Featured Researches

Machine Learning

Adapting to Misspecification in Contextual Bandits with Offline Regression Oracles

Computationally efficient contextual bandits are often based on estimating a predictive model of rewards given contexts and arms using past data. However, when the reward model is not well-specified, the bandit algorithm may incur unexpected regret, so recent work has focused on algorithms that are robust to misspecification. We propose a simple family of contextual bandit algorithms that adapt to misspecification error by reverting to a good safe policy when there is evidence that misspecification is causing a regret increase. Our algorithm requires only an offline regression oracle to ensure regret guarantees that gracefully degrade in terms of a measure of the average misspecification level. Compared to prior work, we attain similar regret guarantees, but we do no rely on a master algorithm, and do not require more robust oracles like online or constrained regression oracles (e.g., Foster et al. (2020a); Krishnamurthy et al. (2020)). This allows us to design algorithms for more general function approximation classes.

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Machine Learning

Adaptive Quantization of Model Updates for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning

Communication of model updates between client nodes and the central aggregating server is a major bottleneck in federated learning, especially in bandwidth-limited settings and high-dimensional models. Gradient quantization is an effective way of reducing the number of bits required to communicate each model update, albeit at the cost of having a higher error floor due to the higher variance of the stochastic gradients. In this work, we propose an adaptive quantization strategy called AdaQuantFL that aims to achieve communication efficiency as well as a low error floor by changing the number of quantization levels during the course of training. Experiments on training deep neural networks show that our method can converge in much fewer communicated bits as compared to fixed quantization level setups, with little or no impact on training and test accuracy.

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Machine Learning

Additive Feature Hashing

The hashing trick is a machine learning technique used to encode categorical features into a numerical vector representation of pre-defined fixed length. It works by using the categorical hash values as vector indices, and updating the vector values at those indices. Here we discuss a different approach based on additive-hashing and the "almost orthogonal" property of high-dimensional random vectors. That is, we show that additive feature hashing can be performed directly by adding the hash values and converting them into high-dimensional numerical vectors. We show that the performance of additive feature hashing is similar to the hashing trick, and we illustrate the results numerically using synthetic, language recognition, and SMS spam detection data.

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Machine Learning

Advanced Stationary and Non-Stationary Kernel Designs for Domain-Aware Gaussian Processes

Gaussian process regression is a widely-applied method for function approximation and uncertainty quantification. The technique has gained popularity recently in the machine learning community due to its robustness and interpretability. The mathematical methods we discuss in this paper are an extension of the Gaussian-process framework. We are proposing advanced kernel designs that only allow for functions with certain desirable characteristics to be elements of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) that underlies all kernel methods and serves as the sample space for Gaussian process regression. These desirable characteristics reflect the underlying physics; two obvious examples are symmetry and periodicity constraints. In addition, non-stationary kernel designs can be defined in the same framework to yield flexible multi-task Gaussian processes. We will show the impact of advanced kernel designs on Gaussian processes using several synthetic and two scientific data sets. The results show that including domain knowledge, communicated through advanced kernel designs, has a significant impact on the accuracy and relevance of the function approximation.

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Machine Learning

Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Physiological Computing: A Systematic Review

Physiological computing uses human physiological data as system inputs in real time. It includes, or significantly overlaps with, brain-computer interfaces, affective computing, adaptive automation, health informatics, and physiological signal based biometrics. Physiological computing increases the communication bandwidth from the user to the computer, but is also subject to various types of adversarial attacks, in which the attacker deliberately manipulates the training and/or test examples to hijack the machine learning algorithm output, leading to possibly user confusion, frustration, injury, or even death. However, the vulnerability of physiological computing systems has not been paid enough attention to, and there does not exist a comprehensive review on adversarial attacks to it. This paper fills this gap, by providing a systematic review on the main research areas of physiological computing, different types of adversarial attacks and their applications to physiological computing, and the corresponding defense strategies. We hope this review will attract more research interests on the vulnerability of physiological computing systems, and more importantly, defense strategies to make them more secure.

