Featured Researches

Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Eight fold quantum Hall phases in a time reversal symmetry broken tight binding model

We consider a time reversal symmetry (TRS) broken Kane-Mele model superimposed with Haldane model and chart out the phase diagram using spin Chern number to investigate the fate of quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI) and quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) phases. Interestingly, in addition to QSHI and QAHI phase, the phase diagram unveils quantum anomalous spin Hall insulator (QASHI) phase where only one spin sector is topological. We also find multicritical points where three / four topological phase boundaries coalesce. These topological phases are protected by an effective TRS and a composite anti-unitary particle-hole symmetry leading to remarkable properties of edge modes. We find spin-selective, spin-polarized and spin-neutral edge transport in QASHI, QSHI and QAHI phases respectively. Our study indicates that the robustness of the topological phase mainly depends on the spin gap which does not necessarily vanish at the Dirac points across a topological phase transition. We believe that our proposals can be tested in near future using recent experimental advancements in solid state and cold atomic systems.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electric Field Tunable Topological Phases in Graphene Nanoribbons

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) possess distinct symmetry-protected topological phases. We show, through first-principles calculations, that by applying an experimentally accessible transverse electric field (TEF), certain boron and nitrogen periodically co-doped GNRs have tunable topological phases. The tunability arises from a field-induced band inversion due to an opposite response of the conduction- and valance-band states to the electric field. With a spatially-varying applied field, segments of GNRs of distinct topological phases are created, resulting in a field-programmable array of topological junction states, each may be occupied with charge or spin. Our findings not only show that electric field may be used as an easy tuning knob for topological phases in quasi-one-dimensional systems, but also provide new design principles for future GNR-based quantum electronic devices through their topological characters.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electric-field-induced spin spiral state in bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbons

We investigated the emergence of spin spiral ground state induced by the electric field in the bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbons for the ferromagnetic edge states. To do that, we employed the generalized Bloch theorem to create flat spiral alignments for all the magnetic moments of carbon atoms at the edges within a constraint scheme approach. While the small ribbon width can preserve the ferromagnetic ground state, the large one shows the spiral ground state starting from a certain value of the electric field. We also pointed out that the spiral ground state is caused by the reduction of spin stiffness. In this case, the energy scale exhibits a subtle nature that can only be considered at the low temperature. For the last discussion, we also revealed that the spin spiral ground state appears more rapidly when the thickness increases. Therefore, we justify that the large ribbon width and large thickness can generate many spiral states induced by the electric field.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electric-field-tunable intervalley excitons and phonon replicas in bilayer WSe 2

We report the direct observation of intervalley exciton between the Q conduction valley and ? valence valley in bilayer WSe 2 by photoluminescence. The Q ? exciton lies at ~18 meV below the QK exciton and dominates the luminescence of bilayer WSe 2 . By measuring the exciton spectra at gate-tunable electric field, we reveal different interlayer electric dipole moments and Stark shifts between Q ? and QK excitons. Notably, we can use the electric field to switch the energy order and dominant luminescence between Q ? and QK excitons. Both Q ? and QK excitons exhibit pronounced phonon replicas, in which two-phonon replicas outshine the one-phonon replicas due to the existence of (nearly) resonant exciton-phonon scatterings and numerous two-phonon scattering paths. We can simulate the replica spectra by comprehensive theoretical modeling and calculations. The good agreement between theory and experiment for the Stark shifts and phonon replicas strongly supports our assignment of Q ? and QK excitons.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electrically controllable cyclotron resonance

Cyclotron resonance (CR) is considered one of the fundamental phenomena in conducting systems. In this paper, we study CR in a gated two-dimensional (2D) electron system (ES). Namely, we analyze the absorption of electromagnetic radiation incident normal to the gated 2DES, where a standard dielectric substrate separates the 2D electron sheet and the metallic steering electrode ("gate"); the whole system is placed in the perpendicular magnetic field. Our analysis reveals the redshift of the absorption peak frequency compared to the electron cyclotron frequency. The redshift appears in low-frequency regime, when the resonant frequency is much less than the frequency of Fabry-Perot modes in natural resonator "2D electron sheet - substrate - gate". Moreover, we find this shift to be dependent on the electron density of 2DES. Therefore, it can be controlled by varying the gate voltage. We predict that the shift can be large in realistic gated or back-gated 2DESs. The obtained controllability of CR in gated 2DES opens the door for exploring new physics and applications of this phenomenon.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electrically controlled quantum confinement of neutral excitons in 2D semiconductors

