Featured Researches

Optimization And Control

Max-Cut via Kuramoto-type Oscillators

We consider the Max-Cut problem. Let G=(V,E) be a graph with adjacency matrix ( a ij ) n i,j=1 . Burer, Monteiro & Zhang proposed to find, for n angles { θ 1 , θ 2 ,?? θ n }?�[0,2?] , minima of the energy f( θ 1 ,?? θ n )= ??i,j=1 n a ij cos( θ i ??θ j ) because configurations achieving a global minimum leads to a partition of size 0.878 Max-Cut(G). This approach is known to be computationally viable and leads to very good results in practice. We prove that by replacing cos( θ i ??θ j ) with an explicit function g ε ( θ i ??θ j ) global minima of this new functional lead to a (1?��? Max-Cut(G). This suggests some interesting algorithms that perform well. It also shows that the problem of finding approximate global minima of energy functionals of this type is NP-hard in general.

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Optimization And Control

Maximum principle for stochastic control of SDEs with measurable drifts

In this paper, we consider stochastic optimal control of systems driven by stochastic differential equations with irregular drift coefficient. We establish a necessary and sufficient stochastic maximum principle. To achieve this, we first derive an explicit representation of the first variation process (in Sobolev sense ) of the controlled diffusion. Since the drift coefficient is not smooth, the representation is given in terms of the local time of the state process. Then we construct a sequence of optimal control problems with smooth coefficients by an approximation argument. Finally, we use Ekeland's variational principle to obtain an approximating adjoint process from which we derive the maximum principle by passing to the limit.

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Optimization And Control

Maximum weighted induced forests and trees: New formulations and a computational comparative review

Given a graph G=(V,E) with a weight w v associated with each vertex v?�V , the maximum weighted induced forest problem (MWIF) consists of encountering a maximum weighted subset V ???�V of the vertices such that V ??induces a forest. This NP-hard problem is known to be equivalent to the minimum weighted feedback vertex set problem, which has applicability in a variety of domains. The closely related maximum weighted induced tree problem (MWIT), on the other hand, requires that the subset V ???�V induces a tree. We propose two new integer programming formulations with an exponential number of constraints and branch-and-cut procedures for MWIF. Computational experiments using benchmark instances are performed comparing several formulations, including the newly proposed approaches and those available in the literature, when solved by a standard commercial mixed integer programming solver. More specifically, five formulations are compared, two compact (i.e., with a polynomial number of variables and constraints) ones and the three others with an exponential number of constraints. The experiments show that a new formulation for the problem based on directed cutset inequalities for eliminating cycles (DCUT) offers stronger linear relaxation bounds earlier in the search process. The results also indicate that the other new formulation, denoted tree with cycle elimination (TCYC), outperforms those available in the literature when it comes to the average times for proving optimality for the small instances, especially the more challenging ones. Additionally, this formulation can achieve much lower average times for solving the larger random instances that can be optimally solved. Furthermore, we show how the formulations for MWIF can be easily extended for MWIT. Such extension allowed us to compare the optimal solution values of the two problems.

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Optimization And Control

Mean Field Models to Regulate Carbon Emissions in Electricity Production

The most serious threat to ecosystems is the global climate change fueled by the uncontrolled increase in carbon emissions. In this project, we use mean field control and mean field game models to analyze and inform the decisions of electricity producers on how much renewable sources of production ought to be used in the presence of a carbon tax. The trade-off between higher revenues from production and the negative externality of carbon emissions is quantified for each producer who needs to balance in real time reliance on reliable but polluting (fossil fuel) thermal power stations versus investing in and depending upon clean production from uncertain wind and solar technologies. We compare the impacts of these decisions in two different scenarios: 1) the producers are competitive and hopefully reach a Nash Equilibrium; 2) they cooperate and reach a Social Optimum. We further introduce and analyze the impact of a regulator in control of the carbon tax policy, and we study the resulting Stackelberg equilibrium with the field of producers.

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Optimization And Control

Mean-Field Linear-Quadratic Stochastic Differential Games

The paper is concerned with two-person zero-sum mean-field linear-quadratic stochastic differential games over finite horizons. By a Hilbert space method, a necessary condition and a sufficient condition are derived for the existence of an open-loop saddle point. It is shown that under the sufficient condition, the associated two Riccati equations admit unique strongly regular solutions, in terms of which the open-loop saddle point can be represented as a linear feedback of the current state. When the game only satisfies the necessary condition, an approximate sequence is constructed by solving a family of Riccati equations and closed-loop systems.The convergence of the approximate sequence turns out to be equivalent to the open-loop solvability of the game, and the limit is exactly an open-loop saddle point, provided that the game is open-loop solvable.

