Featured Researches

Social And Information Networks

A novel method based on node correlation to evaluate the important nodes in complex networks

Finding the important nodes in complex networks by topological structure is of great significance to network invulnerability. Several centrality measures have been proposed recently to evaluate the performance of nodes based on their correlation, showing that the interaction between nodes has an influence on the importance of nodes. In this paper, a novel method based on node distribution and global influence in complex networks is proposed. Our main idea is that the importance of nodes being linked not only to the relative position in the network but also to the correlations with each other. The nodes in the complex networks are classified according to the distance matrix, then the correlation coefficient between pairs of nodes is calculated. From the whole perspective in the network, the global similarity centrality (GSC) is proposed based on the relevance and shortest distance between any two nodes. The efficiency, accuracy and monotonicity of the proposed method are analyzed in two artificial datasets and eight real datasets of different sizes. Experimental results show that the performance of GSC method outperforms those current state-of-the-art algorithms.

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Social And Information Networks

A simple bipartite graph projection model for clustering in networks

Graph datasets are frequently constructed by a projection of a bipartite graph, where two nodes are connected in the projection if they share a common neighbor in the bipartite graph; for example, a coauthorship graph is a projection of an author-publication bipartite graph. Analyzing the structure of the projected graph is common, but we do not have a good understanding of the consequences of the projection on such analyses. Here, we propose and analyze a random graph model to study what properties we can expect from the projection step. Our model is based on a Chung-Lu random graph for constructing the bipartite representation, which enables us to rigorously analyze the projected graph. We show that common network properties such as sparsity, heavy-tailed degree distributions, local clustering at nodes, the inverse relationship between node degree, and global transitivity can be explained and analyzed through this simple model. We also develop a fast sampling algorithm for our model, which we show is provably optimal for certain input distributions. Numerical simulations where model parameters come from real-world datasets show that much of the clustering behavior in some datasets can just be explained by the projection step.

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Social And Information Networks

A spectral clustering approach for the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Rio Grande do Sul by applying graph-theoretical tools, particularly spectral clustering techniques, on weighted graphs defined on the set of 167 municipalities in the state with population 10,000 or more, which are based on data provided by government agencies and other sources. To respond to this outbreak, the state has adopted a system by which pre-determined regions are assigned flags on a weekly basis, and different measures go into effect according to the flag assigned. Our results suggest that considering a flexible approach to the regions themselves might be a useful additional tool to give more leeway to cities with lower incidence rates, while keeping the focus on public safety. Moreover, simulations show the dampening effect of isolation on the dissemination of the disease.

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Social And Information Networks

A two-layer model for coevolving opinion dynamics and collective decision-making in complex social systems

Motivated by the literature on opinion dynamics and evolutionary game theory, we propose a novel mathematical framework to model the intertwined coevolution of opinions and decision-making in a complex social system. In the proposed framework, the members of a social community update their opinions and revise their actions as they learn of others' opinions shared on a communication channel, and observe of others' actions through an influence channel; these interactions determine a two-layer network structure. We offer an application of the proposed framework by tailoring it to study the adoption of a novel social norm, demonstrating that the model is able to capture the emergence of several real-world collective phenomena such as paradigm shifts and unpopular norms. Through the establishment of analytical conditions and Monte Carlo numerical simulations, we shed light on the role of the coupling between opinion dynamics and decision-making, and of the network structure, in shaping the emergence of complex collective behavior in social systems.

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Social And Information Networks

ALONE: A Dataset for Toxic Behavior among Adolescents on Twitter

The convenience of social media has also enabled its misuse, potentially resulting in toxic behavior. Nearly 66% of internet users have observed online harassment, and 41% claim personal experience, with 18% facing severe forms of online harassment. This toxic communication has a significant impact on the well-being of young individuals, affecting mental health and, in some cases, resulting in suicide. These communications exhibit complex linguistic and contextual characteristics, making recognition of such narratives challenging. In this paper, we provide a multimodal dataset of toxic social media interactions between confirmed high school students, called ALONE (AdoLescents ON twittEr), along with descriptive explanation. Each instance of interaction includes tweets, images, emoji and related metadata. Our observations show that individual tweets do not provide sufficient evidence for toxic behavior, and meaningful use of context in interactions can enable highlighting or exonerating tweets with purported toxicity.

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Social And Information Networks

Adaptive Group Testing on Networks with Community Structure

Since the inception of the group testing problem in World War II, one of the prevailing assumptions in the probabilistic variant of the problem has been that individuals in the population are infected by a disease independently. However, this assumption rarely holds in practice, as diseases typically spread through interactions between individuals and therefore cause infections to be correlated. Inspired by characteristics of COVID-19 and similar diseases, we consider an infection model over networks which generalizes the traditional i.i.d. model from probabilistic group testing. Under this infection model, we ask whether knowledge of the network structure can be leveraged to perform group testing more efficiently, focusing specifically on community-structured graphs drawn from the stochastic block model. We prove that when the network and infection parameters are conducive to "strong community structure," our proposed adaptive, graph-aware algorithm outperforms the baseline binary splitting algorithm, and is even order-optimal in certain parameter regimes. We support our results with numerical simulations.

