Featured Researches

Optimization And Control

Fairness over time in dynamic resource allocation with an application in Healthcare

Decision making problems are typically concerned with maximizing efficiency. In contrast, we address problems where there are multiple stakeholders and a centralized decision maker who is obliged to decide in a fair manner. Different decisions give different utility to each stakeholder. In cases where these decisions are made repeatedly, we provide efficient mathematical programming formulations to identify both the maximum fairness possible and the decisions that improve fairness over time, for reasonable metrics of fairness. We apply this framework to the problem of ambulance allocation, where decisions in consecutive rounds are constrained. With this additional complexity, we prove structural results on identifying fair feasible allocation policies and provide a hybrid algorithm with column generation and constraint programming-based solution techniques for this class of problems. Computational experiments show that our method can solve these problems orders of magnitude faster than a naive approach.

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Optimization And Control

Fast Approximate Dynamic Programming for Infinite-Horizon Continuous-State Markov Decision Processes

In this study, we consider the infinite-horizon, discounted cost, optimal control of stochastic nonlinear systems with separable cost and constraints in the state and input variables. Using the linear-time Legendre transform, we propose a novel numerical scheme for implementation of the corresponding value iteration (VI) algorithm in the conjugate domain. Detailed analyses of the convergence, time complexity, and error of the proposed algorithm are provided. In particular, with a discretization of size X and U for the state and input spaces, respectively, the proposed approach reduces the time complexity of each iteration in the VI algorithm from O(XU) to O(X+U) , by replacing the minimization operation in the primal domain with a simple addition in the conjugate domain.

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Optimization And Control

Faster Maximum Feasible Subsystem Solutions for Dense Constraint Matrices

Finding the largest cardinality feasible subset of an infeasible set of linear constraints is the Maximum Feasible Subsystem problem (MAX FS). Solving this problem is crucial in a wide range of applications such as machine learning and compressive sensing. Although MAX FS is NP-hard, useful heuristic algorithms exist, but these can be slow for large problems. We extend the existing heuristics for the case of dense constraint matrices to greatly increase their speed while preserving or improving solution quality. We test the extended algorithms on two applications that have dense constraint matrices: binary classification, and sparse recovery in compressive sensing. In both cases, speed is greatly increased with no loss of accuracy.

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Optimization And Control

Fenchel Duality and a Separation Theorem on Hadamard Manifolds

In this paper, we introduce a definition of Fenchel conjugate and Fenchel biconjugate on Hadamard manifolds based on the tangent bundle. Our definition overcomes the inconvenience that the conjugate depends on the choice of a certain point on the manifold, as previous definitions required. On the other hand, this new definition still possesses properties known to hold in the Euclidean case. It even yields a broader interpretation of the Fenchel conjugate in the Euclidean case itself. Most prominently, our definition of the Fenchel conjugate provides a Fenchel-Moreau Theorem for geodesically convex, proper, lower semicontinuous functions. In addition, this framework allows us to develop a theory of separation of convex sets on Hadamard manifolds, and a strict separation theorem is obtained.

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Optimization And Control

Finding best approximation pairs for two intersections of closed convex sets

The problem of finding a best approximation pair of two sets, which in turn generalizes the well known convex feasibility problem, has a long history that dates back to work by Cheney and Goldstein in 1959. In 2018, Aharoni, Censor, and Jiang revisited this problem and proposed an algorithm that can be used when the two sets are finite intersections of halfspaces. Motivated by their work, we present alternative algorithms that utilize projection and proximity operators. Numerical experiments indicate that these methods are competitive and sometimes superior to the one proposed by Aharoni et al.

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Optimization And Control

Finding the Sequence of Largest Small n-Polygons by Numerical Optimization

LSP(n), the largest small polygon with n vertices, is the polygon of unit diameter that has maximal area A(n). It is known that for all odd values n?? , LSP(n) is the regular n-polygon; however, this statement is not valid for even values of n. Finding the polygon LSP(n) and A(n) for even values n?? has been a long-standing challenge. In this work, we develop high-precision numerical solution estimates of A(n) for even values n?? , using the Mathematica model development environment and the IPOPT local nonlinear optimization solver engine. First, we present a revised (tightened) LSP model that greatly assists the efficient solution of the model-class considered. This is followed by numerical results for an illustrative sequence of even values of n, up to n??000 . Our results are in close agreement with, or surpass, the best results reported in all earlier studies. Most of these earlier works addressed special cases up to n??0 , while others obtained numerical optimization results for a range of values from 6?�n??00 . For completeness, we also calculate numerically optimized results for a selection of odd values of n, up to n??99 : these results can be compared to the corresponding theoretical (exact) values. The results obtained are used to provide regression model-based estimates of the optimal area sequence {A(n)}, for all even and odd values n of interest, thereby essentially solving the entire LSP model-class numerically, with demonstrably high precision.

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Optimization And Control

Finite Codimensionality Method in Infinite-dimensional Optimization Problems

This paper is devoted to establishing a first order necessary condition of Fritz John type for nonlinear infinite-dimensional optimization problems. Different from the known constraint qualifications in the optimization theory, a finite codimensionality condition is introduced. It is equivalent to suitable a priori estimates, which are much easier to be verified. As applications, the first order necessary conditions for optimal control problems of some deterministic/stochastic control systems are derived in a uniform way.

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Optimization And Control

Finite-time stabilization of an overhead crane with a flexible cable submitted to an affine tension

The paper is concerned with the finite-time stabilization of a hybrid PDE-ODE system describing the motion of an overhead crane with a flexible cable. The dynamics of the flexible cable is described by the wave equation with a variable coefficient which is an affine function of the curvilinear abscissa along the cable. Using several changes of variables, a backstepping transformation, and a finite-time stable second-order ODE for the dynamics of a conveniently chosen variable, we prove that a global finite-time stabilization occurs for the full system constituted of the platform and the cable. The kernel equations and the finite-time stable ODE are numerically solved in order to compute the nonlinear feedback law, and numerical simulations validating our finite-time stabilization approach are presented.

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Optimization And Control

Finitely Convergent Iterative Methods with Overrelaxations Revisited

We study the finite convergence of iterative methods for solving convex feasibility problems. Our key assumptions are that the interior of the solution set is nonempty and that certain overrelaxation parameters converge to zero, but with a rate slower than any geometric sequence. Unlike other works in this area, which require divergent series of overrelaxations, our approach allows us to consider some summable series. By employing quasi-Fejérian analysis in the latter case, we obtain additional asymptotic convergence guarantees, even when the interior of the solution set is empty.

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Optimization And Control

First-Order Methods for Convex Optimization

First-order methods for solving convex optimization problems have been at the forefront of mathematical optimization in the last 20 years. The rapid development of this important class of algorithms is motivated by the success stories reported in various applications, including most importantly machine learning, signal processing, imaging and control theory. First-order methods have the potential to provide low accuracy solutions at low computational complexity which makes them an attractive set of tools in large-scale optimization problems. In this survey we cover a number of key developments in gradient-based optimization methods. This includes non-Euclidean extensions of the classical proximal gradient method, and its accelerated versions. Additionally we survey recent developments within the class of projection-free methods, and proximal versions of primal-dual schemes. We give complete proofs for various key results, and highlight the unifying aspects of several optimization algorithms.

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