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Machine Learning

Adversarial Perturbations Are Not So Weird: Entanglement of Robust and Non-Robust Features in Neural Network Classifiers

Neural networks trained on visual data are well-known to be vulnerable to often imperceptible adversarial perturbations. The reasons for this vulnerability are still being debated in the literature. Recently Ilyas et al. (2019) showed that this vulnerability arises, in part, because neural network classifiers rely on highly predictive but brittle "non-robust" features. In this paper we extend the work of Ilyas et al. by investigating the nature of the input patterns that give rise to these features. In particular, we hypothesize that in a neural network trained in a standard way, non-robust features respond to small, "non-semantic" patterns that are typically entangled with larger, robust patterns, known to be more human-interpretable, as opposed to solely responding to statistical artifacts in a dataset. Thus, adversarial examples can be formed via minimal perturbations to these small, entangled patterns. In addition, we demonstrate a corollary of our hypothesis: robust classifiers are more effective than standard (non-robust) ones as a source for generating transferable adversarial examples in both the untargeted and targeted settings. The results we present in this paper provide new insight into the nature of the non-robust features responsible for adversarial vulnerability of neural network classifiers.

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Machine Learning

Adversarial Robustness with Non-uniform Perturbations

Robustness of machine learning models is critical for security related applications, where real-world adversaries are uniquely focused on evading neural network based detectors. Prior work mainly focus on crafting adversarial examples (AEs) with small uniform norm-bounded perturbations across features to maintain the requirement of imperceptibility. However, uniform perturbations do not result in realistic AEs in domains such as malware, finance, and social networks. For these types of applications, features typically have some semantically meaningful dependencies. The key idea of our proposed approach is to enable non-uniform perturbations that can adequately represent these feature dependencies during adversarial training. We propose using characteristics of the empirical data distribution, both on correlations between the features and the importance of the features themselves. Using experimental datasets for malware classification, credit risk prediction, and spam detection, we show that our approach is more robust to real-world attacks. Finally, we present robustness certification utilizing non-uniform perturbation bounds, and show that non-uniform bounds achieve better certification.

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Machine Learning

Adversarial Training Makes Weight Loss Landscape Sharper in Logistic Regression

Adversarial training is actively studied for learning robust models against adversarial examples. A recent study finds that adversarially trained models degenerate generalization performance on adversarial examples when their weight loss landscape, which is loss changes with respect to weights, is sharp. Unfortunately, it has been experimentally shown that adversarial training sharpens the weight loss landscape, but this phenomenon has not been theoretically clarified. Therefore, we theoretically analyze this phenomenon in this paper. As a first step, this paper proves that adversarial training with the L2 norm constraints sharpens the weight loss landscape in the linear logistic regression model. Our analysis reveals that the sharpness of the weight loss landscape is caused by the noise aligned in the direction of increasing the loss, which is used in adversarial training. We theoretically and experimentally confirm that the weight loss landscape becomes sharper as the magnitude of the noise of adversarial training increases in the linear logistic regression model. Moreover, we experimentally confirm the same phenomena in ResNet18 with softmax as a more general case.

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Machine Learning

Adversarially Guided Actor-Critic

Despite definite success in deep reinforcement learning problems, actor-critic algorithms are still confronted with sample inefficiency in complex environments, particularly in tasks where efficient exploration is a bottleneck. These methods consider a policy (the actor) and a value function (the critic) whose respective losses are built using different motivations and approaches. This paper introduces a third protagonist: the adversary. While the adversary mimics the actor by minimizing the KL-divergence between their respective action distributions, the actor, in addition to learning to solve the task, tries to differentiate itself from the adversary predictions. This novel objective stimulates the actor to follow strategies that could not have been correctly predicted from previous trajectories, making its behavior innovative in tasks where the reward is extremely rare. Our experimental analysis shows that the resulting Adversarially Guided Actor-Critic (AGAC) algorithm leads to more exhaustive exploration. Notably, AGAC outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on a set of various hard-exploration and procedurally-generated tasks.

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Machine Learning

Adversarially Robust Learning with Unknown Perturbation Sets

We study the problem of learning predictors that are robust to adversarial examples with respect to an unknown perturbation set, relying instead on interaction with an adversarial attacker or access to attack oracles, examining different models for such interactions. We obtain upper bounds on the sample complexity and upper and lower bounds on the number of required interactions, or number of successful attacks, in different interaction models, in terms of the VC and Littlestone dimensions of the hypothesis class of predictors, and without any assumptions on the perturbation set.

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