Featured Researches

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Gravitational-wave Merger Forecasting: Scenarios for the early detection and localization of compact-binary mergers with ground based observatories

We present the prospects for the early (pre-merger) detection and localization of compact-binary coalescences using gravitational waves over the next 10 years. Early warning can enable the direct observation of the prompt and early electromagnetic emission of a neutron star merger. We examine the capabilities of the ground based detectors at their "Design" sensitivity (2021-2022), the planned "A+" upgrade (2024-2026), and the envisioned "Voyager" concept (late 2020's). We find that for a fiducial rate of binary neutron star mergers of 1000 Gpc −3 yr −1 , the Design, A+, and Voyager era networks can provide 18, 54, and 195s of warning for one source per year of observing, respectively, with a sky localization area < 100 deg 2 at a 90% credible level. At the same rate, the A+ and Voyager era networks will be able to provide 9 and 43s of warning, respectively, for a source with < 10 deg 2 localization area. We compare the idealized search sensitivity to that achieved by the PyCBC Live search tuned for pre-merger detection. The gravitational-wave community will be prepared to produce pre-merger alerts. Our results motivate the operation of observatories with wide fields-of-view, automation, and the capability for fast slewing to observe simultaneously with the gravitational-wave network.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

HAWC Search for High-Mass Microquasars

Microquasars with high-mass companion stars are promising very-high-energy (VHE; 0.1-100 TeV) gamma-ray emitters, but their behaviors above 10 TeV are poorly known. Using the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, we search for excess gamma-ray emission coincident with the positions of known high-mass microquasars (HMMQs). No significant emission is observed for LS 5039, Cygnus X-1, Cygnus X-3, and SS 433 with 1,523 days of HAWC data. We set the most stringent limit above 10 TeV obtained to date on each individual source. Under the assumption that HMMQs produce gamma rays via a common mechanism, we have performed source-stacking searches, considering two different scenarios: I) gamma-ray luminosity is a fraction ϵ γ of the microquasar jet luminosity, and II) very-high-energy gamma rays are produced by relativistic electrons up-scattering the radiation field of the companion star in a magnetic field B . We obtain ϵ γ <5.4? 10 ?? for scenario I, which tightly constrains models that suggest observable high-energy neutrino emission by HMMQs. In the case of scenario II, the non-detection of VHE gamma rays yields a strong magnetic field, which challenges synchrotron radiation as the dominant mechanism of the microquasar emission between 10 keV and 10 MeV.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

HESS J1858+020: A GeV-TeV source possibly powered by CRs from SNR G35.6-0.4

Context: The supernova remnant (SNR) G35.6-0.4 shows a non-thermal radio shell, however, no {\gamma}-ray or X-ray counterparts have been found for it thus far. One TeV source, HESS J1858+020, was found near the SNR and this source is spatially associated with some clouds at 3.6 kpc. Aims: To attain a better understanding of the origin of HESS J1858+020, we further investigate the association between SNR cosmic rays (CRs) and the clouds through the Fermi-LAT analysis and hadronic modeling. Methods: We performed the Fermi-LAT analysis to explore the GeV emission in and around the SNR. We explored the SNR physics with previously observed multi-wavelength data. We built a hadronic model using runaway CRs of the SNR to explain the GeV-TeV observation. Results: We found a hard GeV source (SrcX2) that is spatially coincident with both HESS J1858+020 and a molecular cloud complex at 3.6 kpc. In addition, a soft GeV source (SrcX1) was found at the northern edge of the SNR. The GeV spectrum of SrcX2 connects well with the TeV spectrum of HESS J1858+020. The entire {\gamma}-ray spectrum ranges from several GeV up to tens of TeV and it follows a power-law with an index of ~2.15. We discuss several pieces of observational evidence to support the middle-aged SNR argument. Using runaway CRs from the SNR, our hadronic model explains the GeV-TeV emission at HESS J1858+020, with a diffusion coefficient that is much lower than the Galactic value.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Heated Poles on the Companion of Redback PSR J2339 − 0533

