Featured Researches

Other Condensed Matter

Elastic constants of hcp 4 He: Path-integral Monte Carlo results versus experiment

The elastic constants of hcp 4 He are computed using the path-integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method. The stiffness coefficients are obtained by imposing different distortions to a periodic cell containing 180 atoms, followed by measurement of the elements of the corresponding stress tensor. For this purpose an appropriate path-integral expression for the stress tensor observable is derived and implemented into the PIMC++ package. In addition to allowing the determination of the elastic stiffness constants, this development also opens the way to an explicit atomistic determination of the Peierls stress for dislocation motion using the PIMC technique. A comparison of the results to available experimental data shows an overall good agreement of the density dependence of the elastic constants, with the single exception of C 13 . Additional calculations for the bcc phase, on the other hand, show good agreement for \textit{all} elastic constants.

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Other Condensed Matter

Electric field and electric forces in a spontaneously polarized nonpolar isotropic dielectric

Based on the microscopic Maxwell equations, we develop a method of description of the electric field in a spontaneously polarized isotropic nonpolar dielectric. We find the solution for the electric field E(r) for several typical examples. Moreover, we generalize Helmholtz's formula for the electric force acting on a volume element of a dielectric with regard for the contribution of the spontaneous polarization.

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Other Condensed Matter

Electric power transfer in spin pumping experiments

Spin pumping is becoming an established method to generate voltages from magnetic dynamics. The standard detection method of spin pumping is based on open circuit voltage measurement across ferromagnetic (FM) and non-magnetic (NM) bi-layers, where the inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE) can convert spin currents into electrical charge accumulation. In this paper, we present that it is also possible to measure the associated electric charge current generated in FM/NM bi-layers, by using a macroscopic closed circuitry detection method. Using variable load resistors connected in series to the sample, we quantified charge currents and associated electric power dissipation as a function of the load resistance. By using basic circuit analysis, we are able to describe spin pumping cells as a non-ideal voltage source or equivalent current source with an internal resistor.

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Other Condensed Matter

Electromagnetic propagation in a relativistic electron gas at finite temperatures

We describe electromagnetic propagation in a relativistic electron gas at finite temperatures and carrier densities. Using quantum electrodynamics at finite temperatures, we obtain electric and magnetic responses and general constitutive relations. Rewriting the propagator for the electromagnetic field in terms of the electric and magnetic responses, we identify the modes that propagate in the gas. As expected, we obtain the usual collective excitations, i.e., a longitudinal electric and two transverse magnetic plasmonic modes. In addition, we find a purely photonic mode that satisfies the wave equation in vacuum, for which the electron gas is transparent. We present dispersion relations for the plasmon modes at zero and finite temperatures and identify the intervals of frequency and wavelength where both electric and magnetic responses are simultaneously negative, a behavior previously thought not to occur in natural systems.

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Other Condensed Matter

Electron inelastic mean free paths in condensed matter down to a few electronvolts

A method is reported for a simple, yet reliable, calculation of electron inelastic mean free paths in condensed phase insulating and conducting materials, from the very low energies of hot electrons up to the high energies characteristic of electron beams. Through a detailed consideration of the energy transferred by the projectile in individual and collective electronic excitations, as well as ionizations, together with the inclusion of higher order corrections to the results provided by the dielectric formalism, inelastic mean free paths are calculated for water, aluminum, gold and copper in excellent agreement with the available experimental data, even at the elusive very low energy region. These results are important due to the crucial role played by low energy electrons in radiobiology (owing to their relevant effects in biodamage), and also in order to assess the not yet elucidated disagreement between older and recent measurements of low energy electron mean free paths in metals (which are relevant for low energy electron transport and effects in nanostructured devices).

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Other Condensed Matter

Electrostatic analogy of the Jackiw-Rebbi zero energy state

We present an analogy between the one dimensional Poisson equation in inhomogeneous media and the Dirac equation in one space dimension with a Lorentz scalar potential for zero energy. We illustrate how the zero energy state in the Jackiw-Rebbi model can be implemented in a simple one dimensional electrostatic setting by using an inhomogeneous electric permittivity and an infinite charged sheet. Our approach provides a novel insight into the Jackiw-Rebbi zero energy state and provides a helpful view in teaching this important quantum field theory model using basic electrostatics.

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Other Condensed Matter

Elucidation of the subcritical character of the liquid--liquid transition in dense hydrogen

The liquid-liquid phase transition in high-pressure Hydrogen is a problem of longstanding and controversy. The recent Nature paper by Cheng et al. [vol. 585, p. 217] makes a set of strong claims to the effect that all the previous density functional theory molecular dynamics (MD-DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo calculations of that transition are incorrect because of finite size effects and, in the MD-DFT case, short run times. The basis of those claims is their use of large systems and long durations for classical MD driven by a machine-learnt potential (MLP) which they developed. The straightforward test of their claims is to do MD-DFT on systems as large or larger than Cheng et al. used and for significantly longer durations than in the previous MD-DFT simulations. We have done so and find that neither diagnosis of theirs (size effects, duration limits) is correct. Instead, we find that the MLP does not drive MD in fidelity with the underlying DFT electronic structure that it is supposed to replicate. The result is that the MLP-driven MD results are artifactual, not systematically connected to the theoretical underpinning on which the MLP was trained.

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Other Condensed Matter

Emergence of oscillons in kink-impurity interactions

The (1+1)-dimensional classical φ 4 theory contains stable, topological excitations in the form of solitary waves or kinks, as well as stable but non-topological solutions, such as the oscillon. Both are used in effective descriptions of excitations throughout myriad fields of physics. The oscillon is well-known to be a coherent, particle-like solution when introduced as an Ansatz in the φ 4 theory. Here, we show that oscillons also arise naturally in the dynamics of the theory, in particular as the result of kink-antikink collisions in the presence of an impurity. We show that in addition to the scattering of kinks and the formation of a breather, both bound oscillon pairs and propagating oscillons may emerge from the collision. We discuss their resonances and critical velocity as a function of impurity strength and highlight the role played by the impurity in the scattering process.

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Other Condensed Matter

Energy spectrum of a Langevin oscillator

We derive analytical solutions for the autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions of the kinetic, potential and total energy of a Langevin oscillator. These functions are presented in both the time and frequency domains and validated by independent numerical simulations. The results are applied to address the long-standing issue of temperature fluctuations in canonical systems.

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Other Condensed Matter

Eulerian and Lagrangian second-order statistics of superfluid 4 He grid turbulence

We use particle tracking velocimetry to study Eulerian and Lagrangian second-order statistics of superfluid 4 He grid turbulence. The Eulerian energy spectra at scales larger than the mean distance between quantum vortex lines behave classically with close to Kolmogorov-1941 scaling and are almost isotropic. The Lagrangian second-order structure functions and frequency power spectra, measured at scales comparable with the intervortex distance, demonstrate a sharp transition from nearly-classical behavior to a regime dominated by the motion of quantum vortex lines. Employing the homogeneity of the flow, we verify a set of relations that connect various second-order statistical objects that stress different aspects of turbulent behavior, allowing a multifaceted analysis. We use the two-way bridge relations between Eulerian energy spectra and second-order structure functions to reconstruct the energy spectrum from the known second-order velocity structure function and vice versa. The Lagrangian frequency spectrum reconstructed from the measured Eulerian spectrum using the Eulerian-Lagrangian bridge differs from the measured Lagrangian spectrum in the quasi-classical range which calls for further investigation.

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