Achieving fully tunable quantum confinement of excitons has been a long-standing goal in optoelectronics and quantum photonics. We demonstrate electrically controlled 1D quantum confinement of neutral excitons by means of a lateral p-i-n junction in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor. Exciton trapping in the i-region occurs due to the dc Stark effect induced by in-plane electric fields. Remarkably, we observe a new confinement mechanism arising from the repulsive polaronic dressing of excitons by electrons and holes in the surrounding regions. The overall confinement potential leads to quantization of excitonic motion, which manifests in the emergence of multiple spectrally narrow, voltage-dependent resonances in reflectance and photoluminescence measurements. Additionally, the photoluminescence from confined excitonic states exhibits high degree of linear polarization, highlighting the 1D nature of quantum confinement. Electrically tunable quantum confined excitons may provide a scalable platform for arrays of identical single photon sources and constitute building blocks of strongly correlated photonic many-body systems.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electrically-Insulating Flexible Films with Quasi-One-Dimensional van-der-Waals Fillers as Efficient Electromagnetic Shields

We report polymer composite films containing fillers comprised of quasi-one-dimensional (1D) van der Waals materials, specifically transition metal trichalcogenides containing 1D structural motifs that enable their exfoliation into bundles of atomic threads. These nanostructures are characterized by extremely large aspect ratios of up to 10^6. The polymer composites with low loadings of quasi-1D TaSe3 fillers (below 3 vol. %) revealed excellent electromagnetic interference shielding in the X-band GHz and EHF sub-THz frequency ranges, while remaining DC electrically insulating. The unique electromagnetic shielding characteristics of these films are attributed to effective coupling of the electromagnetic waves to the high-aspect-ratio electrically-conductive TaSe3 atomic-thread bundles even when the filler concentration is below the electrical percolation threshold. These novel films are promising for high-frequency communication technologies, which require electromagnetic shielding films that are flexible, lightweight, corrosion resistant, electrically insulating and inexpensive.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electron states on the smooth edge of 2D topological insulator: elastic backscattering and light absorption

The 2D TI edge states are considered within the Volkov-Pankratov (VP) Hamiltonian. A smooth transition between TI and OI is assumed. The edge states are formed in the total gap of homogeneous 2D material. A pair of these states are of linear dispersion, others have gapped Dirac spectra. The optical selection rules are found. The optical transitions between the neighboring edge states appear in the global 2D gap for the in-plane light electric field directed across the edge. The electrons in linear edge states have no backscattering, that is indicative of the fact of topological protection. However, when linear edge states get to the energy domain of Dirac edge states, the backscattering becomes permitted. The elastic backscattering rate is found. The Drude-like conductivity is found when the Fermi level gets into the energy domain of the coexistence of linear and Dirac edge states. The localization edge conductance of a finite sample at zero temperature is determined.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electronic Characterization of a Charge-Transfer Complex Monolayer on Graphene

Organic charge-transfer complexes (CTCs) formed by strong electron acceptor and strong electron donor molecules are known to exhibit exotic effects such as superconductivity and charge density waves. We present a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (LT-STM/STS) study of a two-dimensional (2D) monolayer CTC of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and fluorinated tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ), self-assembled on the surface of oxygen-intercalated epitaxial graphene on Ir(111) (G/O/Ir(111)). We confirm the formation of the charge-transfer complex by dI/dV spectroscopy and direct imaging of the singly-occupied molecular orbitals. High-resolution spectroscopy reveals a gap at zero bias, suggesting the formation of a correlated ground state at low temperatures. These results point to the possibility to realize and study correlated ground states in charge-transfer complex monolayers on weakly interacting surfaces.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Electronic Properties of α− T 3 Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields

We address the electronic properties of quantum dots in the two-dimensional α− T 3 lattice when subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field. Implementing an infinite mass boundary condition, we first solve the eigenvalue problem for an isolated quantum dot in the low-energy, long-wavelength approximation where the system is described by an effective Dirac-like Hamiltonian that interpolates between the graphene (pseudospin 1/2) and Dice (pseudospin 1) limits. Results are compared to a full numerical (finite-mass) tight-binding lattice calculation. In a second step we analyse charge transport through a contacted α− T 3 quantum dot in a magnetic field by calculating the local density of states and the conductance within the kernel polynomial and Landauer-Büttiker approaches. Thereby the influence of a disordered environment is discussed as well.

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