We analyze photometry and spectra of the "redback" millisecond pulsar binary J2339 − 0533. These observations include new measurements from Keck and GROND, as well as archival measurements from the OISTER, WIYN, SOAR, and HET telescopes. The parameters derived from GROND, our primary photometric data, describe well the rest of the datasets, raising our confidence in our fitted binary properties. Our fit requires hot-spots (likely magnetic poles) on the surface of the companion star, and we see evidence that these spots move over the 8 yr span of our photometry. The derived binary inclination i= 69.3 ∘ ± 2.3 ∘ , together with the center-of-mass velocity (from the radial-velocity fits) K C =347.0±3.7 kms −1 , give a fairly typical neutron star mass of 1.47±0.09 M ⊙ .

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High Frequency Radio Observations of Two Magnetars, PSR J1622 ??4950 and 1E 1547.0 ??5408

We investigated the radio spectra of two magnetars, PSR J1622 ??4950 and 1E 1547.0 ??5408, using observations from the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array taken in 2017. Our observations of PSR J1622 ??4950 show a steep spectrum with a spectral index of ??1.3 ± 0.2 in the range of 5.5-45 GHz during its re-activating X-ray outburst in 2017. By comparing the data taken at different epochs, we found significant enhancement in the radio flux density. The spectrum of 1E 1547.0 ??5408 was inverted in the range of 43-95 GHz, suggesting a spectral peak at a few hundred gigahertz. Moreover, we obtained the X-ray and radio data of radio magnetars, PSR J1622 ??4950 and SGR J1745 ??2900, from literature and found two interesting properties. First, radio emission is known to be associated with X-ray outburst but has different evolution. We further found that the rising time of the radio emission is much longer than that of the X-ray during the outburst. Second, the radio magnetars may have double peak spectra at a few GHz and a few hundred GHz. This could indicate that the emission mechanism is different in the cm and the sub-mm bands. These two phenomenons could provide a hint to understand the origin of radio emission and its connection with the X-ray properties.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High Precision Measurements of Interstellar Dispersion Measure with the upgraded GMRT

Pulsar radio emission undergoes dispersion due to the presence of free electrons in the interstellar medium (ISM). The dispersive delay in the arrival time of pulsar signal changes over time due to the varying ISM electron column density along the line of sight. Correcting for this delay accurately is crucial for the detection of nanohertz gravitational waves using Pulsar Timing Arrays. In this work, we present in-band and inter-band DM estimates of four pulsars observed with uGMRT over the timescale of a year using two different template alignment methods. The DMs obtained using both these methods show only subtle differences for PSR 1713+0747 and J1909 ??3744. A considerable offset is seen in the DM of PSR J1939+2134 and J2145 ??0750 between the two methods. This could be due to the presence of scattering in the former and profile evolution in the latter. We find that both methods are useful but could have a systematic offset between the DMs obtained. Irrespective of the template alignment methods followed, the precision on the DMs obtained is about 10 ?? pc cm ?? using only BAND3 and 10 ?? pc cm ?? after combining data from BAND3 and BAND5 of the uGMRT. In a particular result, we have detected a DM excess of about 5? 10 ?? pc cm ?? on 24 February 2019 for PSR J2145 ??0750. This excess appears to be due to the interaction region created by fast solar wind from a coronal hole and a coronal mass ejection (CME) observed from the Sun on that epoch. A detailed analysis of this interesting event is presented.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High metal content of highly accreting quasars

