Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

J/ψ near T c

We calculate the mass shift and thermal decay width of the J/ψ near the QCD transition temperature T c by imposing two independent constraints on these variables that can be obtained first by solving the Schrödinger equation and second from the QCD sum rule approach. While the real part of the potential is determined by comparing the QCD sum rule result for charmonium and the D meson to that from the potential model result, the imaginary potential is taken to be proportional to the perturbative form multiplied by a constant factor, which in turn can be determined by applying the two independent constraints. The result shows that the binding energy and the thermal width becomes similar in magnitude at around T=1.09 T c , above which the sum rule analysis also becomes unstable, strongly suggesting that the J/ψ will melt slightly above T c .

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Nuclear Theory

Jacobi no-core shell model for p -shell hypernuclei

We extend the recently developed Jacobi no-core shell model to hypernuclei. Based on the coefficients of fractional parentage for ordinary nuclei, we define a basis where the hyperon is the spectator particle. We then formulate transition coefficients to states that single out a hyperon-nucleon pair which allow us to implement a hypernuclear many-baryon Hamiltonian for p -shell hypernuclei. As a first application, we use the basis states and the transition coefficients to calculate the ground states of 4 Λ He, 4 Λ H, 5 Λ He, 6 Λ He, 6 Λ Li, and 7 Λ Li and, additionally, the first excited states of 4 Λ He, 4 Λ H, and 7 Λ Li. In order to obtain converged results, we employ the similarity renormalization group (SRG) to soften the nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon interactions. Although the dependence on this evolution of the Hamiltonian is significant, we show that a strong correlation of the results can be used to identify preferred SRG parameters. This allows for meaningful predictions of hypernuclear binding and excitation energies. The transition coefficients will be made publicly available as HDF5 data files.

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Nuclear Theory

Jet quenching in the hadron gas: An exploratory study

In most calculations of hard particle suppression in heavy-ion reactions the hadronic stage has been neglected due to formation time arguments. Most of the hard particle shower exits the hot and dense medium before the system enters the hadronic evolution. In this contribution, a first assessment within the hadronic transport approach SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) of rescattering effects on hard particles is presented. In particular, it is shown that the hadronic energy loss depends on the particle species as well as the energy of the probe. A parametrization for the ⟨ q ~ ⟩ parameter as a function of temperature and particle energy is given for pions. Overall, major effects of the hadronic stage are expected in the transverse momentum range from 2-10 GeV and therefore jet sub-structure analysis and (hard-soft) correlation observables might be affected.

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Nuclear Theory

Jost function formalism with complex potential

The Jost function formalism is extended with use of the complex potential in this paper. We derive the Jost function by taking into account the dual state which is defined by the complex conjugate the complex Hamiltonian. By using the unitarity of the S-matrix which is defined by the Jost function, the optical theorem with the complex potential is also derived. The role of the imaginary part of the complex potential for both the bound states and the scattering states is figured out. The numerical calculation is performed by using the complex Woods-Saxon potential, and some numerical results are demonstrated to confirmed the properties of extended Jost function formalism.

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Nuclear Theory

K 1 / K ??enhancement as a signature of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy ion collisions

Based on the fact that the mass difference between the chiral partners is an order parameter of chiral phase transition and that the chiral order parameter reduces substantially at the chemical freeze-out point in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, we argue that the production ratio of K 1 over K ??in such collisions should be substantially larger than that predicted in the statistical hadronization model. We further show that while the enhancement effect might be contaminated by the relatively larger decrease of K 1 meson than K ??meson during the hadronic phase, the signal will be visible through a systematic study on centrality as the kinetic freeze-out temperature is higher and the hadronic life time shorter in peripheral collisions than in central collisions.

