Featured Researches

Data Structures And Algorithms

Finding Densest k -Connected Subgraphs

Dense subgraph discovery is an important graph-mining primitive with a variety of real-world applications. One of the most well-studied optimization problems for dense subgraph discovery is the densest subgraph problem, where given an edge-weighted undirected graph G=(V,E,w) , we are asked to find S⊆V that maximizes the density d(S) , i.e., half the weighted average degree of the induced subgraph G[S] . This problem can be solved exactly in polynomial time and well-approximately in almost linear time. However, a densest subgraph has a structural drawback, namely, the subgraph may not be robust to vertex/edge failure. Indeed, a densest subgraph may not be well-connected, which implies that the subgraph may be disconnected by removing only a few vertices/edges within it. In this paper, we provide an algorithmic framework to find a dense subgraph that is well-connected in terms of vertex/edge connectivity. Specifically, we introduce the following problems: given a graph G=(V,E,w) and a positive integer/real k , we are asked to find S⊆V that maximizes the density d(S) under the constraint that G[S] is k -vertex/edge-connected. For both problems, we propose polynomial-time (bicriteria and ordinary) approximation algorithms, using classic Mader's theorem in graph theory and its extensions.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Finding Diverse Trees, Paths, and More

Mathematical modeling is a standard approach to solve many real-world problems and {\em diversity} of solutions is an important issue, emerging in applying solutions obtained from mathematical models to real-world problems. Many studies have been devoted to finding diverse solutions. Baste et al. (Algorithms 2019, IJCAI 2020) recently initiated the study of computing diverse solutions of combinatorial problems from the perspective of fixed-parameter tractability. They considered problems of finding r solutions that maximize some diversity measures (the minimum or sum of the pairwise Hamming distances among them) and gave some fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for the diverse version of several well-known problems, such as {\sc Vertex Cover}, {\sc Feedback Vertex Set}, {\sc d -Hitting Set}, and problems on bounded-treewidth graphs. In this work, we investigate the (fixed-parameter) tractability of problems of finding diverse spanning trees, paths, and several subgraphs. In particular, we show that, given a graph G and an integer r , the problem of computing r spanning trees of G maximizing the sum of the pairwise Hamming distances among them can be solved in polynomial time. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first polynomial-time solvable case for finding diverse solutions of unbounded size.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Finding a Maximum Minimal Separator: Graph Classes and Fixed-Parameter Tractability

We study the problem of finding a maximum cardinality minimal separator of a graph. This problem is known to be NP-hard even for bipartite graphs. In this paper, we strengthen this hardness by showing that for planar bipartite graphs, the problem remains NP-hard. Moreover, for co-bipartite graphs and for line graphs, the problem also remains NP-hard. On the positive side, we give an algorithm deciding whether an input graph has a minimal separator of size at least k that runs in time 2 O(k) n O(1) . We further show that a subexponential parameterized algorithm does not exist unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. Finally, we discuss a lower bound for polynomial kernelizations of this problem.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Finding a Shortest Even Hole in Polynomial Time

An even (respectively, odd) hole in a graph is an induced cycle with even (respectively, odd) length that is at least four. Bienstock [DM 1991 and 1992] proved that detecting an even (respectively, odd) hole containing a given vertex is NP-complete. Conforti, Chornuéjols, Kappor, and Vušković [FOCS 1997] gave the first known polynomial-time algorithm to determine whether a graph contains even holes. Chudnovsky, Kawarabayashi, and Seymour [JGT 2005] estimated that Conforti et al.'s algorithm runs in O( n 40 ) time on an n -vertex graph and reduced the required time to O( n 31 ) . Subsequently, da~Silva and Vušković~[JCTB 2013], Chang and Lu [JCTB 2017], and Lai, Lu, and Thorup [STOC 2020] improved the time to O( n 19 ) , O( n 11 ) , and O( n 9 ) , respectively. The tractability of determining whether a graph contains odd holes has been open for decades until the algorithm of Chudnovsky, Scott, Seymour, and Spirkl [JACM 2020] that runs in O( n 9 ) time, which Lai et al. also reduced to O( n 8 ) . By extending Chudnovsky et al.'s techniques for detecting odd holes, Chudnovsky, Scott, and Seymour [Combinatorica 2020 to appear] (respectively, [arXiv 2020]) ensured the tractability of finding a long (respectively, shortest) odd hole. They also ensured the NP-hardness of finding a longest odd hole, whose reduction also works for finding a longest even hole. Recently, Cook and Seymour ensured the tractability of finding a long even hole. An intriguing missing piece is the tractability of finding a shortest even hole, left open for at least 15 years by, e.g., Chudnovsky et al. [JGT 2005] and Johnson [TALG 2005]. We resolve this long-standing open problem by giving the first known polynomial-time algorithm, running in O( n 31 ) time, for finding a shortest even hole in an n -vertex graph that contains even holes.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Finding large induced sparse subgraphs in C >t -free graphs in quasipolynomial time

