Featured Researches

Social And Information Networks

Collective response to the media coverage of COVID-19 Pandemic on Reddit and Wikipedia

The exposure and consumption of information during epidemic outbreaks may alter risk perception, trigger behavioural changes, and ultimately affect the evolution of the disease. It is thus of the uttermost importance to map information dissemination by mainstream media outlets and public response. However, our understanding of this exposure-response dynamic during COVID-19 pandemic is still limited. In this paper, we provide a characterization of media coverage and online collective attention to COVID-19 pandemic in four countries: Italy, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. For this purpose, we collect an heterogeneous dataset including 227,768 online news articles and 13,448 Youtube videos published by mainstream media, 107,898 users posts and 3,829,309 comments on the social media platform Reddit, and 278,456,892 views to COVID-19 related Wikipedia pages. Our results show that public attention, quantified as users activity on Reddit and active searches on Wikipedia pages, is mainly driven by media coverage and declines rapidly, while news exposure and COVID-19 incidence remain high. Furthermore, by using an unsupervised, dynamical topic modeling approach, we show that while the attention dedicated to different topics by media and online users are in good accordance, interesting deviations emerge in their temporal patterns. Overall, our findings offer an additional key to interpret public perception/response to the current global health emergency and raise questions about the effects of attention saturation on collective awareness, risk perception and thus on tendencies towards behavioural changes.

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Social And Information Networks

Combating Disinformation in a Social Media Age

The creation, dissemination, and consumption of disinformation and fabricated content on social media is a growing concern, especially with the ease of access to such sources, and the lack of awareness of the existence of such false information. In this paper, we present an overview of the techniques explored to date for the combating of disinformation with various forms. We introduce different forms of disinformation, discuss factors related to the spread of disinformation, elaborate on the inherent challenges in detecting disinformation, and show some approaches to mitigating disinformation via education, research, and collaboration. Looking ahead, we present some promising future research directions on disinformation.

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Social And Information Networks

CommuNety: A Deep Learning System for the Prediction of Cohesive Social Communities

Effective mining of social media, which consists of a large number of users is a challenging task. Traditional approaches rely on the analysis of text data related to users to accomplish this task. However, text data lacks significant information about the social users and their associated groups. In this paper, we propose CommuNety, a deep learning system for the prediction of cohesive social networks using images. The proposed deep learning model consists of hierarchical CNN architecture to learn descriptive features related to each cohesive network. The paper also proposes a novel Face Co-occurrence Frequency algorithm to quantify existence of people in images, and a novel photo ranking method to analyze the strength of relationship between different individuals in a predicted social network. We extensively evaluate the proposed technique on PIPA dataset and compare with state-of-the-art methods. Our experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed technique for the prediction of relationship between different individuals and the cohesiveness of communities.

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Social And Information Networks

Community Detection by a Riemannian Projected Proximal Gradient Method

Community detection plays an important role in understanding and exploiting the structure of complex systems. Many algorithms have been developed for community detection using modularity maximization or other techniques. In this paper, we formulate the community detection problem as a constrained nonsmooth optimization problem on the compact Stiefel manifold. A Riemannian projected proximal gradient method is proposed and used to solve the problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use Riemannian optimization for community detection problem. Numerical experimental results on synthetic benchmarks and real-world networks show that our algorithm is effective and outperforms several state-of-art algorithms.

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Social And Information Networks

Community Detection in Blockchain Social Networks

In this work, we consider community detection in blockchain networks. We specifically take the Bitcoin network and Ethereum network as two examples, where community detection serves in different ways. For the Bitcoin network, we modify the traditional community detection method and apply it to the transaction social network to cluster users with similar characteristics. For the Ethereum network, on the other hand, we define a bipartite social graph based on the smart contract transactions. A novel community detection algorithm which is designed for low-rank signals on graph can help find users' communities based on user-token subscription. Based on these results, two strategies are devised to deliver on-chain advertisements to those users in the same community. We implement the proposed algorithms on real data. By adopting the modified clustering algorithm, the community results in the Bitcoin network is basically consistent with the ground-truth of betting site community which has been announced to the public. At the meanwhile, we run the proposed strategy on real Ethereum data, visualize the results and implement an advertisement delivery on the Ropsten test net.

