Featured Researches

Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Heteroscedasticity and angle resolution in high-energy particle tracking: revisiting "Beyond the N − − √ limit of the least squares resolution and the lucky model", by G. Landi and G. E. Landi

I re-examine a recent work by G. Landi and G. E. Landi. [arXiv:1808.06708 [physics.ins-det]], in which the authors claim that the resolution of a tracker ca vary linearly with the number of detection layers, N , that is, faster than the commonly known N − − √ variation, for a tracker of fixed length, in case the precision of the position measurement is allowed to vary from layer to layer, i.e. heteroscedasticity, and an appropriate analysis method, a weighted least squares fit, is used.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

High-Performance Reconstruction of Microscopic Force Fields from Brownian Trajectories

The accurate measurement of microscopic force fields is crucial in many branches of science and technology, from biophotonics and mechanobiology to microscopy and optomechanics. These forces are often probed by analysing their influence on the motion of Brownian particles. Here, we introduce a powerful algorithm for microscopic Force Reconstruction via Maximum-likelihood-estimator (MLE) Analysis (FORMA) to retrieve the force field acting on a Brownian particle from the analysis of its displacements. FORMA yields accurate simultaneous estimations of both the conservative and non-conservative components of the force field with important advantages over established techniques, being parameter-free, requiring ten-fold less data and executing orders-of-magnitude faster. We first demonstrate FORMA performance using optical tweezers. We then show how, outperforming any other available technique, FORMA can identify and characterise stable and unstable equilibrium points in generic extended force fields. Thanks to its high performance, this new algorithm can accelerate the development of microscopic and nanoscopic force transducers capable of operating with high reliability, speed, accuracy and precision for applications in physics, biology and engineering.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Horizon Visibility Graphs and Time Series Merge Trees are Dual

In this paper we introduce the horizon visibility graph, a simple extension to the popular horizontal visibility graph representation of a time series, and show that it possesses a rigorous mathematical foundation in computational algebraic topology. This fills a longstanding gap in the literature on the horizontal visibility approach to nonlinear time series analysis which, despite a suite of successful applications across multiple domains, lacks a formal setting in which to prove general properties and develop natural extensions. The main finding is that horizon visibility graphs are dual to merge trees arising naturally over a filtered complex associated to a time series, while horizontal visibility graphs are weak duals of these trees. Immediate consequences include availability of tree-based reconstruction theorems, connections to results on the statistics of self-similar trees, and relations between visibility graphs and the emerging field of applied persistent homology.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

How Analytic Choices Can Affect the Extraction of Electromagnetic Form Factors from Elastic Electron Scattering Cross Section Data

Scientists often try to incorporate prior knowledge into their regression algorithms, such as a particular analytic behavior or a known value at a kinematic endpoint. Unfortunately, there is often no unique way to make use of this prior knowledge, and thus, different analytic choices can lead to very different regression results from the same set of data. To illustrate this point in the context of the proton electromagnetic form factors, we use the Mainz elastic data with its 1422 cross section points and 31 normalization parameters. Starting with a complex unbound non-linear regression, we will show how the addition of a single theory-motivated constraint removes an oscillation from the magnetic form factor and shifts the extracted proton charge radius. We then repeat both regressions using the same algorithm, but with a rebinned version of the Mainz dataset. These examples illustrate how analytic choices, such as the function that is being used or even the binning of the data, can dramatically affect the results of a complex regression. These results also demonstrate why it is critical when using regression algorithms to have either a physical model in mind or a firm mathematical basis

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

How neural networks find generalizable solutions: Self-tuned annealing in deep learning

Despite the tremendous success of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm in deep learning, little is known about how SGD finds generalizable solutions in the high-dimensional weight space. By analyzing the learning dynamics and loss function landscape, we discover a robust inverse relation between the weight variance and the landscape flatness (inverse of curvature) for all SGD-based learning algorithms. To explain the inverse variance-flatness relation, we develop a random landscape theory, which shows that the SGD noise strength (effective temperature) depends inversely on the landscape flatness. Our study indicates that SGD attains a self-tuned landscape-dependent annealing strategy to find generalizable solutions at the flat minima of the landscape. Finally, we demonstrate how these new theoretical insights lead to more efficient algorithms, e.g., for avoiding catastrophic forgetting.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Human search in a fitness landscape: How to assess the difficulty of a search problem

