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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Characterisation of the hydrospheres of TRAPPIST-1 planets

Context. Planetary mass and radius data are showing a wide variety in densities of low-mass exoplanets. This includes sub-Neptunes, whose low densities can be explained with the presence of a volatile-rich layer. Water is one of the most abundant volatiles, which can be in the form of different phases depending on the planetary surface conditions. To constrain their composition and interior structure, it is required to develop models that calculate accurately the properties of water at its different phases. Aims. We present an interior structure model that includes a multiphase water layer with steam, supercritical and condensed phases. We derive the constraints for planetary compositional parameters and their uncertainties, focusing on the multiplanetary system TRAPPIST-1, which presents both warm and temperate planets. Methods. We use a 1D steam atmosphere in radiative-convective equilibrium with an interior whose water layer is in supercritical phase self-consistently. For temperate surface conditions, we implement liquid and ice Ih to ice VII phases in the hydrosphere. We adopt a MCMC inversion scheme to derive the probability distributions of core and water compositional parameters Results. We refine the composition of all planets and derive atmospheric parameters for planets b and c. The latter would be in a post-runaway greenhouse state and could be extended enough to be probed by space mission such as JWST. Planets d to h present condensed ice phases, with maximum water mass fractions below 20%. Conclusions. The derived amounts of water for TRAPPIST-1 planets show a general increase with semi-major axis, with the exception of planet d. This deviation from the trend could be due to formation mechanisms, such as migration and an enrichment of water in the region where planet d formed, or an extended CO 2 -rich atmosphere.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Characterizing Atmospheres of Transiting Earth-like Exoplanets Orbiting M Dwarfs with James Webb Space Telescope

A number of transiting, potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanets have recently been detected around several nearby M dwarf stars. These worlds represent important targets for atmospheric characterization for the upcoming NASA James Webb Space Telescope. Given that available time for exoplanet characterization will be limited, it is critically important to first understand the capabilities and limitations of JWST when attempting to detect atmospheric constituents for potentially Earth-like worlds orbiting cool stars. Here, we explore coupled climate-chemistry atmospheric models for Earth-like planets orbiting a grid of M dwarf hosts. Using a newly-developed and validated JWST instrument model - the JWST Exoplanet Transit Simulator (JETS) - we investigate the detectability of key biosignature and habitability indicator gaseous species for a variety of relevant instruments and observing modes. Spectrally-resolved detection scenarios as well as cases where the spectral impact of a given species is integrated across the entire range of an instrument/mode are considered and serve to highlight the importance of considering information gained over an entire observable spectral range. When considering the entire spectral coverage of an instrument/mode, detections of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen and water at signal-to-noise ratio 5 could be achieved with observations of several tens of transits (or less) for cloud-free Earth-like worlds orbiting mid- to late-type M dwarfs at system distances of up to 10-15 pc. When compared to previous results, requisite exposure times for gas species detection depend on approaches to quantifying the spectral impact of the species as well as underlying photochemical model assumptions. Thus, constraints on atmospheric abundances, even if just upper limits, by JWST have the potential to further our understanding of terrestrial atmospheric chemistry.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Characterizing the Manx Candidate A/2018 V3

Manx objects approach the inner solar system on long-period comet (LPC) orbits with the consequent high inbound velocities, but unlike comets, Manxes display very little to no activity even near perihelion. This suggests that they may have formed in circumstances different from typical LPCs; moreover, this lack of significant activity also renders them difficult to detect at large distances. Thus, analyzing their physical properties can help constrain models of solar system formation as well as sharpen detection methods for those classified as NEOs. Here, we focus on the Manx candidate A/2018 V3 as part of a larger effort to characterize Manxes as a whole. This particular object was observed to be inactive even at its perihelion at q = 1.34 au in 2019 September. Its spectral reflectivity is consistent with typical organic-rich comet surfaces with colors of g ????r ??=0.67±0.02 , r ????i ??=0.26±0.02 , and r ????z ??=0.45±0.02 , corresponding to a spectral reflectivity slope of 10.6±0.9 %/100nm. A least-squares fit of our constructed light curve to the observational data yields an average nucleus radius of ??2 km assuming an albedo of 0.04. This is consistent with the value measured from NEOWISE. A surface brightness analysis for data taken 2020 July 13 indicated possible low activity ( ??.68 g s ?? ), but not enough to lift optically significant amounts of dust. Finally, we discuss Manxes as a constraint on solar system dynamical models as well as their implications for planetary defense.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Chondrules from high-velocity collisions: thermal histories and the agglomeration problem

