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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

AT 2019avd: A novel addition to the diverse population of nuclear transients

We report on SRG/eROSITA, ZTF, ASAS-SN, Las Cumbres, NEOWISE-R, and Swift XRT/UVOT observations of the unique ongoing event AT 2019avd, located in the nucleus of a previously inactive galaxy at z=0.029 . eROSITA first observed AT 2019avd on 2020-04-28 during its first all sky survey, when it was detected as an ultra-soft X-ray source ( kT??5 eV) that was ??0 times brighter in the 0.2?? keV band than a previous 3 ? upper flux detection limit (with no archival X-ray detection at this position). The ZTF optical light curve in the ??50 days preceding the eROSITA detection is double peaked, and the eROSITA detection coincides with the rise of the second peak. Follow-up optical spectroscopy shows the emergence of a Bowen fluorescence feature and high-ionisation coronal lines ([\ion{Fe}{X}] 6375 ?, [\ion{Fe}{XIV}] 5303 ?), along with persistent broad Balmer emission lines (FWHM ??400 km s ?? ). Whilst the X-ray properties make AT 2019avd a promising tidal disruption event (TDE) candidate, the optical properties are atypical for optically selected TDEs. We discuss potential alternative origins that could explain the observed properties of AT 2019avd, such as a stellar binary TDE candidate, or a TDE involving a super massive black hole binary.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

AT2017gfo: Bayesian inference and model selection of multi-component kilonovae and constraints on the neutron star equation of state

The joint detection of the gravitational wave GW170817, of the short γ -ray burst GRB170817A and of the kilonova AT2017gfo, generated by the the binary neutron star merger observed on August 17, 2017, is a milestone in multimessenger astronomy and provides new constraints on the neutron star equation of state. We perform Bayesian inference and model selection on AT2017gfo using semi-analytical, multi-components models that also account for non-spherical ejecta. Observational data favor anisotropic geometries to spherically symmetric profiles, with a log-Bayes' factor of ??10 4 , and favor multi-component models against single-component ones. The best fitting model is an anisotropic three-component composed of dynamical ejecta plus neutrino and viscous winds. Using the dynamical ejecta parameters inferred from the best-fitting model and numerical-relativity relations connecting the ejecta properties to the binary properties, we constrain the binary mass ratio to q<1.54 and the reduced tidal parameter to 120< ? ~ <1110 . Finally, we combine the predictions from AT2017gfo with those from GW170817, constraining the radius of a neutron star of 1.4 M ??to 12.2±0.5 km ( 1? level). This prediction could be further strengthened by improving kilonova models with numerical-relativity information.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Absorption effects in the blazar's gamma-ray spectra due to luminous stars crossing the jet

Gamma-ray emission in active galaxies is likely produced within the inner jet, or in the close vicinity of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at sub-parsec distances. Gamma rays have to pass through the surrounding massive stellar cluster which luminous stars can accidentally appear close to the observer's line of sight. In such a case, soft radiation of massive stars can create enough target for transient absorption of the gamma rays in multi-GeV to TeV energy range. We consider the effect of such stellar encounters on the gamma-ray spectrum produced within the massive stellar cluster surrounding a central SMBH. We predict characteristic, time-dependent effects on the gamma-ray spectra due to the encounter with the single luminous star and also stellar binary system. We conclude that during the encounter, the gamma-ray spectrum of an active galaxy should steepen at tens of GeV and harden in the range of hundreds of GeV. As an example, we consider such effects on the spectra observed from a typical blazar, 1ES\ 1959+650 (in an active state) and also in the case of a radio galaxy M87 (in a low state). It is shown that observation of such transient characteristic features in the gamma-ray spectra, observed from blazars and radio galaxies, lays within the sensitivity of the future Cherenkov Telescope Array.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Acceleration of cosmic rays by double shock waves in galaxy clusters: application to radio relics