Computational modeling is widely used to study how humans and organizations search and solve problems in fields such as economics, management, cultural evolution, and computer science. We argue that current computational modeling research on human problem-solving needs to address several fundamental issues in order to generate more meaningful and falsifiable contributions. Based on comparative simulations and a new type of visualization of how to assess the nature of the fitness landscape, we address two key assumptions that approaches such as the NK framework rely on: that the NK captures the continuum of the complexity of empirical fitness landscapes, and that search behavior is a distinct component, independent from the topology of the fitness landscape. We show the limitations of the most common approach to conceptualize how complex, or rugged, a landscape is, as well as how the nature of the fitness landscape is fundamentally intertwined with search behavior. Finally, we outline broader implications for how to simulate problem-solving.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Identifying extra high frequency gravitational waves generated from oscillons with cuspy potentials using deep neural networks

During oscillations of cosmology inflation around the minimum of a cuspy potential after inflation, the existence of extra high frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) (GHz) has been proven effectively recently. Based on the electromagnetic resonance system for detecting such extra HFGWs, we adopt a new data processing scheme to identify the corresponding GW signal, which is the transverse perturbative photon fluxes (PPF). In order to overcome the problems of low efficiency and high interference in traditional data processing methods, we adopt deep learning to extract PPF and make some source parameters estimation. Deep learning is able to provide an effective method to realize classification and prediction tasks. Meanwhile, we also adopt anti-overfitting technique and make adjustment of some hyperparameters in the course of study, which improve the performance of classifier and predictor to a certain extent. Here the convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to implement deep learning process concretely. In this case, we investigate the classification accuracy varying with the ratio between the number of positive and negative samples. When such ratio exceeds to 0.11, the accuracy could reach up to 100%.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Identifying the relevant dependencies of the neural network response on characteristics of the input space

The relation between the input and output spaces of neural networks (NNs) is investigated to identify those characteristics of the input space that have a large influence on the output for a given task. For this purpose, the NN function is decomposed into a Taylor expansion in each element of the input space. The Taylor coefficients contain information about the sensitivity of the NN response to the inputs. A metric is introduced that allows for the identification of the characteristics that mostly determine the performance of the NN in solving a given task. Finally, the capability of this metric to analyze the performance of the NN is evaluated based on a task common to data analyses in high-energy particle physics experiments.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Image registration and super resolution from first principles

Image registration is the inference of transformations relating noisy and distorted images. It is fundamental in computer vision, experimental physics, and medical imaging. Many algorithms and analyses exist for inferring shift, rotation, and nonlinear transformations between image coordinates. Even in the simplest case of translation, however, all known algorithms are biased and none have achieved the precision limit of the Cramer Rao bound (CRB). Following Bayesian inference, we prove that the standard method of shifting one image to match another cannot reach the CRB. We show that the bias can be cured and the CRB reached if, instead, we use Super Registration: learning an optimal model for the underlying image and shifting that to match the data. Our theory shows that coarse-graining oversampled images can improve registration precision of the standard method. For oversampled data, our method does not yield striking improvements as measured by eye. In these cases, however, we show our new registration method can lead to dramatic improvements in extractable information, for example, inferring 10× more precise particle positions.

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Data Analysis Statistics And Probability

Image-Based Jet Analysis

Image-based jet analysis is built upon the jet image representation of jets that enables a direct connection between high energy physics and the fields of computer vision and deep learning. Through this connection, a wide array of new jet analysis techniques have emerged. In this text, we survey jet image based classification models, built primarily on the use of convolutional neural networks, examine the methods to understand what these models have learned and what is their sensitivity to uncertainties, and review the recent successes in moving these models from phenomenological studies to real world application on experiments at the LHC. Beyond jet classification, several other applications of jet image based techniques, including energy estimation, pileup noise reduction, data generation, and anomaly detection, are discussed.

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