Featured Researches

Programming Languages

Certified Semantics for Relational Programming

We present a formal study of semantics for the relational programming language miniKanren. First, we formulate a denotational semantics which corresponds to the minimal Herbrand model for definite logic programs. Second, we present operational semantics which models interleaving, the distinctive feature of miniKanren implementation, and prove its soundness and completeness w.r.t. the denotational semantics. Our development is supported by a Coq specification, from which a reference interpreter can be extracted. We also derive from our main result a certified semantics (and a reference interpreter) for SLD resolution with cut and prove its soundness.

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Programming Languages

Certifying Choreography Compilation

Choreographic programming is a paradigm for developing concurrent and distributed systems, where programs are choreographies that define, from a global viewpoint, the computations and interactions that communicating processes should enact. Choreography compilation translates choreographies into the local definitions of process behaviours, given as terms in a process calculus. Proving choreography compilation correct is challenging and error-prone, because it requires relating languages in different paradigms (global interactions vs local actions) and dealing with a combinatorial explosion of proof cases. We present the first certified program for choreography compilation for a nontrivial choreographic language supporting recursion.

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Programming Languages

Check Your (Students') Proofs-With Holes

Cyp (Check Your Proofs) (Durner and Noschinski 2013; Traytel 2019) verifies proofs about Haskell-like programs. We extended Cyp with a pattern matcher for programs and proof terms, and a type checker. This allows to use Cyp for auto-grading exercises where the goal is to complete programs and proofs that are partially given by the instructor, as terms with holes. Since this allows holes in programs, type-checking becomes essential. Before, Cyp assumed that the program was written by a type-correct instructor, and therefore omitted type-checking of proofs. Cyp gracefully handles incomplete student submissions. It accepts holes temporarily, and checks complete subtrees fully. We present basic design decisions, make some remarks on implementation, and include example exercises from a recent course that used Cyp as part of the Leipzig Autotool auto-grading system.

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Programming Languages

CheckDP: An Automated and Integrated Approach for Proving Differential Privacy or Finding Precise Counterexamples

We propose CheckDP, the first automated and integrated approach for proving or disproving claims that a mechanism is differentially private. CheckDP can find counterexamples for mechanisms with subtle bugs for which prior counterexample generators have failed. Furthermore, it was able to \emph{automatically} generate proofs for correct mechanisms for which no formal verification was reported before. CheckDP is built on static program analysis, allowing it to be more efficient and more precise in catching infrequent events than existing counterexample generators (which run mechanisms hundreds of thousands of times to estimate their output distribution). Moreover, its sound approach also allows automatic verification of correct mechanisms. When evaluated on standard benchmarks and newer privacy mechanisms, CheckDP generates proofs (for correct mechanisms) and counterexamples (for incorrect mechanisms) within 70 seconds without any false positives or false negatives.

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Programming Languages

Checking Robustness Between Weak Transactional Consistency Models

Concurrent accesses to databases are typically encapsulated in transactions in order to enable isolation from other concurrent computations and resilience to failures. Modern databases provide transactions with various semantics corresponding to different trade-offs between consistency and availability. Since a weaker consistency model provides better performance, an important issue is investigating the weakest level of consistency needed by a given program (to satisfy its specification). As a way of dealing with this issue, we investigate the problem of checking whether a given program has the same set of behaviors when replacing a consistency model with a weaker one. This property known as robustness generally implies that any specification of the program is preserved when weakening the consistency. We focus on the robustness problem for consistency models which are weaker than standard serializability, namely, causal consistency, prefix consistency, and snapshot isolation. We show that checking robustness between these models is polynomial time reducible to a state reachability problem under serializability. We use this reduction to also derive a pragmatic proof technique based on Lipton's reduction theory that allows to prove programs robust. We have applied our techniques to several challenging applications drawn from the literature of distributed systems and databases.

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Programming Languages

Choreographies as Objects

We present Choral, the first language for programming choreographies (multiparty protocols) that builds on top of mainstream programming abstractions: in Choral, choreographies are objects. Given a choreography that defines interactions among some roles (Alice, Bob, etc.), an implementation for each role in the choreography is automatically generated by a compiler. These implementations are libraries in pure Java, which developers can modularly compose in their own programs to participate correctly in choreographies.

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Programming Languages

Code Building Genetic Programming

In recent years the field of genetic programming has made significant advances towards automatic programming. Research and development of contemporary program synthesis methods, such as PushGP and Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, can produce programs that solve problems typically assigned in introductory academic settings. These problems focus on a narrow, predetermined set of simple data structures, basic control flow patterns, and primitive, non-overlapping data types (without, for example, inheritance or composite types). Few, if any, genetic programming methods for program synthesis have convincingly demonstrated the capability of synthesizing programs that use arbitrary data types, data structures, and specifications that are drawn from existing codebases. In this paper, we introduce Code Building Genetic Programming (CBGP) as a framework within which this can be done, by leveraging programming language features such as reflection and first-class specifications. CBGP produces a computational graph that can be executed or translated into source code of a host language. To demonstrate the novel capabilities of CBGP, we present results on new benchmarks that use non-primitive, polymorphic data types as well as some standard program synthesis benchmarks.

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Programming Languages

Code Obfuscation for the C/C++ Language

Obfuscation is the action of making something unintelligible. In software development, this action can be applied to source code or binary applications. The aim of this dissertation was to implement a tool for the obfuscation of C and C++ source code. The motivation was to allow proprietary code to be distributed to third-parties without risking a recreation of the intellectual property within it. While many obfuscators exist, they seldom focus on software that is distributed in source code form. This dissertation presents the challenges and successes that arose during the development of a C and C++ source code obfuscator using the Nim programming language.

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Programming Languages

Coinduction Plain and Simple

Coinduction refers to both a technique for the definition of infinite streams, so-called codata, and a technique for proving the equality of coinductively specified codata. This article first reviews coinduction in declarative programming. Second, it reviews and slightly extends the formalism commonly used for specifying codata. Third, it generalizes the coinduction proof principle, which has been originally specified for the equality predicate only, to other predicates. This generalization makes the coinduction proof principle more intuitive and stresses its closeness with structural induction. The article finally suggests in its conclusion extensions of functional and logic programming with limited and decidable forms of the generalized coinduction proof principle.

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Programming Languages

Coming to Terms with Your Choices: An Existential Take on Dependent Types

Type-level programming is an increasingly popular way to obtain additional type safety. Unfortunately, it remains a second-class citizen in the majority of industrially-used programming languages. We propose a new dependently-typed system with subtyping and singleton types whose goal is to enable type-level programming in an accessible style. At the heart of our system lies a non-deterministic choice operator. We argue that embracing non-determinism is crucial for bringing dependent types to a broader audience of programmers, since real-world programs will inevitably interact with imprecisely-typed, or even impure code. Furthermore, we show that singleton types combined with the choice operator can serve as a replacement for many type functions of interest in practice. We establish the soundness of our approach using the Coq proof assistant. Our soundness approach models non-determinism using additional function arguments to represent choices. We represent type-level computation using singleton types and existential types that quantify over choice arguments. To demonstrate the practicality of our type system, we present an implementation as a modification of the Scala compiler. We provide a case study in which we develop a strongly-typed wrapper for Spark datasets.

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