We assess whether chondrules, once-molten mm-sized spheres filling the oldest meteorites, could have formed from super-km/s collisions between planetesimals in the solar nebula. High-velocity collisions release hot and dense clouds of silicate vapor which entrain and heat chondrule precursors. Thermal histories of CB chondrules are reproduced for colliding bodies ∼ 10--100 km in radius. The slower cooling rates of non-CB, porphyritic chondrules point to colliders with radii ≳ 500 km. How chondrules, collisionally dispersed into the nebula, agglomerated into meteorite parent bodies remains a mystery. The same orbital eccentricities and inclinations that enable energetic collisions prevent planetesimals from re-accreting chondrules efficiently and without damage; thus the sedimentary laminations of the CB/CH chondrite Isheyevo are hard to explain by direct fallback of collisional ejecta. At the same time, planetesimal surfaces may be littered with the shattered remains of chondrules. The micron-sized igneous particles recovered from comet 81P/Wild-2 may have originated from in-situ collisions and subsequent accretion in the proto-Kuiper belt, obviating the need to transport igneous solids across the nebula. Asteroid sample returns from Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx may similarly contain chondrule fragments.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Claimed detection of PH 3 in the clouds of Venus is consistent with mesospheric SO 2

The observation of a 266.94 GHz feature in the Venus spectrum has been attributed to PH 3 in the Venus clouds, suggesting unexpected geological, chemical or even biological processes. Since both PH 3 and SO 2 are spectrally active near 266.94 GHz, the contribution to this line from SO 2 must be determined before it can be attributed, in whole or part, to PH 3 . An undetected SO 2 reference line, interpreted as an unexpectedly low SO 2 abundance, suggested that the 266.94 GHz feature could be attributed primarily to PH 3 . However, the low SO 2 and the inference that PH 3 was in the cloud deck posed an apparent contradiction. Here we use a radiative transfer model to analyze the PH 3 discovery, and explore the detectability of different vertical distributions of PH 3 and SO 2 . We find that the 266.94 GHz line does not originate in the clouds, but above 80 km in the Venus mesosphere. This level of line formation is inconsistent with chemical modeling that assumes generation of PH 3 in the Venus clouds. Given the extremely short chemical lifetime of PH 3 in the Venus mesosphere, an implausibly high source flux would be needed to maintain the observed value of 20 ± 10 ppb. We find that typical Venus SO 2 vertical distributions and abundances fit the JCMT 266.94 GHz feature, and the resulting SO 2 reference line at 267.54 GHz would have remained undetectable in the ALMA data due to line dilution. We conclude that nominal mesospheric SO 2 is a more plausible explanation for the JCMT and ALMA data than PH 3 .

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Clarissa Family Age from the Yarkovsky Effect Chronology

The Clarissa family is a small collisional family composed of primitive C-type asteroids. It is located in a dynamically stable zone of the inner asteroid belt. In this work we determine the formation age of the Clarissa family by modeling planetary perturbations as well as thermal drift of family members due to the Yarkovsky effect. Simulations were carried out using the Swift-rmvs4 integrator modified to account for the Yarkovsky and Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effects. We ran multiple simulations starting with different ejection velocity fields of fragments, varying proportion of initially retrograde spins, and also tested different Yarkovsky/YORP models. Our goal was to match the observed orbital structure of the Clarissa family which is notably asymmetrical in the proper semimajor axis. The best fits were obtained with the initial ejection velocities < ~20 m/s of diameter D=2 km fragments, 4:1 preference for spin-up by YORP, and assuming that 80% of small family members initially had retrograde rotation. The age of the Clarissa family was found to be 56+/-6 Myr for the assumed asteroid density 1.5 g/cm3. Small variation of density to smaller or larger value would lead to slightly younger or older age estimates. This is the first case where the Yarkovsky effect chronology has been successfully applied to an asteroid family younger than 100 Myr.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Classifying High-cadence Microlensing Light Curves I; Defining Features

Microlensing is a powerful tool for discovering cold exoplanets, and the The Roman Space Telescope microlensing survey will discover over 1000 such planets. Rapid, automated classification of Roman's microlensing events can be used to prioritize follow-up observations of the most interesting events. Machine learning is now often used for classification problems in astronomy, but the success of such algorithms can rely on the definition of appropriate features that capture essential elements of the observations that can map to parameters of interest. In this paper, we introduce tools that we have developed to capture features in simulated Roman light curves of different types of microlensing events, and evaluate their effectiveness in classifying microlensing light curves. These features are quantified as parameters that can be used to decide the likelihood that a given light curve is due to a specific type of microlensing event. This method leaves us with a list of parameters that describe features like the smoothness of the peak, symmetry, the number of peaks, and width and height of small deviations from the main peak. This will allow us to quickly analyze a set of microlensing light curves and later use the resulting parameters as input to machine learning algorithms to classify the events.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Cloud Parameterizations and their Effect on Retrievals of Exoplanet Reflection Spectroscopy

