Featured Researches


DySky: Dynamic Skyline Queries on Uncertain Graphs

Given a graph, and a set of query vertices (subset of the vertices), the dynamic skyline query problem returns a subset of data vertices (other than query vertices) which are not dominated by other data vertices based on certain distance measure. In this paper, we study the dynamic skyline query problem on uncertain graphs (DySky). The input to this problem is an uncertain graph, a subset of its nodes as query vertices, and the goal here is to return all the data vertices which are not dominated by others. We employ two distance measures in uncertain graphs, namely, \emph{Majority Distance}, and \emph{Expected Distance}. Our approach is broadly divided into three steps: \emph{Pruning}, \emph{Distance Computation}, and \emph{Skyline Vertex Set Generation}. We implement the proposed methodology with three publicly available datasets and observe that it can find out skyline vertex set without taking much time even for million sized graphs if expected distance is concerned. Particularly, the pruning strategy reduces the computational time significantly.

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Dynamic Interleaving of Content and Structure for Robust Indexing of Semi-Structured Hierarchical Data (Extended Version)

We propose a robust index for semi-structured hierarchical data that supports content-and-structure (CAS) queries specified by path and value predicates. At the heart of our approach is a novel dynamic interleaving scheme that merges the path and value dimensions of composite keys in a balanced way. We store these keys in our trie-based Robust Content-And-Structure index, which efficiently supports a wide range of CAS queries, including queries with wildcards and descendant axes. Additionally, we show important properties of our scheme, such as robustness against varying selectivities, and demonstrate improvements of up to two orders of magnitude over existing approaches in our experimental evaluation.

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Dynamic Ridesharing in Peak Travel Periods

In this paper, we study a variant of the dynamic ridesharing problem with a specific focus on peak hours: Given a set of drivers and rider requests, we aim to match drivers to each rider request by achieving two objectives: maximizing the served rate and minimizing the total additional distance, subject to a series of spatio-temporal constraints. Our problem can be distinguished from existing work in three aspects: (1) Previous work did not fully explore the impact of peak travel periods where the number of rider requests is much greater than the number of available drivers. (2) Existing solutions usually rely on single objective optimization techniques, such as minimizing the total travel cost. (3) When evaluating the overall system performance, the runtime spent on updating drivers' trip schedules as per incoming rider requests should be incorporated, while it is excluded by most existing solutions. We propose an index structure together with a set of pruning rules and an efficient algorithm to include new riders into drivers' existing trip schedule. To answer new rider requests effectively, we propose two algorithms that match drivers with rider requests. Finally, we perform extensive experiments on a large-scale test collection to validate the proposed methods.

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Dynamic Skyline Queries on Encrypted Data Using Result Materialization

Skyline computation is an increasingly popular query, with broad applicability in domains such as healthcare, travel and finance. Given the recent trend to outsource databases and query evaluation, and due to the proprietary and sometimes highly sensitivity nature of the data (e.g., in healthcare), it is essential to evaluate skylines on encrypted datasets. Several research efforts acknowledged the importance of secure skyline computation, but existing solutions suffer from at least one of the following shortcomings: (i) they only provide ad-hoc security; (ii) they are prohibitively expensive; or (iii) they rely on unrealistic assumptions, such as the presence of multiple non-colluding parties in the protocol. Inspired from solutions for secure nearest-neighbors (NN) computation, we conjecture that the most secure and efficient way to compute skylines is through result materialization. However, this approach is significantly more challenging for skylines than for NN queries. We exhaustively study and provide algorithms for pre-computation of skyline results, and we perform an in-depth theoretical analysis of this process. We show that pre-computing results while minimizing storage overhead is NP-hard, and we provide dynamic programming and greedy heuristics that solve the problem more efficiently, while maintaining storage at reasonable levels. Our algorithms are novel and applicable to plain-text skyline computation, but we focus on the encrypted setting where materialization reduces the cost of skyline computation from hours to seconds. Extensive experiments show that we clearly outperform existing work in terms of performance, and our security analysis proves that we obtain a smaller (and quantifiable) data leakage than competitors.

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EQL -- an extremely easy to learn knowledge graph query language, achieving highspeed and precise search

EQL, also named as Extremely Simple Query Language, can be widely used in the field of knowledge graph, precise search, strong artificial intelligence, database, smart speaker ,patent search and other fields. EQL adopt the principle of minimalism in design and pursues simplicity and easy to learn so that everyone can master it quickly. EQL language and lambda calculus are interconvertible, that reveals the mathematical nature of EQL language, and lays a solid foundation for rigor and logical integrity of EQL language. The EQL language and a comprehensive knowledge graph system with the world's commonsense can together form the foundation of strong AI in the future, and make up for the current lack of understanding of world's commonsense by current AI system. EQL language can be used not only by humans, but also as a basic language for data query and data exchange between robots.

