Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Muppet: Massive Multi-task Representations with Pre-Finetuning

We propose pre-finetuning, an additional large-scale learning stage between language model pre-training and fine-tuning. Pre-finetuning is massively multi-task learning (around 50 datasets, over 4.8 million total labeled examples), and is designed to encourage learning of representations that generalize better to many different tasks. We show that pre-finetuning consistently improves performance for pretrained discriminators (e.g.~RoBERTa) and generation models (e.g.~BART) on a wide range of tasks (sentence prediction, commonsense reasoning, MRC, etc.), while also significantly improving sample efficiency during fine-tuning. We also show that large-scale multi-tasking is crucial; pre-finetuning can hurt performance when few tasks are used up until a critical point (usually above 15) after which performance improves linearly in the number of tasks.

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Computation And Language

NLPBK at VLSP-2020 shared task: Compose transformer pretrained models for Reliable Intelligence Identification on Social network

This paper describes our method for tuning a transformer-based pretrained model, to adaptation with Reliable Intelligence Identification on Vietnamese SNSs problem. We also proposed a model that combines bert-base pretrained models with some metadata features, such as the number of comments, number of likes, images of SNS documents,... to improved results for VLSP shared task: Reliable Intelligence Identification on Vietnamese SNSs. With appropriate training techniques, our model is able to achieve 0.9392 ROC-AUC on public test set and the final version settles at top 2 ROC-AUC (0.9513) on private test set.

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Computation And Language

NLRG at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection Leveraging BERT-based Token Classification and Span Prediction Techniques

Toxicity detection of text has been a popular NLP task in the recent years. In SemEval-2021 Task-5 Toxic Spans Detection, the focus is on detecting toxic spans within passages. Most state-of-the-art span detection approaches employ various techniques, each of which can be broadly classified into Token Classification or Span Prediction approaches. In our paper, we explore simple versions of both of these approaches and their performance on the task. Specifically, we use BERT-based models -- BERT, RoBERTa, and SpanBERT for both approaches. We also combine these approaches and modify them to bring improvements for Toxic Spans prediction. To this end, we investigate results on four hybrid approaches -- Multi-Span, Span+Token, LSTM-CRF, and a combination of predicted offsets using union/intersection. Additionally, we perform a thorough ablative analysis and analyze our observed results. Our best submission -- a combination of SpanBERT Span Predictor and RoBERTa Token Classifier predictions -- achieves an F1 score of 0.6753 on the test set. Our best post-eval F1 score is 0.6895 on intersection of predicted offsets from top-3 RoBERTa Token Classification checkpoints. These approaches improve the performance by 3% on average than those of the shared baseline models -- RNNSL and SpaCy NER.

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Computation And Language

NUBOT: Embedded Knowledge Graph With RASA Framework for Generating Semantic Intents Responses in Roman Urdu

The understanding of the human language is quantified by identifying intents and entities. Even though classification methods that rely on labeled information are often used for the comprehension of language understanding, it is incredibly time consuming and tedious process to generate high propensity supervised datasets. In this paper, we present the generation of accurate intents for the corresponding Roman Urdu unstructured data and integrate this corpus in RASA NLU module for intent classification. We embed knowledge graph with RASA Framework to maintain the dialog history for semantic based natural language mechanism for chatbot communication. We compare results of our work with existing linguistic systems combined with semantic technologies. Minimum accuracy of intents generation is 64 percent of confidence and in the response generation part minimum accuracy is 82.1 percent and maximum accuracy gain is 96.7 percent. All the scores refers to log precision, recall, and f1 measure for each intents once summarized for all. Furthermore, it creates a confusion matrix represents that which intents are ambiguously recognized by approach.

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Computation And Language

NUVA: A Naming Utterance Verifier for Aphasia Treatment

Anomia (word-finding difficulties) is the hallmark of aphasia, an acquired language disorder most commonly caused by stroke. Assessment of speech performance using picture naming tasks is a key method for both diagnosis and monitoring of responses to treatment interventions by people with aphasia (PWA). Currently, this assessment is conducted manually by speech and language therapists (SLT). Surprisingly, despite advancements in automatic speech recognition (ASR) and artificial intelligence with technologies like deep learning, research on developing automated systems for this task has been scarce. Here we present NUVA, an utterance verification system incorporating a deep learning element that classifies 'correct' versus' incorrect' naming attempts from aphasic stroke patients. When tested on eight native British-English speaking PWA the system's performance accuracy ranged between 83.6% to 93.6%, with a 10-fold cross-validation mean of 89.5%. This performance was not only significantly better than a baseline created for this study using one of the leading commercially available ASRs (Google speech-to-text service) but also comparable in some instances with two independent SLT ratings for the same dataset.