We present an analysis of UV spectra of 13 quasars believed to belong to extreme Population A (xA) quasars, aimed at the estimation of the chemical abundances of the broad line emitting gas. Metallicity estimates for the broad line emitting gas of quasars are subject to a number of caveats, although present data suggest the possibility of an increase along the quasar main sequence along with prominence of optical Fe II emission. Extreme Population A sources with the strongest Fe II emission offer several advantages with respect to the quasar general population, as their optical and UV emission lines can be interpreted as the sum of a low-ionization component roughly at quasar rest frame (from virialized gas), plus a blueshifted excess (a disk wind), in different physical conditions. Specifically, in terms of ionization parameter, cloud density, metallicity and column density. Capitalizing on these results, we analyze the component at rest frame and the blueshifted one, exploiting the dependence (of several intensity line ratios on metallicity Z ). We find that the validity of intensity line ratios as metallicity indicators depends on the physical conditions. We apply the measured diagnostic ratios to estimate the physical properties of sources such as density, ionization, and metallicity of the gas. Our results confirm that the two regions (the low-ionization component and the blue-shifted excess) of different dynamical conditions also show different physical conditions and suggest metallicity values that are high, and probably the highest along the quasar main sequence, with Z≳10 Z ⊙ . We found some evidence of an overabundance of Aluminium with respect to Carbon, possibly due to selective enrichment of the broad line emitting gas by supernova ejecta.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High-Energy Neutrino Production in Clusters of Galaxies

Clusters of galaxies can potentially produce cosmic rays (CRs) up to very-high energies via large-scale shocks and turbulent acceleration. Due to their unique magnetic-field configuration, CRs with energy ??10 17 eV can be trapped within these structures over cosmological time scales, and generate secondary particles, including neutrinos and gamma rays, through interactions with the background gas and photons. In this work, we compute the contribution from clusters of galaxies to the diffuse neutrino background. We employ three-dimensional cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations of structure formation to model the turbulent intergalactic medium. We use the distribution of clusters within this cosmological volume to extract the properties of this population, including mass, magnetic field, temperature, and density. We propagate CRs in this environment using multi-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations across different redshifts (from z?? to z=0 ), considering all relevant photohadronic, photonuclear, and hadronuclear interaction processes. We find that, for CRs injected with a spectral index α=1.5??.7 and cutoff energy E max = 10 16 ??? 10 17 eV , clusters contribute to a sizeable fraction to the diffuse flux observed by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, but most of the contribution comes from clusters with M??10 14 M ??and redshift z??.3 . If we include the cosmological evolution of the CR sources, this flux can be even higher.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High-Energy Neutrinos from Magnetized Coronae of Active Galactic Nuclei and Prospects for Identification of Seyfert Galaxies and Quasars in Neutrino Telescopes

Particles may be accelerated in magnetized coronae via magnetic reconnections and/or plasma turbulence, leading to high-energy neutrinos and soft gamma rays. We evaluate the detectability of neutrinos from nearby bright Seyfert galaxies identified by X-ray measurements. In the disk-corona model, we find that NGC 1068 is the most promising Seyfert galaxy in the Northern sky, where IceCube is the most sensitive, and show prospects for the identification of aggregated neutrino signals from Seyfert galaxies bright in X-rays. Moreover, we demonstrate that nearby Seyfert galaxies are promising targets for the next generation of neutrino telescopes such as KM3NeT and IceCube-Gen2. For KM3NeT, Cen A can be the most promising source in the Southern sky if a significant fraction of the observed X-rays come from the corona, and it could be identified in few years of KM3NeT operation. Our results reinforce the idea that hidden cores of supermassive black holes are the dominant sources of the high-energy neutrino emission and underlines the necessity of better sensitivity to medium-energy ranges in future neutrino detectors for identifying the origin of high-energy cosmic neutrinos.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

High-Energy Neutrinos from NGC 1068

IceCube has observed an excess of neutrino events over expectations from the isotropic background from the direction of NGC 1068. The excess is inconsistent with background expectations at the level of 2.9? after accounting for statistical trials. Even though the excess is not statistical significant yet, it is interesting to entertain the possibility that it corresponds to a real signal. Assuming a single power-law spectrum, the IceCube Collaboration has reported a best-fit flux ? ν ??? 10 ?? ( E ν /TeV ) ??.2 (GeVc m 2 s ) ?? , where E ν is the neutrino energy. Taking account of new physics and astronomy developments we give a revised high-energy neutrino flux for the Stecker-Done-Salamon-Sommers AGN core model and show that it can accommodate IceCube observations.

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