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ER model Partitioning: Towards Trustworthy Automated Systems Development

In database development, a conceptual model is created, in the form of an Entity-relationship(ER) model, and transformed to a relational database schema (RDS) to create the database. However, some important information represented on the ER model may not be transformed and represented on the RDS. This situation causes a loss of information during the transformation process. With a view to preserving information, in our previous study, we standardized the transformation process as a one-to-one and onto mapping from the ER model to the RDS. For this purpose, we modified the ER model and the transformation algorithm resolving some deficiencies existed in them. Since the mapping was established using a few real-world cases as a basis and for verification purposes, a formal-proof is necessary to validate the work. Thus, the ongoing research aiming to create a proof will show how a given ER model can be partitioned into a unique set of segments and use it to represent the ER model itself. How the findings can be used to complete the proof in the future will also be explained. Significance of the research on automating database development, teaching conceptual modeling, and using formal methods will also be discussed.

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Effective and Efficient Variable-Length Data Series Analytics

In the last twenty years, data series similarity search has emerged as a fundamental operation at the core of several analysis tasks and applications related to data series collections. Many solutions to different mining problems work by means of similarity search. In this regard, all the proposed solutions require the prior knowledge of the series length on which similarity search is performed. In several cases, the choice of the length is critical and sensibly influences the quality of the expected outcome. Unfortunately, the obvious brute-force solution, which provides an outcome for all lengths within a given range is computationally untenable. In this Ph.D. work, we present the first solutions that inherently support scalable and variable-length similarity search in data series, applied to sequence/subsequences matching, motif and discord discovery problems.The experimental results show that our approaches are up to orders of magnitude faster than the alternatives. They also demonstrate that we can remove the unrealistic constraint of performing analytics using a predefined length, leading to more intuitive and actionable results, which would have otherwise been missed.

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Efficient Bitruss Decomposition for Large-scale Bipartite Graphs

Cohesive subgraph mining in bipartite graphs becomes a popular research topic recently. An important structure k-bitruss is the maximal cohesive subgraph where each edge is contained in at least k butterflies (i.e., (2, 2)-bicliques). In this paper, we study the bitruss decomposition problem which aims to find all the k-bitrusses for k >= 0. The existing bottom-up techniques need to iteratively peel the edges with the lowest butterfly support. In this peeling process, these techniques are time-consuming to enumerate all the supporting butterflies for each edge. To relax this issue, we first propose a novel online index -- the BE-Index which compresses butterflies into k-blooms (i.e., (2, k)-bicliques). Based on the BE-Index, the new bitruss decomposition algorithm BiT-BU is proposed, along with two batch-based optimizations, to accomplish the butterfly enumeration of the peeling process in an efficient way. Furthermore, the BiT-PC algorithm is devised which is more efficient against handling the edges with high butterfly supports. We theoretically show that our new algorithms significantly reduce the time complexities of the existing algorithms. Also, we conduct extensive experiments on real datasets and the result demonstrates that our new techniques can speed up the state-of-the-art techniques by up to two orders of magnitude.

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Efficient Constrained Pattern Mining Using Dynamic Item Ordering for Explainable Classification

Learning of interpretable classification models has been attracting much attention for the last few years. Discovery of succinct and contrasting patterns that can highlight the differences between the two classes is very important. Such patterns are useful for human experts, and can be used to construct powerful classifiers. In this paper, we consider mining of minimal emerging patterns from high-dimensional data sets under a variety of constraints in a supervised setting. We focus on an extension in which patterns can contain negative items that designate the absence of an item. In such a case, a database becomes highly dense, and it makes mining more challenging since popular pattern mining techniques such as fp-tree and occurrence deliver do not efficiently work. To cope with this difficulty, we present an efficient algorithm for mining minimal emerging patterns by combining two techniques: dynamic variable-ordering during pattern search for enhancing pruning effect, and the use of a pointer-based dynamic data structure, called dancing links, for efficiently maintaining occurrence lists. Experiments on benchmark data sets showed that our algorithm achieves significant speed-ups over emerging pattern mining approach based on LCM, a very fast depth-first frequent itemset miner using static variable-ordering.

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Efficient Data Management in Neutron Scattering Data Reduction Workflows at ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) experimental neutron science facilities produce 1.2\,TB a day of raw event-based data that is stored using the standard metadata-rich NeXus schema built on top of the HDF5 file format. Performance of several data reduction workflows is largely determined by the amount of time spent on the loading and processing algorithms in Mantid, an open-source data analysis framework used across several neutron sciences facilities around the world. The present work introduces new data management algorithms to address identified input output (I/O) bottlenecks on Mantid. First, we introduce an in-memory binary-tree metadata index that resemble NeXus data access patterns to provide a scalable search and extraction mechanism. Second, data encapsulation in Mantid algorithms is optimally redesigned to reduce the total compute and memory runtime footprint associated with metadata I/O reconstruction tasks. Results from this work show speed ups in wall-clock time on ORNL data reduction workflows, ranging from 11\% to 30\% depending on the complexity of the targeted instrument-specific data. Nevertheless, we highlight the need for more research to address reduction challenges as experimental data volumes increase.

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