Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Learning the Ising Model with Generative Neural Networks

Recent advances in deep learning and neural networks have led to an increased interest in the application of generative models in statistical and condensed matter physics. In particular, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs) as specific classes of neural networks have been successfully applied in the context of physical feature extraction and representation learning. Despite these successes, however, there is only limited understanding of their representational properties and limitations. To better understand the representational characteristics of RBMs and VAEs, we study their ability to capture physical features of the Ising model at different temperatures. This approach allows us to quantitatively assess learned representations by comparing sample features with corresponding theoretical predictions. Our results suggest that the considered RBMs and convolutional VAEs are able to capture the temperature dependence of magnetization, energy, and spin-spin correlations. The samples generated by RBMs are more evenly distributed across temperature than those generated by VAEs. We also find that convolutional layers in VAEs are important to model spin correlations whereas RBMs achieve similar or even better performances without convolutional filters.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Lieb-Robinson Bounds, Out-of-Time-Order Commutators, and Lightcone Structures of Unconventional Many-Body Localization in Constrained Quantum Systems

Study how quantum information propagates through the spacetime manifold may provide a useful means of identifying, distinguishing, and classifying the unconventional phases of matter fertilized by many-body effects in strongly interacting systems in and out of equilibrium. Via a fuller characterization of the key aspects regarding the descendent novel dynamical processes, we performed such an analysis on the constrained many-body-localized phase -- a newly-discovered fully localized state in the infinite-interaction limit -- in the quasirandom Rydberg-blockaded spin chains using the thermal out-of-time-ordered commutators (OTOCs). The calculated OTOC lightcone contours predict a new and hitherto unknown Lieb-Robinson bound for the constrained many-body localization, which is qualitatively different from that of the conventional unconstrained many-body Anderson insulators normally arising in the weak-interaction limit. Our combined numerical and analytical investigation thus suggests that the constrained many-body localization is a distinct dynamical phase of matter in constrained quantum systems whose underlying mechanism of nonergodicity is beyond the existing phenomenology of quasilocal integrals of motion. Further, it also consolidates the hierarchy of unconventional quantum dynamics that encompasses constrained, unconstrained, and diagonal many-body-localized states.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Lifetimes of local excitations in disordered dipolar quantum systems

When a strongly disordered system of interacting quantum dipoles is locally excited, the excitation relaxes on some (potentially very long) timescale. We analyze this relaxation process, both for electron glasses with strong Coulomb interactions - in which particle-hole dipoles are emergent excitations - and for systems (e.g., quantum magnets or ultracold dipolar molecules) made up of microscopic dipoles. We consider both energy relaxation rates ( T 1 times) and dephasing rates ( T 2 times), and their dependence on frequency, temperature, and polarization. Systems in both two and three dimensions are considered, along with the dimensional crossover in quasi-two dimensional geometries. A rich set of scaling laws is found.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Lifshitz tails at spectral edge and holography with a finite cutoff

We propose the holographic description of the Lifshitz tail typical for one-particle spectral density of bounded disordered system in D=1 space. To this aim the "polymer representation" of the Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) 2D dilaton gravity at a finite cutoff is used and the corresponding partition function is considered as the weighted sum over paths of fixed length in an external magnetic field. We identify the regime of small loops, responsible for emergence of a Lifshitz tail in the Gaussian disorder, and relate the strength of disorder to the boundary value of the dilaton. The geometry corresponding to the Poisson disorder in the boundary theory involves random paths fluctuating in the vicinity of the hard impenetrable cut-off disc in a 2D plane. It is shown that the ensemble of "stretched" paths evading the disc possesses the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) scaling for fluctuations, which is the key property that ensures the dual description of the Lifshitz tail in the spectral density for the Poisson disorder.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Linearized spectral decimation in fractals

In this article we study the energy level spectrum of fractals which have block-hierarchical structures. We develop a method to study the spectral properties in terms of linearization of spectral decimation procedure and verify it numerically. Our approach provides qualitative explanations for various spectral properties of self-similar graphs within the theory of dynamical systems, including power-law level-spacing distribution, smooth density of states and effective chaotic regime.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Local Integrals of Motion for Topologically Ordered Many-Body Localized Systems