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Social And Information Networks

Adoption of Twitter's New Length Limit: Is 280 the New 140?

In November 2017, Twitter doubled the maximum allowed tweet length from 140 to 280 characters, a drastic switch on one of the world's most influential social media platforms. In the first long-term study of how the new length limit was adopted by Twitter users, we ask: Does the effect of the new length limit resemble that of the old one? Or did the doubling of the limit fundamentally change how Twitter is shaped by the limited length of posted content? By analyzing Twitter's publicly available 1% sample over a period of around 3 years, we find that, when the length limit was raised from 140 to 280 characters, the prevalence of tweets around 140 characters dropped immediately, while the prevalence of tweets around 280 characters rose steadily for about 6 months. Despite this rise, tweets approaching the length limit have been far less frequent after than before the switch. We find widely different adoption rates across languages and client-device types. The prevalence of tweets around 140 characters before the switch in a given language is strongly correlated with the prevalence of tweets around 280 characters after the switch in the same language, and very long tweets are vastly more popular on Web clients than on mobile clients. Moreover, tweets of around 280 characters after the switch are syntactically and semantically similar to tweets of around 140 characters before the switch, manifesting patterns of message squeezing in both cases. Taken together, these findings suggest that the new 280-character limit constitutes a new, less intrusive version of the old 140-character limit. The length limit remains an important factor that should be considered in all studies using Twitter data.

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Social And Information Networks

Adversarial Active Learning based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Fake News Detection

The explosive growth of fake news along with destructive effects on politics, economy, and public safety has increased the demand for fake news detection. Fake news on social media does not exist independently in the form of an article. Many other entities, such as news creators, news subjects, and so on, exist on social media and have relationships with news articles. Different entities and relationships can be modeled as a heterogeneous information network (HIN). In this paper, we attempt to solve the fake news detection problem with the support of a news-oriented HIN. We propose a novel fake news detection framework, namely Adversarial Active Learning-based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (AA-HGNN) which employs a novel hierarchical attention mechanism to perform node representation learning in the HIN. AA-HGNN utilizes an active learning framework to enhance learning performance, especially when facing the paucity of labeled data. An adversarial selector will be trained to query high-value candidates for the active learning framework. When the adversarial active learning is completed, AA-HGNN detects fake news by classifying news article nodes. Experiments with two real-world fake news datasets show that our model can outperform text-based models and other graph-based models when using less labeled data benefiting from the adversarial active learning. As a model with generalizability, AA-HGNN also has the ability to be widely used in other node classification-related applications on heterogeneous graphs.

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Social And Information Networks

Adversarial Directed Graph Embedding

Node representation learning for directed graphs is critically important to facilitate many graph mining tasks. To capture the directed edges between nodes, existing methods mostly learn two embedding vectors for each node, source vector and target vector. However, these methods learn the source and target vectors separately. For the node with very low indegree or outdegree, the corresponding target vector or source vector cannot be effectively learned. In this paper, we propose a novel Directed Graph embedding framework based on Generative Adversarial Network, called DGGAN. The main idea is to use adversarial mechanisms to deploy a discriminator and two generators that jointly learn each node's source and target vectors. For a given node, the two generators are trained to generate its fake target and source neighbor nodes from the same underlying distribution, and the discriminator aims to distinguish whether a neighbor node is real or fake. The two generators are formulated into a unified framework and could mutually reinforce each other to learn more robust source and target vectors. Extensive experiments show that DGGAN consistently and significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across multiple graph mining tasks on directed graphs.

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Social And Information Networks

Affective Polarization in Online Climate Change Discourse on Twitter

Online social media has become an important platform to organize around different socio-cultural and political topics. An extensive scholarship has discussed how people are divided into echo-chamber-like groups. However, there is a lack of work related to quantifying hostile communication or \textit{affective polarization} between two competing groups. This paper proposes a systematic, network-based methodology for examining affective polarization in online conversations. Further, we apply our framework to 100 weeks of Twitter discourse about climate change. We find that deniers of climate change (Disbelievers) are more hostile towards people who believe (Believers) in the anthropogenic cause of climate change than vice versa. Moreover, Disbelievers use more words and hashtags related to natural disasters during more hostile weeks as compared to Believers. These findings bear implications for studying affective polarization in online discourse, especially concerning the subject of climate change. Lastly, we discuss our findings in the context of increasingly important climate change communication research.

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