Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

On Algorithmic Estimation of Analytic Complexity for Polynomial Solutions to Hypergeometric Systems

The paper deals with the analytic complexity of solutions to bivariate holonomic hypergeometric systems of the Horn type. We obtain estimates on the analytic complexity of Puiseux polynomial solutions to the hypergeometric systems defined by zonotopes. We also propose algorithms of the analytic complexity estimation for polynomials.

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Symbolic Computation

On Bezout Inequalities for non-homogeneous Polynomial Ideals

We introduce a "workable" notion of degree for non-homogeneous polynomial ideals and formulate and prove ideal theoretic Bézout Inequalities for the sum of two ideals in terms of this notion of degree and the degree of generators. We compute probabilistically the degree of an equidimensional ideal.

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Symbolic Computation

On Division Polynomial PIT and Supersingularity

For an elliptic curve E over a finite field $\F_q$, where q is a prime power, we propose new algorithms for testing the supersingularity of E . Our algorithms are based on the Polynomial Identity Testing (PIT) problem for the p -th division polynomial of E . In particular, an efficient algorithm using points of high order on E is given.

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Symbolic Computation

On Euler's inequality and automated reasoning with dynamic geometry

Euler's inequality R≥2r can be investigated in a novel way by using implicit loci in GeoGebra. Some unavoidable side effects of the implicit locus computation introduce unexpected algebraic curves. By using a mixture of symbolic and numerical methods a possible approach is sketched up to investigate the situation. By exploiting fast GPU computations, a web application written in CindyJS helps in understanding the situation even better.

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Symbolic Computation

On Exact Polya and Putinar's Representations

We consider the problem of finding exact sums of squares (SOS) decompositions for certain classes of non-negative multivariate polynomials, relying on semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers. We start by providing a hybrid numeric-symbolic algorithm computing exact rational SOS decompositions for polynomials lying in the interior of the SOS cone. It computes an approximate SOS decomposition for a perturbation of the input polynomial with an arbitrary-precision SDP solver. An exact SOS decomposition is obtained thanks to the perturbation terms. We prove that bit complexity estimates on output size and runtime are both polynomial in the degree of the input polynomial and simply exponential in the number of variables. Next, we apply this algorithm to compute exact Polya and Putinar's representations respectively for positive definite forms and positive polynomials over basic compact semi-algebraic sets. We also compare the implementation of our algorithms with existing methods in computer algebra including cylindrical algebraic decomposition and critical point method.

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Symbolic Computation

On Exact Reznick, Hilbert-Artin and Putinar's Representations

We consider the problem of computing exact sums of squares (SOS) decompositions for certain classes of non-negative multivariate polynomials, relying on semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers. We provide a hybrid numeric-symbolic algorithm computing exact rational SOS decompositions with rational coefficients for polynomials lying in the interior of the SOS cone. The first step of this algorithm computes an approximate SOS decomposition for a perturbation of the input polynomial with an arbitrary-precision SDP solver. Next, an exact SOS decomposition is obtained thanks to the perturbation terms and a compensation phenomenon. We prove that bit complexity estimates on output size and runtime are both polynomial in the degree of the input polynomial and singly exponential in the number of variables. Next, we apply this algorithm to compute exact Reznick, Hilbert-Artin's representation and Putinar's representations respectively for positive definite forms and positive polynomials over basic compact semi-algebraic sets. We also report on practical experiments done with the implementation of these algorithms and existing alternatives such as the critical point method and cylindrical algebraic decomposition.

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Symbolic Computation

On FGLM Algorithms with Tate Algebras

Tate introduced in [Ta71] the notion of Tate algebras to serve, in the context of analytic geometry over the-adics, as a counterpart of polynomial algebras in classical algebraic geometry. In [CVV19, CVV20] the formalism of Gr{ö}bner bases over Tate algebras has been introduced and advanced signature-based algorithms have been proposed. In the present article, we extend the FGLM algorithm of [FGLM93] to Tate algebras. Beyond allowing for fast change of ordering, this strategy has two other important benefits. First, it provides an efficient algorithm for changing the radii of convergence which, in particular, makes effective the bridge between the polynomial setting and the Tate setting and may help in speeding up the computation of Gr{ö}bner basis over Tate algebras. Second, it gives the foundations for designing a fast algorithm for interreduction, which could serve as basic primitive in our previous algorithms and accelerate them significantly.

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Symbolic Computation

On FGLM Algorithms with Tropical Gröbner bases

Let K be a field equipped with a valuation. Tropical varieties over K can be defined with a theory of Gr{ö}bner bases taking into account the valuation of K. Because of the use of the valuation, the theory of tropical Gr{ö}bner bases has proved to provide settings for computations over polynomial rings over a p-adic field that are more stable than that of classical Gr{ö}bner bases. In this article, we investigate how the FGLM change of ordering algorithm can be adapted to the tropical setting. As the valuations of the polynomial coefficients are taken into account, the classical FGLM algorithm's incremental way, monomo-mial by monomial, to compute the multiplication matrices and the change of basis matrix can not be transposed at all to the tropical setting. We mitigate this issue by developing new linear algebra algorithms and apply them to our new tropical FGLM algorithms. Motivations are twofold. Firstly, to compute tropical varieties, one usually goes through the computation of many tropical Gr{ö}bner bases defined for varying weights (and then varying term orders). For an ideal of dimension 0, the tropical FGLM algorithm provides an efficient way to go from a tropical Gr{ö}bner basis from one weight to one for another weight. Secondly, the FGLM strategy can be applied to go from a tropical Gr{ö}bner basis to a classical Gr{ö}bner basis. We provide tools to chain the stable computation of a tropical Gr{ö}bner basis (for weight [0,. .. , 0]) with the p-adic stabilized variants of FGLM of [RV16] to compute a lexicographical or shape position basis. All our algorithms have been implemented into SageMath. We provide numerical examples to illustrate time-complexity. We then illustrate the superiority of our strategy regarding to the stability of p-adic numerical computations.

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Symbolic Computation

On Factor Left Prime Factorization Problems for Multivariate Polynomial Matrices

This paper is concerned with factor left prime factorization problems for multivariate polynomial matrices without full row rank. We propose a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of factor left prime factorizations of a class of multivariate polynomial matrices, and then design an algorithm to compute all factor left prime factorizations if they exist. We implement the algorithm on the computer algebra system Maple, and two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. The results presented in this paper are also true for the existence of factor right prime factorizations of multivariate polynomial matrices without full column rank.

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Symbolic Computation

On Formal Power Series Solutions of Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations

We propose a computational method to determine when a solution modulo a certain power of the independent variable of a given algebraic differential equation (AODE) can be extended to a formal power series solution. The existence and the uniqueness conditions for the initial value problems for AODEs at singular points are included. Moreover, when the existence is confirmed, we present the algebraic structure of the set of all formal power series solutions satisfying the initial value conditions.

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