Many-body localized (MBL) systems are often described using their local integrals of motion, which, for spin systems, are commonly assumed to be a local unitary transform of the set of on-site spin-z operators. We show that this assumption cannot hold for topologically ordered MBL systems. Using a suitable definition to capture such systems in any spatial dimension, we demonstrate a number of features, including that MBL topological order, if present: (i) is the same for all eigenstates; (ii) is robust in character against any perturbation preserving MBL; (iii) implies that on topologically nontrivial manifolds a complete set of integrals of motion must include nonlocal ones in the form of local-unitary-dressed noncontractible Wilson loops. Our approach is well suited for tensor-network methods, and is expected to allow these to resolve highly-excited finite-size-split topological eigenspaces despite their overlap in energy. We illustrate our approach on the disordered Kitaev chain, toric code, and X-cube model.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Local Operator Entanglement in Spin Chains

We study the time evolution of bi- and tripartite operator mutual information of the time-evolution operator and Pauli's spin operators in the one-dimensional Ising model with magnetic field and the disordered Heisenberg model. In the Ising model, the early-time evolution qualitatively follows an effective light cone picture, and the late-time value is well described by Page's value for a random pure state. In the Heisenberg model with strong disorder, we find many-body localization prevents the information from propagating and being delocalized. We also find an effective Ising Hamiltonian describes the time evolution of bi- and tripartite operator mutual information for the Heisenberg model in the large disorder regime.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Local integrals of motion and the quasiperiodic many-body localization transition

We study the many body localization (MBL) transition for interacting fermions subject to quasiperiodic potentials by constructing the local integrals of motion (LIOMs) in the MBL phase as time-averaged local operators. We study numerically how these time-averaged operators evolve across the MBL transition. We find that the norm of such time-averaged operators drops discontinuously to zero across the transition; as we discuss, this implies that LIOMs abruptly become unstable at some critical localization length of order unity. We analyze the LIOMs using hydrodynamic projections and isolating the part of the operator that is associated with interactions. Equipped with this data we perform a finite-size scaling analysis of the quasiperiodic MBL transition. Our results suggest that the quasiperiodic MBL transition occurs at considerably stronger quasiperiodic modulations, and has a larger correlation-length critical exponent, than previous studies had found.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localisation in quasiperiodic chains: a theory based on convergence of local propagators

Quasiperiodic systems serve as fertile ground for studying localisation, due to their propensity already in one dimension to exhibit rich phase diagrams with mobility edges. The deterministic and strongly-correlated nature of the quasiperiodic potential nevertheless offers challenges distinct from disordered systems. Motivated by this, we present a theory of localisation in quasiperiodic chains with nearest-neighbour hoppings, based on the convergence of local propagators; exploiting the fact that the imaginary part of the associated self-energy acts as a probabilistic order parameter for localisation transitions and, importantly, admits a continued-fraction representation. Analysing the convergence of these continued fractions, localisation or its absence can be determined, yielding in turn the critical points and mobility edges. Interestingly, we find anomalous scalings of the order parameter with system size at the critical points, consistent with the fractal character of critical eigenstates. The very nature of the theory implies that it goes far beyond the leading-order self-consistent framework introduced by us recently [Phys. Rev. B 103, L060201 (2021)]. Self-consistent theories at high orders are in fact shown to be conceptually connected to the theory based on continued fractions, and in practice converge to the same result. Results are exemplified by analysing the theory for three families of quasiperiodic models covering a range of behaviour.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Localisation on certain graphs with strongly correlated disorder

Many-body localisation in interacting quantum systems can be cast as a disordered hopping problem on the underlying Fock-space graph. A crucial feature of the effective Fock-space disorder is that the Fock-space site energies are strongly correlated -- maximally so for sites separated by a finite distance on the graph. Motivated by this, and to understand the effect of such correlations more fundamentally, we study Anderson localisation on Cayley trees and random regular graphs, with maximally correlated disorder. Since such correlations suppress short distance fluctuations in the disorder potential, one might naively suppose they disfavour localisation. We find however that there exists an Anderson transition, and indeed that localisation is more robust in the sense that the critical disorder scales with graph connectivity K as K − − √ , in marked contrast to KlnK in the uncorrelated case. This scaling is argued to be intimately connected to the stability of many-body localisation. Our analysis centres on an exact recursive formulation for the local propagators as well as a self-consistent mean-field theory; with results corroborated using exact diagonalisation.

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