Context. Radio relics in galaxy clusters are known to be good laboratories for verification of the applicability of the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) model in its canonical version. The need for such verification stems from the inconsistencies in the shock properties resulting from radio observations compared to X-ray observations. Aims. In this article we aim to explore how the presence of a second shock in the vicinity of a relic modifies the spectrum of accelerated electrons and decipher which of the involved parameters can have a significant impact on their shape. Methods. We analytically studied DSA of cosmic rays in two stationary shocks aiming to investigate the change of the distribution function. The latter eventually leads to spectrum slope deviations visible in different observations and simulations that do not appear to be explained by the case wherein cosmic rays interact with a single shock wave. Results. We obtain a complex distribution function f(x,p) depending on many parameters (distance between two shocks, compression ratios, spatial diffusion coefficients, injection value, etc.). This function reveals modifications that occur because of the coupled acceleration in both shocks. Apparently, deviations in the particle spectrum from the pure power law depend on a few parameters such as Q 1 / Q 2 , κ 1 / κ 2 , r 1 / r 2 , and L . Although we do not verify this idea by taking a particular cluster as an example, we demonstrate a potential cause of spectral disturbances in radio relics. In general terms, our findings appear to correlate with results from the literature when the distance between the shocks is of the order of the width of a radio relic and κ 1 / κ 2 ?? .

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Accretion Flow Properties of GRS 1716-249 during its 2016-17 'failed' Outburst

In 2016??7 , the Galactic transient black hole candidate GRS 1716-249 exhibited an outburst event after a long period of quiescence of almost 23 years. The source remained in the outbursting phase for ?? months. We study the spectral and temporal properties of the source during this outburst using archival data from four astronomy satellites, namely MAXI, Swift, NuSTAR and AstroSat. Initial spectral analysis is done using combined disk black body and power-law models. For a better understanding of the accretion flow properties, we studied spectra with the physical two component advective flow (TCAF) model. Accretion flow parameters are extracted directly from the spectral fits with the TCAF model. Low frequency quasi-periodic oscillations are also observed in the Swift/XRT and AstroSat/LAXPC data. From the nature of the variation of the spectral and temporal properties, we find the source remains in hard state during the entire outburst. It never had a transition to other states which makes this event a `failed' outburst. An absence of the softer spectral states is consistent with the class of short orbital period objects, where the source belongs to. From the spectral fit, we also estimate the probable mass of GRS~1716-249 to be in the range of 4.50??.93 M ??or 5.02 +0.91 ??.52 M ??.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Accretion Torque Reversals in GRO J1008-57 Revealed by Insight-HXMT

GRO J1008-57, as a Be/X-ray transient pulsar, is considered to have the highest magnetic field in known neutron star X-ray binary systems. Observational data of the X-ray outbursts in GRO J1008-57 from 2017 to 2020 were collected by the Insight-HXMT satellite. In this work, the spin period of the neutron star in GRO J1008-57 was determined to be about 93.28 seconds in August 2017, 93.22 seconds in February 2018, 93.25 seconds in June 2019 and 93.14 seconds in June 2020. GRO J1008-57 evolved in the spin-up process with a mean rate of ??2.10±0.05)? 10 ?? s/d from 2009 -- 2018, and turned into a spin down process with a rate of (6.7±0.6)? 10 ?? s/d from Feb 2018 to June 2019. During the type II outburst of 2020, GRO J1008-57 had the spin-up torque again. During the torque reversals, the pulse profiles and continuum X-ray spectra did not change significantly, and the cyclotron resonant scattering feature around 80 keV was only detected during the outbursts in 2017 and 2020. Based on the observed mean spin-up rate, we estimated the inner accretion disk radius in GRO J1008-57 (about 1 - 2 times of the Alfvén radius) by comparing different accretion torque models of magnetic neutron stars. During the spin-down process, the magnetic torque should dominate over the matter accreting inflow torque, and we constrained the surface dipole magnetic field B??? 10 12 G for the neutron star in GRO J1008-57, which is consistent with the magnetic field strength obtained by cyclotron line centroid energy.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Accretion onto a small black hole at the center of a neutron star

