Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Emergent gauge symmetries: Yang-Mills theory

Gauge symmetries are typically interpreted as redundancies in our description of a physical system, needed in order to make Lorentz invariance explicit when working with fields of spin 1 or higher. However, another perspective on gauge symmetries is that they represent an effective decoupling of some degrees of freedom of the theory. In this work we discuss the extension of a mechanism for the emergence of gauge symmetries proposed in a previous article \cite{barcelo2016} in order to account for non-Abelian gauge symmetries. We begin by examining the linearized theory and then move on to discuss the possible non-linear extensions via a perturbative bootstrapping process. In particular, we show that the bootstrapping procedure is essential in order to determine the physical principles under which the decoupling observed at the linear level (and therefore, the emergence of gauge symmetries) extends to the non-linear scenario. These principles are the following: low-energy Lorentz invariance, emergence of massless vector fields describable by an action quadratic in those fields and their derivatives, and self-coupling to a conserved current. This serves as a step-forward in the emergent gravity program.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Emission of linearly polarized photons in a strongly coupled magnetized plasma from the gauge/gravity correspondence

We use holographic methods to show that photons emitted by a strongly coupled plasma subject to a magnetic field are linearly polarized regardless of their four-momentum, except when they propagate along the field direction. The gravitational dual is constructed using a 5D truncation of 10-dimensional type IIB supergravity, and includes a scalar field in addition to the constant magnetic one. In terms of the geometry of the collision experiment that we model, our statement is that any photon produced there has to be in its only polarization state parallel to the reaction plane.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Energy-momentum tensor and effective Lagrangian of scalar QED with a nonminimal coupling in 2D de Sitter spacetime

We have studied the induced one-loop energy-momentum tensor of a massive complex scalar field within the framework of nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics (QED) with a uniform electric field background on the Poincaré patch of the two-dimensional de Sitter spacetime (dS2). We also consider a direct coupling the scalar field to the Ricci scalar curvature which is parameterized by an arbitrary dimensionless nonminimal coupling constant. We evaluate the trace anomaly of the induced energy-momentum tensor. We show that our results for the induced energy-momentum tensor in the zero electric field case, and the trace anomaly are in agreement with the existing literature. Furthermore, we construct the one-loop effective Lagrangian from the induced energy-momentum tensor.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Enhancement of Anomalous Current by High Temperature

Recently it is found that Weyl anomaly leads to novel anomalous currents in the spacetime with a boundary. However, the anomalous current is suppressed by the mass of charge carriers and the distance to the boundary, which makes it difficult to be measured. In this paper, we explore the possible mechanisms for the enhancement of anomalous currents. Interestingly, we find that the anomalous current can be significantly enhanced by the high temperature, which makes easier the experimental detection. For free theories, the anomalous current is proportional to the temperature in the high temperature limit. In general, the absolute value of the current of Neumann boundary condition first decreases and then increases with the temperature, while the current of Dirichlet boundary condition always increases with the temperature.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Entanglement Negativity in Flat Holography

We advance holographic constructions for the entanglement negativity of bipartite states in a class of(1+1)??dimensional Galilean conformal field theories dual to asymptotically flat three dimensional bulk geometries described by Einstein Gravity and Topologically Massive Gravity. The construction involves specific algebraic sums of the lengths of bulk extremal curves homologous to certain combinations of the intervals appropriate to such bipartite states. Our analysis exactly reproduces the corresponding replica technique results in the large central charge limit. We substantiate our construction through a semi classical analysis involving the geometric monodromy technique for the case of two disjoint intervals in such Galilean conformal field theories dual to bulk Einstein Gravity.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Entanglement Wedge Cross Section with Gauss-Bonnet Corrections and Thermal Quench

The entanglement wedge cross section (EWCS) is numerically investigated both statically and dynamically in a five-dimension AdS-Vaidya spacetime with Gauss-Bonnet (GB) corrections, focusing on two identical rectangular strips on the boundary. In the static case, EWCS arises as the GB coupling constantαincreasing, and disentangles at smaller separations between two strips for smallerα. For the dynamical case we observe that the monotonic relation between EWCS andαholds but the two strips no longer disentangle monotonically. In the early stage of thermal quenching, when disentanglement occurs, the smallerα, the greater separations. As time evolving, two strips then disentangle at larger separations with largerα. Our results suggest that the higher order derivative corrections also have nontrivial effects on the EWCS, so do on the entanglement of purification in the dual boundary theory.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Entropic force between two horizons of dilaton black holes with a power-Maxwell field