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Computation And Language

Named Entity Recognition in the Style of Object Detection

In this work, we propose a two-stage method for named entity recognition (NER), especially for nested NER. We borrowed the idea from the two-stage Object Detection in computer vision and the way how they construct the loss function. First, a region proposal network generates region candidates and then a second-stage model discriminates and classifies the entity and makes the final prediction. We also designed a special loss function for the second-stage training that predicts the entityness and entity type at the same time. The model is built on top of pretrained BERT encoders, and we tried both BERT base and BERT large models. For experiments, we first applied it to flat NER tasks such as CoNLL2003 and OntoNotes 5.0 and got comparable results with traditional NER models using sequence labeling methodology. We then tested the model on the nested named entity recognition task ACE2005 and Genia, and got F1 score of 85.6 % and 76.8 % respectively. In terms of the second-stage training, we found that adding extra randomly selected regions plays an important role in improving the precision. We also did error profiling to better evaluate the performance of the model in different circumstances for potential improvements in the future.

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Computation And Language

Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-based Question Answering Framework

Natural Language Video Localization (NLVL) aims to locate a target moment from an untrimmed video that semantically corresponds to a text query. Existing approaches mainly solve the NLVL problem from the perspective of computer vision by formulating it as ranking, anchor, or regression tasks. These methods suffer from large performance degradation when localizing on long videos. In this work, we address the NLVL from a new perspective, i.e., span-based question answering (QA), by treating the input video as a text passage. We propose a video span localizing network (VSLNet), on top of the standard span-based QA framework (named VSLBase), to address NLVL. VSLNet tackles the differences between NLVL and span-based QA through a simple yet effective query-guided highlighting (QGH) strategy. QGH guides VSLNet to search for the matching video span within a highlighted region. To address the performance degradation on long videos, we further extend VSLNet to VSLNet-L by applying a multi-scale split-and-concatenation strategy. VSLNet-L first splits the untrimmed video into short clip segments; then, it predicts which clip segment contains the target moment and suppresses the importance of other segments. Finally, the clip segments are concatenated, with different confidences, to locate the target moment accurately. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that the proposed VSLNet and VSLNet-L outperform the state-of-the-art methods; VSLNet-L addresses the issue of performance degradation on long videos. Our study suggests that the span-based QA framework is an effective strategy to solve the NLVL problem.

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Computation And Language

Neural Data Augmentation via Example Extrapolation

In many applications of machine learning, certain categories of examples may be underrepresented in the training data, causing systems to underperform on such "few-shot" cases at test time. A common remedy is to perform data augmentation, such as by duplicating underrepresented examples, or heuristically synthesizing new examples. But these remedies often fail to cover the full diversity and complexity of real examples. We propose a data augmentation approach that performs neural Example Extrapolation (Ex2). Given a handful of exemplars sampled from some distribution, Ex2 synthesizes new examples that also belong to the same distribution. The Ex2 model is learned by simulating the example generation procedure on data-rich slices of the data, and it is applied to underrepresented, few-shot slices. We apply Ex2 to a range of language understanding tasks and significantly improve over state-of-the-art methods on multiple few-shot learning benchmarks, including for relation extraction (FewRel) and intent classification + slot filling (SNIPS).

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Computation And Language

Neural Data-to-Text Generation with LM-based Text Augmentation

For many new application domains for data-to-text generation, the main obstacle in training neural models consists of a lack of training data. While usually large numbers of instances are available on the data side, often only very few text samples are available. To address this problem, we here propose a novel few-shot approach for this setting. Our approach automatically augments the data available for training by (i) generating new text samples based on replacing specific values by alternative ones from the same category, (ii) generating new text samples based on GPT-2, and (iii) proposing an automatic method for pairing the new text samples with data samples. As the text augmentation can introduce noise to the training data, we use cycle consistency as an objective, in order to make sure that a given data sample can be correctly reconstructed after having been formulated as text (and that text samples can be reconstructed from data). On both the E2E and WebNLG benchmarks, we show that this weakly supervised training paradigm is able to outperform fully supervised seq2seq models with less than 10% annotations. By utilizing all annotated data, our model can boost the performance of a standard seq2seq model by over 5 BLEU points, establishing a new state-of-the-art on both datasets.

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Computation And Language

Neural Inverse Text Normalization

While there have been several contributions exploring state of the art techniques for text normalization, the problem of inverse text normalization (ITN) remains relatively unexplored. The best known approaches leverage finite state transducer (FST) based models which rely on manually curated rules and are hence not scalable. We propose an efficient and robust neural solution for ITN leveraging transformer based seq2seq models and FST-based text normalization techniques for data preparation. We show that this can be easily extended to other languages without the need for a linguistic expert to manually curate them. We then present a hybrid framework for integrating Neural ITN with an FST to overcome common recoverable errors in production environments. Our empirical evaluations show that the proposed solution minimizes incorrect perturbations (insertions, deletions and substitutions) to ASR output and maintains high quality even on out of domain data. A transformer based model infused with pretraining consistently achieves a lower WER across several datasets and is able to outperform baselines on English, Spanish, German and Italian datasets.

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