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Nuclear Theory

Kinetic energy dissipation and fluctuations in strongly-damped heavy-ion collisions within the stochastic mean-field approach

Background: Microscopic mean-field approaches have been successful in describing the most probable reaction outcomes in low-energy heavy-ion reactions. However, those approaches are known to severely underestimate dispersions of observables around the average values that has limited their applicability. Recently it has been shown that a quantal transport approach based on the stochastic mean-field (SMF) theory significantly improves the description, while its application has been limited so far to fragment mass and charge dispersions. Purpose: In this work, we extend the quantal transport approach based on the SMF theory for relative kinetic energy dissipation and angular momentum transfer in low-energy heavy-ion reactions. Results: As the first application of the proposed formalism, we consider the radial linear momentum dispersion, neglecting the coupling between radial and angular momenta. We analyze the total kinetic energy (TKE) distribution of binary reaction products in the 136 Xe+ 208 Pb reaction at E c.m. =526 MeV and compare with experimental data. From time evolution of single-particle orbitals in TDHF, the radial diffusion coefficient is computed on a microscopic basis, while a phenomenological treatment is introduced for the radial friction coefficient. By solving the quantal diffusion equation for the radial linear momentum, the dispersion of the radial linear momentum is obtained, from which one can construct the TKE distribution. We find that the calculations provide a good description of the TKE distribution for large values of energy losses, TKEL ≳ 150 MeV. However, the calculations underestimate the TKE distribution for smaller energy losses. Further studies are needed to improve the technical details of calculations. (Shortened due to the word limit)

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Nuclear Theory

Large- N c analysis of two-nucleon neutrinoless double beta decay and charge-independence-breaking contact terms

The interpretation of experiments that search for neutrinoless double beta decay relies on input from nuclear theory. Cirigliano et al. recently showed that, for the light Majorana exchange formalism, effective field theory calculations require a nn?�pp e ??e ??contact term at leading order. They estimated the size of this contribution by relating it to measured charge-independence-breaking (CIB) nucleon-nucleon interactions and making an assumption about the relative sizes of CIB operators. We show that the assumptions underlying this approximation are justified in the limit of the number of colors N c being large. We also obtain a large- N c hierarchy among CIB nucleon-nucleon interactions that is in agreement with phenomenological results.

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Nuclear Theory

Lattice calculation of transport coefficient q ^ in pure gluon plasma and (2+1)-flavor QCD plasma

The transport coefficient q ^ is a leading coefficient that controls the modification of the hard parton traversing QGP, and hence, responsible for the suppression of the high transverse momentum (transverse to the beam direction) charged-hadrons in heavy-ion collisions. In this article, we present the first unquenched lattice QCD calculation of q ^ . The calculation is carried out using (2+1)-flavor of quarks, using the highly improved staggered quark action (HISQ) and tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action. The calculation is performed in a wide range of temperatures, ranging from 200 MeV <T< 800 MeV using MILC code package. We considered a leading-order process where a hard parton scatters off the glue field of a thermal QCD medium by exchanging a Glauber gluon (whose transverse momentum is larger than its longitudinal components). The hard scale associated with the jet parton allows the coupling of the gluon to that parton to be treated in perturbation theory. The coupling of the gluon to the medium is treated non-perturbatively. This non-perturbative part is expressed in terms of a non-local (two-point) field-strength-field-strength operator product which can be Taylor expanded after analytic continuation to the deep Euclidean region. Such an expansion allows us to write q ^ in terms of a series of local operators, which are suppressed by factors of the hard parton energy. The calculated q ^ and its temperature dependence demonstrates reasonable agreement with the phenomenological extraction carried out by the JET collaboration.

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Nuclear Theory

Learning about the QCD medium using electromagnetic and weak probes

Recent theoretical developments concerning radiation of electromagnetic and weak probes in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is overviewed. These proceedings focus on electromagnetic probes and briefly cover weak probes. An outlook regarding the future use of electromagnetic probes is formulated whereby a quantitative Bayesian comparison, simultaneously employing electromagnetic and hadronic calculations of experimental observables against data, is highlighted as a path towards a better understanding of the properties of the QCD medium.

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Nuclear Theory

Level density within a micro-macroscopic approach

Statistical level density \rho(E,A) is derived for nucleonic system with a given energy E, particle number A and other integrals of motion in the mean-field approximation beyond the standard saddle-point method (SPM). This level density reaches the two limits; the well-known SPM grand-canonical ensemble limit for a large entropy S related to large excitation energies, and the finite micro-canonical limit for a small combinatorical entropy S at low excitation energies. The inverse level density parameter K as function of the particle number A in the semiclassical periodic orbit theory, taking into account shell effects, is calculated and compared with experimental data.

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