We revisit the system consisting of a neutron star that harbors a small, possibly primordial, black hole at its center, focusing on a nonspinning black hole embedded in a nonrotating neutron star. Extending earlier treatments, we provide an analytical treatment describing the rate of secular accretion of the neutron star matter onto the black hole, adopting the relativistic Bondi accretion formalism for stiff equations of state that we presented elsewhere. We use these accretion rates to sketch the evolution of the system analytically until the neutron star is completely consumed. We also perform numerical simulations in full general relativity for black holes with masses up to nine orders of magnitude smaller than the neutron star mass, including a simulation of the entire evolution through collapse for the largest black hole mass. We construct relativistic initial data for these simulations by generalizing the black hole puncture method to allow for the presence of matter, and evolve these data with a code that is optimally designed to resolve the vastly different length scales present in this problem. We compare our analytic and numerical results, and provide expressions for the lifetime of neutron stars harboring such endoparasitic black holes.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Advances in Understanding High-Mass X-ray Binaries with INTEGRAL and Future Directions

High mass X-ray binaries are among the brightest X-ray sources in the Milky Way, as well as in nearby Galaxies. Thanks to their highly variable emissions and complex phenomenology, they have attracted the interest of the high energy astrophysical community since the dawn of X-ray Astronomy. In more recent years, they have challenged our comprehension of physical processes in many more energy bands, ranging from the infrared to very high energies. In this review, we provide a broad but concise summary of the physical processes dominating the emission from high mass X-ray binaries across virtually the whole electromagnetic spectrum. These comprise the interaction of stellar winds with the high gravitational and magnetic fields of compact objects, the behaviour of matter under extreme magnetic and gravity conditions, and the perturbation of the massive star evolutionary processes by presence in a binary system. We highlight the role of the INTEGRAL mission in the discovery of many of the most interesting objects in the high mass X-ray binary class and its contribution in reviving the interest for these sources over the past two decades. We show how the INTEGRAL discoveries have not only contributed to significantly increase the number of high mass X-ray binaries known, thus advancing our understanding of the population as a whole, but also have opened new windows of investigation that stimulated the multi-wavelength approach nowadays common in most astrophysical research fields. We conclude the review by providing an overview of future facilities being planned from the X-ray to the very high energy domain that will hopefully help us in finding an answer to the many questions left open after more than 18 years of INTEGRAL scientific observations.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Alternative possibility of GW190521: Gravitational waves from high-mass black hole-disk systems

We evolve high-mass disks of mass 15 - 50 M ??orbiting a 50 M ??spinning black hole in the framework of numerical relativity. Such high-mass systems could be an outcome during the collapse of rapidly-rotating very-massive stars. The massive disks are dynamically unstable to the so-called one-armed spiral-shape deformation with the maximum fractional density-perturbation of δ?/???.1 , and hence, high-amplitude gravitational waves are emitted. The waveforms are characterized by an initial high-amplitude burst with the frequency of ??0 - 50 Hz and the maximum amplitude of (1 - 10)? 10 ??2 at the hypothetical distance of 100 Mpc and by a subsequent low-amplitude quasi-periodic oscillation. We illustrate that the waveforms in our models with a wide range of the disk mass resemble that of GW190521. We also point out that gravitational waves from rapidly-rotating very-massive stars can be the source for 3rd-generation gravitational-wave detectors for exploring the formation process of rapidly-spinning high-mass black holes of mass ??0 - 100 M ??in an early universe.

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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

An Observational Signature of Sub-Equipartition Magnetic Fields in the Spectra of Black Hole Binaries

A common assumption used in the study of accretion disks is that the magnetic energy density and the kinetic energy density should be in equipartition. This assumption relies on the faster growth rate of the magnetic field strength against the kinetic energy of the particles in the flow, for decreasing radius, combined with a dissipation mechanism that tends towards equipartition. In this paper, we examine this assumption by modeling the radio, mm and optical spectra of several black hole binaries in their quiescent state. We use a standard two-component disk model, consisting of an inner geometrically thick and optically thin disk, emitting thermal synchrotron radiation, along with an outer, thin disk, which radiates as a multicolor blackbody. We find that at the low accretion rates typical of the quiescent state, the spectral shape is qualitatively reproduced using magnetic fields that are between 0.1% and 1% of the equipartition value, considerably smaller than previously thought. We discuss our findings in view of (1) the launching of jets in these objects, which is commonly believed to rely on the presence of a strong magnetic field in the central region of the disk; and (2) the role of magnetic dissipation in the structure of the inflow.

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