In this paper, we consider(n+1)-dimensional topological dilaton de Sitter black holes with power-Maxwell field as thermodynamic systems. The thermodynamic quantities corresponding to the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon respectively are interrelated. So the total entropy of the space-time should be the sum of the entropies of the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon plus a corrected term which is produced by the association of the two horizons. We analyze the entropic force produced by the corrected term at given temperatures, which is affected by parameters and dimensions of the space-time. It is shown that the change of entropic force with the position ratio of two horizons in some region is similar to that of Lennard-Jones force with the position of particles. If the effect of entropic force is similar to that of Lennard-Jones force, and other forces are absent, the motion of the cosmological horizon relative to the black hole horizon would have an oscillating process. The entropic force between the two horizons is probably one of the participants to drive the evolution of universe.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Equivariant and supersymmetric localization in QFT

Equivariant localization theory is a powerful tool that has been extensively used in the past thirty years to elegantly obtain exact integration formulas, in both mathematics and physics. These integration formulas are proved within the mathematical formalism of equivariant cohomology, a variant of standard cohomology theory that incorporates the presence of a symmetry group acting on the space at hand. A suitable infinite-dimensional generalization of this formalism is applicable to a certain class of Quantum Field Theories (QFT) endowed with supersymmetry. In this thesis we review the formalism of equivariant localization and some of its applications in Quantum Mechanics (QM) and QFT. We start from the mathematical description of equivariant cohomology and related localization theorems of finite-dimensional integrals in the case of an Abelian group action, and then we discuss their formal application to infinite-dimensional path integrals in QFT. We summarize some examples from the literature of computations of partition functions and expectation values of supersymmetric operators in various dimensions. For 1-dimensional QFT, that is QM, we review the application of the localization principle to the derivation of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem applied to the Dirac operator on a twisted spinor bundle. In 3 and 4 dimensions, we examine the computation of expectation values of certain Wilson loops in supersymmetric gauge theories and their relation to 0-dimensional theories described by "matrix models". Finally, we review the formalism of non-Abelian localization applied to 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and its application in the mapping between the standard "physical" theory and a related "cohomological" formulation.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Evaluating EYM amplitudes in four dimensions by refined graphic expansion

The recursive expansion of tree level multitrace Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) amplitudes induces a refined graphic expansion, by which any tree-level EYM amplitude can be expressed as a summation over all possible refined graphs. Each graph contributes a unique coefficient as well as a proper combination of color-ordered Yang-Mills (YM) amplitudes. This expansion allows one to evaluate EYM amplitudes through YM amplitudes, the latter have much simpler structures in four dimensions than the former. In this paper, we classify the refined graphs for the expansion of EYM amplitudes intoNkMHV sectors. Amplitudes in four dimensions, which involvek+2negative-helicity particles, at most get non-vanishing contribution from graphs inNk??(k???�k)MHV sectors. By the help of this classification, we evaluate the non-vanishing amplitudes with two negative-helicity particles in four dimensions. We establish a correspondence between the refined graphs for single-trace amplitudes with(g??i,g??j)or(h??i,g??j)configuration and the spanning forests of the known Hodges determinant form. Inspired by this correspondence, we further propose a symmetric formula of double-trace amplitudes with(g??i,g??j)configuration. By analyzing the cancellation between refined graphs in four dimensions, we prove that any other tree amplitude with two negative-helicity particles has to vanish.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Exact Noncommutative Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Atom

In this work, we present an exact analysis of two-dimensional noncommutative hydrogen atom. In this study, it is used the Levi-Civita transformation to perform the solution of the noncommutative Schrödinger equation for Coulomb potential. As an important result, we determine the energy levels for the considered system. Using the result obtained and experimental data, a bound on the noncommutativity parameter was obtained.

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