Featured Researches


Latent Space Subdivision: Stable and Controllable Time Predictions for Fluid Flow

We propose an end-to-end trained neural networkarchitecture to robustly predict the complex dynamics of fluid flows with high temporal stability. We focus on single-phase smoke simulations in 2D and 3D based on the incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) equations, which are relevant for a wide range of practical problems. To achieve stable predictions for long-term flow sequences, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained for spatial compression in combination with a temporal prediction network that consists of stacked Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers. Our core contribution is a novel latent space subdivision (LSS) to separate the respective input quantities into individual parts of the encoded latent space domain. This allows to distinctively alter the encoded quantities without interfering with the remaining latent space values and hence maximizes external control. By selectively overwriting parts of the predicted latent space points, our proposed method is capable to robustly predict long-term sequences of complex physics problems. In addition, we highlight the benefits of a recurrent training on the latent space creation, which is performed by the spatial compression network.

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Learned Interpolation for 3D Generation

In order to generate novel 3D shapes with machine learning, one must allow for interpolation. The typical approach for incorporating this creative process is to interpolate in a learned latent space so as to avoid the problem of generating unrealistic instances by exploiting the model's learned structure. The process of the interpolation is supposed to form a semantically smooth morphing. While this approach is sound for synthesizing realistic media such as lifelike portraits or new designs for everyday objects, it subjectively fails to directly model the unexpected, unrealistic, or creative. In this work, we present a method for learning how to interpolate point clouds. By encoding prior knowledge about real-world objects, the intermediate forms are both realistic and unlike any existing forms. We show not only how this method can be used to generate "creative" point clouds, but how the method can also be leveraged to generate 3D models suitable for sculpture.

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Learning Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Volume Visualization

A central challenge in data visualization is to understand which data samples are required to generate an image of a data set in which the relevant information is encoded. In this work, we make a first step towards answering the question of whether an artificial neural network can predict where to sample the data with higher or lower density, by learning of correspondences between the data, the sampling patterns and the generated images. We introduce a novel neural rendering pipeline, which is trained end-to-end to generate a sparse adaptive sampling structure from a given low-resolution input image, and reconstructs a high-resolution image from the sparse set of samples. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate that the selection of structures that are relevant for the final visual representation can be jointly learned together with the reconstruction of this representation from these structures. Therefore, we introduce differentiable sampling and reconstruction stages, which can leverage back-propagation based on supervised losses solely on the final image. We shed light on the adaptive sampling patterns generated by the network pipeline and analyze its use for volume visualization including isosurface and direct volume rendering.

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Learning Elastic Constitutive Material and Damping Models

Commonly used linear and nonlinear constitutive material models in deformation simulation contain many simplifications and only cover a tiny part of possible material behavior. In this work we propose a framework for learning customized models of deformable materials from example surface trajectories. The key idea is to iteratively improve a correction to a nominal model of the elastic and damping properties of the object, which allows new forward simulations with the learned correction to more accurately predict the behavior of a given soft object. Space-time optimization is employed to identify gentle control forces with which we extract necessary data for model inference and to finally encapsulate the material correction into a compact parametric form. Furthermore, a patch based position constraint is proposed to tackle the challenge of handling incomplete and noisy observations arising in real-world examples. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with a set of synthetic examples, as well with data captured from real world homogeneous elastic objects.

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Learning Manifold Patch-Based Representations of Man-Made Shapes

Choosing the right representation for geometry is crucial for making 3D models compatible with existing applications. Focusing on piecewise-smooth man-made shapes, we propose a new representation that is usable in conventional CAD modeling pipelines and can also be learned by deep neural networks. We demonstrate its benefits by applying it to the task of sketch-based modeling. Given a raster image, our system infers a set of parametric surfaces that realize the input in 3D. To capture piecewise smooth geometry, we learn a special shape representation: a deformable parametric template composed of Coons patches. Naively training such a system, however, is hampered by non-manifold artifacts in the parametric shapes and by a lack of data. To address this, we introduce loss functions that bias the network to output non-self-intersecting shapes and implement them as part of a fully self-supervised system, automatically generating both shape templates and synthetic training data. We develop a testbed for sketch-based modeling, demonstrate shape interpolation, and provide comparison to related work.

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Learning Multiple-Scattering Solutions for Sphere-Tracing of Volumetric Subsurface Effects

Accurate subsurface scattering solutions require the integration of optical material properties along many complicated light paths. We present a method that learns a simple geometric approximation of random paths in a homogeneous volume of translucent material. The generated representation allows determining the absorption along the path as well as a direct lighting contribution, which is representative of all scattering events along the path. A sequence of conditional variational auto-encoders (CVAEs) is trained to model the statistical distribution of the photon paths inside a spherical region in presence of multiple scattering events. A first CVAE learns to sample the number of scattering events, occurring on a ray path inside the sphere, which effectively determines the probability of the ray being absorbed. Conditioned on this, a second model predicts the exit position and direction of the light particle. Finally, a third model generates a representative sample of photon position and direction along the path, which is used to approximate the contribution of direct illumination due to in-scattering. To accelerate the tracing of the light path through the volumetric medium toward the solid boundary, we employ a sphere-tracing strategy that considers the light absorption and is able to perform statistically accurate next-event estimation. We demonstrate efficient learning using shallow networks of only three layers and no more than 16 nodes. In combination with a GPU shader that evaluates the CVAEs' predictions, performance gains can be demonstrated for a variety of different scenarios. A quality evaluation analyzes the approximation error that is introduced by the data-driven scattering simulation and sheds light on the major sources of error in the accelerated path tracing process.

