and graph theory. We are able to determine multistationarity of our main example over a 2-dimensional parameter space. We also study a second MAPK model and a symbolic grid sampling technique which can locate such regions in 3-dimensional parameter space.

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Symbolic Computation

Imperative Program Synthesis from Answer Set Programs

Our research concerns generating imperative programs from Answer Set Programming Specifications. ASP is highly declarative and is ideal for writing specifications. Further with negation-as-failure it is easy to succinctly represent combinatorial search problems. We are currently working on synthesizing imperative programs from ASP programs by turning the negation into useful computations. This opens up a novel way to synthesize programs from executable specifications.

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Symbolic Computation

Implementations of efficient univariate polynomial matrix algorithms and application to bivariate resultants

Complexity bounds for many problems on matrices with univariate polynomial entries have been improved in the last few years. Still, for most related algorithms, efficient implementations are not available, which leaves open the question of the practical impact of these algorithms, e.g. on applications such as decoding some error-correcting codes and solving polynomial systems or structured linear systems. In this paper, we discuss implementation aspects for most fundamental operations: multiplication, truncated inversion, approximants, interpolants, kernels, linear system solving, determinant, and basis reduction. We focus on prime fields with a word-size modulus, relying on Shoup's C++ library NTL. Combining these new tools to implement variants of Villard's algorithm for the resultant of generic bivariate polynomials (ISSAC 2018), we get better performance than the state of the art for large parameters.

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Symbolic Computation

Implementing a Method for Stochastization of One-Step Processes in a Computer Algebra System

When modeling such phenomena as population dynamics, controllable ows, etc., a problem arises of adapting the existing models to a phenomenon under study. For this purpose, we propose to derive new models from the rst principles by stochastization of one-step processes. Research can be represented as an iterative process that consists in obtaining a model and its further re nement. The number of such iterations can be extremely large. This work is aimed at software implementation (by means of computer algebra) of a method for stochastization of one-step processes. As a basis of the software implementation, we use the SymPy computer algebra system. Based on a developed algorithm, we derive stochastic di erential equations and their interaction schemes. The operation of the program is demonstrated on the Verhulst and Lotka-Volterra models.

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Symbolic Computation

Improved Computation of Involutive Bases

In this paper, we describe improved algorithms to compute Janet and Pommaret bases. To this end, based on the method proposed by Moller et al., we present a more efficient variant of Gerdt's algorithm (than the algorithm presented by Gerdt-Hashemi-M.Alizadeh) to compute minimal involutive bases. Further, by using the involutive version of Hilbert driven technique, along with the new variant of Gerdt's algorithm, we modify the algorithm, given by Seiler, to compute a linear change of coordinates for a given homogeneous ideal so that the new ideal (after performing this change) possesses a finite Pommaret basis. All the proposed algorithms have been implemented in Maple and their efficiency is discussed via a set of benchmark polynomials.

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Symbolic Computation

Improved Polynomial Remainder Sequences for Ore Polynomials

Polynomial remainder sequences contain the intermediate results of the Euclidean algorithm when applied to (non-)commutative polynomials. The running time of the algorithm is dependent on the size of the coefficients of the remainders. Different ways have been studied to make these as small as possible. The subresultant sequence of two polynomials is a polynomial remainder sequence in which the size of the coefficients is optimal in the generic case, but when taking the input from applications, the coefficients are often larger than necessary. We generalize two improvements of the subresultant sequence to Ore polynomials and derive a new bound for the minimal coefficient size. Our approach also yields a new proof for the results in the commutative case, providing a new point of view on the origin of the extraneous factors of the coefficients.

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