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Optimization And Control

Minimum energy with infinite horizon: from stationary to non-stationary states

We study a non standard infinite horizon, infinite dimensional linear-quadratic control problem arising in the physics of non-stationary states (see e.g. \cite{BDGJL4,BertiniGabrielliLebowitz05}): finding the minimum energy to drive a given stationary state x ¯ =0 (at time t=?��? ) into an arbitrary non-stationary state x (at time t=0 ). This is the opposite to what is commonly studied in the literature on null controllability (where one drives a generic state x into the equilibrium state x ¯ =0 ). Consequently, the Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) associated to this problem is non-standard since the sign of the linear part is opposite to the usual one and since it is intrinsically unbounded. Hence the standard theory of AREs does not apply. The analogous finite horizon problem has been studied in the companion paper \cite{AcquistapaceGozzi17}. Here, similarly to such paper, we prove that the linear selfadjoint operator associated to the value function is a solution of the above mentioned ARE. Moreover, differently to \cite{AcquistapaceGozzi17}, we prove that such solution is the maximal one. The first main result (Theorem ??? ) is proved by approximating the problem with suitable auxiliary finite horizon problems (which are different from the one studied in \cite{AcquistapaceGozzi17}). Finally in the special case where the involved operators commute we characterize all solutions of the ARE (Theorem ??? ) and we apply this to the Landau-Ginzburg model.

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Optimization And Control

Minimum variance constrained estimator

Minimum variance duality based full information estimator and moving horizon estimator (MHE) are presented for discrete time linear time invariant systems in the presence of state constraints. The proposed estimators are equivalent to the Kalman filter (KF) when uncertainties are assumed to be Gaussian and constraints are absent. In the presence of constraints, the proposed estimator is proved to be stable in the sense of an observer without making the standard vanishing disturbance assumption. In order to approximate the arrival cost, we need not to run KF in parallel. The standard MHE, which is based on minimum energy duality, is compared with the proposed estimator by means of a numerical experiment on the benchmark batch reactor process.

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Optimization And Control

Minimum-time lateral interception of a moving target by a Dubins car

This paper presents the problem of lateral interception by a Dubins car of a target that moves along an a priori known trajectory. This trajectory is given by two coordinates of a planar location and one angle of a heading orientation, every one of them is a continuous function of time. The optimal trajectory planning problem of constructing minimum-time trajectories for a Dubins car in the presence of a priory known time-dependent wind vector field is a special case of the presented problem. Using the properties of the three-dimensional reachable set of a Dubins car, it is proved that the optimal interception point belongs to a part of an analytically described surface in the three-dimensional space. The analytical description of the surface makes it possible to obtain 10 algebraic equations for calculating parameters of the optimal control that implements the minimum-time lateral interception. These equations are generally transcendental and can be simplified for particular cases of target motion (e.g. resting target, straight-line uniform target motion). Finally, some particular cases of the optimal lateral interception validate developments of the paper and highlight the necessity to consider each of 10 algebraic equations in general case.

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Optimization And Control

Mixed-Integer Approaches to Constrained Optimum Communication Spanning Tree Problem

Several novel mixed-integer linear and bilinear formulations are proposed for the optimum communication spanning tree problem. They implement the distance-based approach: graph distances are directly modeled by continuous, integral, or binary variables, and interconnection between distance variables is established using the recursive Bellman-type conditions or using matrix equations from algebraic graph theory. These non-linear relations are used either directly giving rise to the bilinear formulations, or, through the big-M reformulation, resulting in the linear programs. A branch-and-bound framework of Gurobi 9.0 optimization software is employed to compare performance of the novel formulations on the example of an optimum requirement spanning tree problem with additional vertex degree constraints. Several real-world requirements matrices from transportation industry are used to generate a number of examples of different size, and computational experiments show the superiority of the two novel linear distance-based formulations over the the traditional multicommodity flow model.

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Optimization And Control

Model reduction and uncertainty quantification of multiscale diffusions with parameter uncertainties using nonlinear expectations

In this paper we study model reduction of linear and bilinear quadratic stochastic control problems with parameter uncertainties. Specifically, we consider slow-fast systems with unknown diffusion coefficient and study the convergence of the slow process in the limit of infinite scale separation. The aim of our work is two-fold: Firstly, we want to propose a general framework for averaging and homogenisation of multiscale systems with parametric uncertainties in the drift or in the diffusion coefficient. Secondly, we want to use this framework to quantify the uncertainty in the reduced system by deriving a limit equation that represents a worst-case scenario for any given (possibly path-dependent) quantity of interest. We do so by reformulating the slow-fast system as an optimal control problem in which the unknown parameter plays the role of a control variable that can take values in a closed bounded set. For systems with unknown diffusion coefficient, the underlying stochastic control problem admits an interpretation in terms of a stochastic differential equation driven by a G-Brownian motion. We prove convergence of the slow process with respect to the nonlinear expectation on the probability space induced by the G-Brownian motion. The idea here is to formulate the nonlinear dynamic programming equation of the underlying control problem as a forward-backward stochastic differential equation in the G-Brownian motion framework (in brief: G-FBSDE), for which convergence can be proved by standard means. We illustrate the theoretical findings with two simple numerical examples, exploiting the connection between fully nonlinear dynamic programming equations and second-order BSDE (2BSDE): a linear quadratic Gaussian regulator problem and a bilinear multiplicative triad that is a standard benchmark system in turbulence and climate modelling.

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