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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Smoothing representation of fitness landscapes - the genotype-phenotype map of evolution

We investigate an simple evolutionary game of sequences and demonstrate on this example the structure of fitness landscapes in discrete problems. We show the smoothing action of the genotype-phenotype mapping which still makes it feasible for evolution to work. Further we propose the density of sequence states as a classifying measure of fitness landscapes.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Spatial Inhomogeneity and Thermodynamic Chaos

We present a coherent approach to the competition between thermodynamic states in spatially inhomogeneous systems, such as the Edwards-Anderson spin glass with a fixed coupling realization. This approach explains and relates chaotic size dependence, ``dispersal of the metastate'', and for replicas: non-independence, symmetry breaking, and overlap (non-)self-averaging.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Spontaneous Origin of Topological Complexity in Self-Organizing Neural Networks

Attention is drawn to the possibility that self-organizing biological neural networks could spontaneously acquire the capability to carry out sophisticated computations. In particular it is shown that the effective action governing the formation of synaptic connections in models of networks of feature detectors that encorporate Kohonen-like self-organization can spontaneously lead to structures that are topologically nontrivial in both a 2-dimensional and 4-dimensional sense. It is suggested that the appearance of biological neural structures with a nontrivial 4-dimensional topology is the fundamental organizational principle underlying the emergence of advanced cognitive capabilities.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Spontaneous Scaling Emergence in Generic Stochastic Systems

We extend a generic class of systems which have previously been shown to spontaneously develop scaling (power law) distributions of their elementary degrees of freedom. While the previous systems were linear and exploded exponentially for certain parameter ranges, the new systems fulfill nonlinear time evolution equations similar to the ones encountered in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) dynamics and evolve spontaneously towards "fixed trajectories" indexed by the average value of their degrees of freedom (which corresponds to the SSB order parameter). The "fixed trajectories" dynamics evolves on the edge between explosion and collapse/extinction. The systems present power laws with exponents which in a wide range ( α<−2. ) are universally determined by the ratio between the minimal and the average values of the degrees of freedom. The time fluctuations are governed by Levy distributions of corresponding power. For exponents α>−2 there is no "thermodynamic limit" and the fluctuations are dominated by a few, largest degrees of freedom which leads to macroscopic fluctuations, chaos and bursts/intermitency.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the formation of columnar structures in the primary visual cortex II --- Local organization of orientation modules

Self-organization of orientation-wheels observed in the visual cortex is discussed from the view point of topology. We argue in a generalized model of Kohonen's feature mappings that the existence of the orientation-wheels is a consequence of Riemann-Hurwitz formula from topology. In the same line, we estimate partition function of the model, and show that regardless of the total number N of the orientation-modules per hypercolumn the modules are self-organized, without fine-tuning of parameters, into definite number of orientation-wheels per hypercolumn if N is large.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Stability of periodic solutions in series arrays of Josephson junctions with internal Capacitance

A mystery surrounds the stability properties of the splay-phase periodic solutions to a series array of N Josephson junction oscillators. Contrary to what one would expect from dynamical systems theory, the splay state appears to be neutrally stable for a wide range of system parameters. It has been explained why the splay state must be neutrally stable when the Stewart-McCumber parameter beta is zero. In this paper we complete the explanation of the apparent neutral stability; we show that the splay state is typically hyperbolic -- either asymptotically stable or unstable -- when beta > 0. We conclude that there is only a single unit Floquet multiplier, based on accurate and systematic computations of the Floquet multipliers for beta ranging from 0 to 10. However, N-2 multipliers are extremely close to 1 for beta larger than about 1. In addition, two more Floquet multipliers approach 1 as beta becomes large. We visualize the global dynamics responsible for these nearly degenerate multipliers, and then estimate them accurately by a multiple time-scale analysis. For N=4 junctions the analysis also predicts that the system converges toward either the in-phase state, the splay state, or two clusters of two oscillators, depending on the parameters.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Stable Adaptive Control Using New Critic Designs

Classical adaptive control proves total-system stability for control of linear plants, but only for plants meeting very restrictive assumptions. Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) has the potential, in principle, to ensure stability without such tight restrictions. It also offers nonlinear and neural extensions for optimal control, with empirically supported links to what is seen in the brain. However, the relevant ADP methods in use today -- TD, HDP, DHP, GDHP -- and the Galerkin-based versions of these all have serious limitations when used here as parallel distributed real-time learning systems; either they do not possess quadratic unconditional stability (to be defined) or they lead to incorrect results in the stochastic case. (ADAC or Q-learning designs do not help.) After explaining these conclusions, this paper describes new ADP designs which overcome these limitations. It also addresses the Generalized Moving Target problem, a common family of static optimization problems, and describes a way to stabilize large-scale economic equilibrium models, such as the old long-term energy model of DOE.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Statistical Theory of Sedimentation of Disordered Suspensions

An analytical treatment for the sedimentation rate of disordered suspensions is presented in the context of a resistance problem. From the calculation it is confirmed that the lubrication effect is important in contrast to the suggestion by Brady and Durlofsky (Phys.Fluids Vol.31, 717 (1988)). The calculated sedimentation rate agrees well with the experimental results in all range of the volume fraction.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Statistical measures of complexity for strongly interacting systems

In recent studies, new measures of complexity for nonlinear systems have been proposed based on probabilistic grounds, as the LMC measure (Phys. Lett. A {\bf 209} (1995) 321) or the SDL measure (Phys. Rev. E {\bf 59} (1999) 2). All these measures share an intuitive consideration: complexity seems to emerge in nature close to instability points, as for example the phase transition points characteristic of critical phenomena. Here we discuss these measures and their reliability for detecting complexity close to critical points in complex systems composed of many interacting units. Both a two-dimensional spatially extended problem (the 2D Ising model) and a ∞ -dimensional (random graph) model (random Boolean networks) are analysed. It is shown that the LMC and the SDL measures can be easily generalized to extended systems but fails to detect real complexity.

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Adaptation Noise And Self Organizing Systems

Statistics of extinction and survival in Lotka-Volterra systems

We analyze purely competitive many-species Lotka-Volterra systems with random interaction matrices, focusing the attention on statistical properties of their asymptotic states. Generic features of the evolution are outlined from a semiquantitative analysis of the phase-space structure, and extensive numerical simulations are performed to study the statistics of the extinctions. We find that the number of surviving species depends strongly on the statistical properties of the interaction matrix, and that the probability of survival is weakly correlated to specific initial conditions.

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