For an integer t , a graph G is called {\em{ C >t -free}} if G does not contain any induced cycle on more than~ t vertices. We prove the following statement: for every pair of integers d and t and a CMSO 2 statement~ ϕ , there exists an algorithm that, given an n -vertex C >t -free graph G with weights on vertices, finds in time n O( log 4 n) a maximum-weight vertex subset S such that G[S] has degeneracy at most d and satisfies ϕ . The running time can be improved to n O( log 2 n) assuming G is P t -free, that is, G does not contain an induced path on t vertices. This expands the recent results of the authors [to appear at FOCS 2020 and SOSA 2021] on the {\sc{Maximum Weight Independent Set}} problem on P t -free graphs in two directions: by encompassing the more general setting of C >t -free graphs, and by being applicable to a much wider variety of problems, such as {\sc{Maximum Weight Induced Forest}} or {\sc{Maximum Weight Induced Planar Graph}}.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Fine-Grained Complexity of Regular Path Queries

A regular path query (RPQ) is a regular expression q that returns all node pairs (u, v) from a graph database that are connected by an arbitrary path labelled with a word from L(q). The obvious algorithmic approach to RPQ-evaluation (called PG-approach), i.e., constructing the product graph between an NFA for q and the graph database, is appealing due to its simplicity and also leads to efficient algorithms. However, it is unclear whether the PG-approach is optimal. We address this question by thoroughly investigating which upper complexity bounds can be achieved by the PG-approach, and we complement these with conditional lower bounds (in the sense of the fine-grained complexity framework). A special focus is put on enumeration and delay bounds, as well as the data complexity perspective. A main insight is that we can achieve optimal (or near optimal) algorithms with the PG-approach, but the delay for enumeration is rather high (linear in the database). We explore three successful approaches towards enumeration with sub-linear delay: super-linear preprocessing, approximations of the solution sets, and restricted classes of RPQs.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Fixed-Treewidth-Efficient Algorithms for Edge-Deletion to Intersection Graph Classes

For a graph class C , the C -\textsc{Edge-Deletion} problem asks for a given graph G to delete the minimum number of edges from G in order to obtain a graph in C . We study the C -\textsc{Edge-Deletion} problem for C the permutation graphs, interval graphs, and other related graph classes. It follows from Courcelle's Theorem that these problems are fixed parameter tractable when parameterized by treewidth. In this paper, we present concrete FPT algorithms for these problems. By giving explicit algorithms and analyzing these in detail, we obtain algorithms that are significantly faster than the algorithms obtained by using Courcelle's theorem.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Four short stories on surprising algorithmic uses of treewidth

This article briefly describes four algorithmic problems where the notion of treewidth is very useful. Even though the problems themselves have nothing to do with treewidth, it turns out that combining known results on treewidth allows us to easily describe very clean and high-level algorithms.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Fractionally Log-Concave and Sector-Stable Polynomials: Counting Planar Matchings and More

We show fully polynomial time randomized approximation schemes (FPRAS) for counting matchings of a given size, or more generally sampling/counting monomer-dimer systems in planar, not-necessarily-bipartite, graphs. While perfect matchings on planar graphs can be counted exactly in polynomial time, counting non-perfect matchings was shown by [Jer87] to be #P-hard, who also raised the question of whether efficient approximate counting is possible. We answer this affirmatively by showing that the multi-site Glauber dynamics on the set of monomers in a monomer-dimer system always mixes rapidly, and that this dynamics can be implemented efficiently on downward-closed families of graphs where counting perfect matchings is tractable. As further applications of our results, we show how to sample efficiently using multi-site Glauber dynamics from partition-constrained strongly Rayleigh distributions, and nonsymmetric determinantal point processes. In order to analyze mixing properties of the multi-site Glauber dynamics, we establish two notions for generating polynomials of discrete set-valued distributions: sector-stability and fractional log-concavity. These notions generalize well-studied properties like real-stability and log-concavity, but unlike them robustly degrade under useful transformations applied to the distribution. We relate these notions to pairwise correlations in the underlying distribution and the notion of spectral independence introduced by [ALO20], providing a new tool for establishing spectral independence based on geometry of polynomials. As a byproduct of our techniques, we show that polynomials avoiding roots in a sector of the complex plane must satisfy what we call fractional log-concavity; this extends a classic result established by [Gar59] who showed homogeneous polynomials that have no roots in a half-plane must be log-concave over the positive orthant.

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Data Structures And Algorithms

Fragile Complexity of Adaptive Algorithms

The fragile complexity of a comparison-based algorithm is f(n) if each input element participates in O(f(n)) comparisons. In this paper, we explore the fragile complexity of algorithms adaptive to various restrictions on the input, i.e., algorithms with a fragile complexity parameterized by a quantity other than the input size n. We show that searching for the predecessor in a sorted array has fragile complexity ?(logk) , where k is the rank of the query element, both in a randomized and a deterministic setting. For predecessor searches, we also show how to optimally reduce the amortized fragile complexity of the elements in the array. We also prove the following results: Selecting the k -th smallest element has expected fragile complexity O(loglogk) for the element selected. Deterministically finding the minimum element has fragile complexity ?(log(Inv)) and ?(log(Runs)) , where Inv is the number of inversions in a sequence and Runs is the number of increasing runs in a sequence. Deterministically finding the median has fragile complexity O(log(Runs)+loglogn) and ?(log(Inv)) . Deterministic sorting has fragile complexity ?(log(Inv)) but it has fragile complexity ?(logn) regardless of the number of runs.

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