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Social And Information Networks

Community Detection in the Stochastic Block Model by Mixed Integer Programming

The Degree-Corrected Stochastic Block Model (DCSBM) is a popular model to generate random graphs with community structure given an expected degree sequence. The standard approach of community detection based on the DCSBM is to search for the model parameters that are the most likely to have produced the observed network data through maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Current techniques for the MLE problem are heuristics, and therefore do not guarantee convergence to the optimum. We present mathematical programming formulations and exact solution methods that can provably find the model parameters and community assignments of maximum likelihood given an observed graph. We compare these exact methods with classical heuristic algorithms based on expectation-maximization (EM). The solutions given by exact methods give us a principled way of measuring the experimental performance of classical heuristics and comparing different variations thereof.

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Social And Information Networks

Community Detection: Exact Recovery in Weighted Graphs

In community detection, the exact recovery of communities (clusters) has been mainly investigated under the general stochastic block model with edges drawn from Bernoulli distributions. This paper considers the exact recovery of communities in a complete graph in which the graph edges are drawn from either a set of Gaussian distributions with community-dependent means and variances, or a set of exponential distributions with community-dependent means. For each case, we introduce a new semi-metric that describes sufficient and necessary conditions of exact recovery. The necessary and sufficient conditions are asymptotically tight. The analysis is also extended to incomplete, fully connected weighted graphs.

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Social And Information Networks

Community detection and Social Network analysis based on the Italian wars of the 15th century

In this contribution we study social network modelling by using human interaction as a basis. To do so, we propose a new set of functions, affinities, designed to capture the nature of the local interactions among each pair of actors in a network. By using these functions, we develop a new community detection algorithm, the Borgia Clustering, where communities naturally arise from the multi-agent interaction in the network. We also discuss the effects of size and scale for communities regarding this case, as well as how we cope with the additional complexity present when big communities arise. Finally, we compare our community detection solution with other representative algorithms, finding favourable results.

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Social And Information Networks

Community detection, pattern recognition, and hypergraph-based learning: approaches using metric geometry and persistent homology

Hypergraph data appear and are hidden in many places in the modern age. They are data structure that can be used to model many real data examples since their structures contain information about higher order relations among data points. One of the main contributions of our paper is to introduce a new topological structure to hypergraph data which bears a resemblance to a usual metric space structure. Using this new topological space structure of hypergraph data, we propose several approaches to study community detection problem, detecting persistent features arising from homological structure of hypergraph data. Also based on the topological space structure of hypergraph data introduced in our paper, we introduce a modified nearest neighbors methods which is a generalization of the classical nearest neighbors methods from machine learning. Our modified nearest neighbors methods have an advantage of being very flexible and applicable even for discrete structures as in hypergraphs. We then apply our modified nearest neighbors methods to study sign prediction problem in hypegraph data constructed using our method.

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Social And Information Networks

Community membership consistency in corporate board interlock networks

Community detection is a well established method for studying the meso scale structure of social networks. Applying a community detection algorithm results in a division of a network into communities that is often used to inspect and reason about community membership of specific nodes. This micro level interpretation step of community structure is a crucial step in typical social science research. However, the methodological caveat in this step is that virtually all modern community detection methods are non-deterministic and based on randomization and approximated results. This needs to be explicitly taken into consideration when reasoning about community membership of individual nodes. To do so, we propose a metric of \emph{community membership consistency}, that provides node-level insights in how reliable the placement of that node into a community really is. In addition, it enables us to distinguish the \emph{community core} members of a community. The usefulness the proposed metrics is demonstrated on corporate board interlock networks, in which weighted links represent shared senior level directors between firms. Results suggest that the community structure of global business groups is centered around persistent communities consisting of core countries tied by geographical and cultural proximity. In addition, we identify fringe countries that appear to associate with a number of different global business communities.

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