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Learning Patterns in Sample Distributions for Monte Carlo Variance Reduction

This paper investigates a novel a-posteriori variance reduction approach in Monte Carlo image synthesis. Unlike most established methods based on lateral filtering in the image space, our proposition is to produce the best possible estimate for each pixel separately, from all the samples drawn for it. To enable this, we systematically study the per-pixel sample distributions for diverse scene configurations. Noting that these are too complex to be characterized by standard statistical distributions (e.g. Gaussians), we identify patterns recurring in them and exploit those for training a variance-reduction model based on neural nets. In result, we obtain numerically better estimates compared to simple averaging of samples. This method is compatible with existing image-space denoising methods, as the improved estimates of our model can be used for further processing. We conclude by discussing how the proposed model could in future be extended for fully progressive rendering with constant memory footprint and scene-sensitive output.

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Learning Soft Tissue Behavior of Organs for Surgical Navigation with Convolutional Neural Networks

Purpose: In surgical navigation, pre-operative organ models are presented to surgeons during the intervention to help them in efficiently finding their target. In the case of soft tissue, these models need to be deformed and adapted to the current situation by using intra-operative sensor data. A promising method to realize this are real-time capable biomechanical models. Methods: We train a fully convolutional neural network to estimate a displacement field of all points inside an organ when given only the displacement of a part of the organ's surface. The network trains on entirely synthetic data of random organ-like meshes, which allows us to generate much more data than is otherwise available. The input and output data is discretized into a regular grid, allowing us to fully utilize the capabilities of convolutional operators and to train and infer in a highly parallelized manner. Results: The system is evaluated on in-silico liver models, phantom liver data and human in-vivo breathing data. We test the performance with varying material parameters, organ shapes and amount of visible surface. Even though the network is only trained on synthetic data, it adapts well to the various cases and gives a good estimation of the internal organ displacement. The inference runs at over 50 frames per second. Conclusions: We present a novel method for training a data-driven, real-time capable deformation model. The accuracy is comparable to other registration methods, it adapts very well to previously unseen organs and does not need to be re-trained for every patient. The high inferring speed makes this method useful for many applications such as surgical navigation and real-time simulation.

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Learning to Accelerate Decomposition for Multi-Directional 3D Printing

Multi-directional 3D printing has the capability of decreasing or eliminating the need for support structures. Recent work proposed a beam-guided search algorithm to find an optimized sequence of plane-clipping, which gives volume decomposition of a given 3D model. Different printing directions are employed in different regions to fabricate a model with tremendously less support (or even no support in many cases).To obtain optimized decomposition, a large beam width needs to be used in the search algorithm, leading to a very time-consuming computation. In this paper, we propose a learning framework that can accelerate the beam-guided search by using a smaller number of the original beam width to obtain results with similar quality. Specifically, we use the results of beam-guided search with large beam width to train a scoring function for candidate clipping planes based on six newly proposed feature metrics. With the help of these feature metrics, both the current and the sequence-dependent information are captured by the neural network to score candidates of clipping. As a result, we can achieve around 3x computational speed. We test and demonstrate our accelerated decomposition on a large dataset of models for 3D printing.

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Learning to dance: A graph convolutional adversarial network to generate realistic dance motions from audio

Synthesizing human motion through learning techniques is becoming an increasingly popular approach to alleviating the requirement of new data capture to produce animations. Learning to move naturally from music, i.e., to dance, is one of the more complex motions humans often perform effortlessly. Each dance movement is unique, yet such movements maintain the core characteristics of the dance style. Most approaches addressing this problem with classical convolutional and recursive neural models undergo training and variability issues due to the non-Euclidean geometry of the motion manifold this http URL this paper, we design a novel method based on graph convolutional networks to tackle the problem of automatic dance generation from audio information. Our method uses an adversarial learning scheme conditioned on the input music audios to create natural motions preserving the key movements of different music styles. We evaluate our method with three quantitative metrics of generative methods and a user study. The results suggest that the proposed GCN model outperforms the state-of-the-art dance generation method conditioned on music in different experiments. Moreover, our graph-convolutional approach is simpler, easier to be trained, and capable of generating more realistic motion styles regarding qualitative and different quantitative metrics. It also presented a visual movement perceptual quality comparable to real motion data.

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