Future space-based direct imaging missions will perform low-resolution (R < 100) optical (0.3-1~ μ m) spectroscopy of planets, thus enabling reflected spectroscopy of cool giants. Reflected light spectroscopy is encoded with rich information about the scattering and absorbing properties of planet atmospheres. Given the diversity of clouds and hazes expected in exoplanets, it is imperative we solidify the methodology to accurately and precisely retrieve these scattering and absorbing properties that are agnostic to cloud species. In particular, we focus on determining how different cloud parameterizations affect resultant inferences of both cloud and atmospheric composition. We simulate mock observations of the reflected spectra from three top priority direct imaging cool giant targets with different effective temperatures, ranging from 135 K to 533 K. We perform retrievals of cloud structure and molecular abundances on these three planets using four different parameterizations, each with increasing levels of cloud complexity. We find that the retrieved atmospheric and scattering properties strongly depend on the choice of cloud parameterization. For example, parameterizations that are too simplistic tend to overestimate the abundances. Overall, we are unable to retrieve precise/accurate gravity beyond ± 50\%. Lastly, we find that even low SNR=5, low R=40 reflected light spectroscopy gives cursory zeroth order insights into cloud deck position relative to molecular and Rayleigh optical depth level.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Cloud property trends in hot and ultra-hot giant gas planets (WASP-43b, WASP-103b, WASP-121b, HAT-P-7b, and WASP-18b)

Ultra-hot Jupiters are the hottest exoplanets discovered so far. Observations begin to provide insight into the composition of their extended atmospheres and their chemical day/night asymmetries. Both are strongly affected by cloud formation. We explore trends in cloud properties for a sample of five giant gas planets: WASP-43b, WASP-18b, HAT-P-7b, WASP-103b, and WASP-121b. This provides a reference frame for cloud properties for the JWST targets WASP-43b and WASP-121b. We further explore chemically inert tracers to observe geometrical asymmetries, and if the location of inner boundary of a 3D GCM matters for the clouds that form. The large day/night temperature differences of ultra-hot Jupiters cause large chemical asymmetries: cloud-free days but cloudy nights, atomic vs. molecular gases and respectively different mean molecular weights, deep thermal ionospheres vs. low-ionised atmospheres, undepleted vs enhanced C/O. WASP-18b, as the heaviest planet in the sample, has the lowest global C/O. The global climate may be considered as similar amongst ultra-hot Jupiters, but different to that of hot gas giants. The local weather, however, is individual for each planet since the local thermodynamic conditions, and hence the local cloud and gas properties, differ. The morning and the evening terminator of ultra-hot Jupiters will carry signatures of their strong chemical asymmetry such that ingress/egress asymmetries can be expected. An increased C/O ratio is a clear sign of cloud formation, making cloud modelling a necessity when utilizing C/O (or other mineral ratios) as tracer for planet formation. The changing geometrical extension of the atmosphere from the day to the nightside may be probed through chemically inert species like helium. Ultra-hot Jupiters are likely to develop deep atmospheric ionospheres which may impact the atmosphere dynamics through MHD processes.

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Earth And Planetary Astrophysics

Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. II. TOI 837: A Young Validated Planet in IC 2602

We report the discovery of TOI 837b and its validation as a transiting planet. We characterize the system using data from the NASA TESS mission, the ESA Gaia mission, ground-based photometry from El Sauce and ASTEP400, and spectroscopy from CHIRON, FEROS, and Veloce. We find that TOI 837 is a T=9.9 mag G0/F9 dwarf in the southern open cluster IC 2602. The star and planet are therefore 35 +11 −5 million years old. Combining the transit photometry with a prior on the stellar parameters derived from the cluster color-magnitude diagram, we find that the planet has an orbital period of 8.3d and is slightly smaller than Jupiter ( R p = 0.77 +0.09 −0.07 R Jup ). From radial velocity monitoring, we limit M p sini to less than 1.20 M Jup (3- σ ). The transits either graze or nearly graze the stellar limb. Grazing transits are a cause for concern, as they are often indicative of astrophysical false positive scenarios. Our follow-up data show that such scenarios are unlikely. Our combined multi-color photometry, high-resolution imaging, and radial velocities rule out hierarchical eclipsing binary scenarios. Background eclipsing binary scenarios, though limited by speckle imaging, remain a 0.2% possibility. TOI 837b is therefore a validated adolescent exoplanet. The planetary nature of the system can be confirmed or refuted through observations of the stellar obliquity and the planetary mass. Such observations may also improve our understanding of how the physical and orbital properties of exoplanets change in time.

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