Featured Researches

Other Condensed Matter

Nonlinear Network description for many-body quantum systems in continuous space

We show that the recently introduced iterative backflow renormalization can be interpreted as a general neural network in continuum space with non-linear functions in the hidden units. We use this wave function within Variational Monte Carlo for liquid 4 He in two and three dimensions, where we typically find a tenfold increase in accuracy over currently used wave functions. Furthermore, subsequent stages of the iteration procedure define a set of increasingly good wave functions, each with its own variational energy and variance of the local energy: extrapolation of these energies to zero variance gives values in close agreement with the exact values. For two dimensional 4 He, we also show that the iterative backflow wave function can describe both the liquid and the solid phase with the same functional form -a feature shared with the Shadow Wave Function, but now joined by much higher accuracy. We also achieve significant progress for liquid 3 He in three dimensions, improving previous variational and fixed-node energies for this very challenging fermionic system.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in Dirac materials

Classical electromagnetism is linear. However, fields can polarize the vacuum Dirac sea, causing quantum nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena, e.g., scattering and splitting of photons that occur only in very strong fields found in neutron stars or heavy ion colliders. We show that strong nonlinearity arises in Dirac materials at much lower fields ??T , allowing us to explore the extremely high field limit of quantum electrodynamics in solids. We explain recent experiments in a unified framework and predict nonlinear magneto-electric response, including a magnetic enhancement of dielectric constant and electrically induced magnetization. We propose experiments and discuss the applications on novel materials.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nonlinear and Hysteretic Ultrasound Propagation in Solid 4 He: Dynamics of Dislocation Lines and Pinning Impurities

We report on the measurements of 9.6 MHz ultrasound propagation down to 15 mK in polycrystalline quantum solid 4 He containing 0.3 and 20 ppm 3 He impurities. The attenuation and speed of ultrasound are strongly affected by the dislocation vibration. The observed increase in attenuation from 1.2 K to a peak near 0.3 K is independent of drive amplitude and reflects crossover from overdamped to underdamped oscillation of dislocations pinned at network nodes. Below 0.3 K, amplitude-dependent and hysteretic variations are observed in both attenuation and speed. The attenuation decreases from the peak at 0.3 K to a very small constant value below 70 mK at sufficiently low drive amplitudes of ultrasound, while it remains a high value down to 15mK at the highest drive amplitude. The behaviors at low drive amplitudes can be well described by the effects of the thermal pinning and unpinning of dislocations by the impurities. The binding energy between a dislocation line and a 3 He atom is estimated to be 0.35 K. The nonlinear and hysteretic behaviors at intermediate drive amplitudes are analyzed in terms of stress-induced unpinning which may occur catastrophically within a network dislocation segment. The relaxation time for pinning at 15 mK is very short ( <4 s), while more than 1,000 s is required for unpinning.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nonlinear optical conductivity of a two-band crystal I

The structure of the electronic nonlinear optical conductivity is elucidated in a detailed study of the time-reversal symmetric two-band model. The nonlinear conductivity is decomposed as a sum of contributions related with different regions of the First Brillouin Zone, defined by single or multiphoton resonances. All contributions are written in terms of the same integrals, which contain all information specific to the particular model under study. In this way, ready-to-use formulas are provided that reduce the often tedious calculations of the second and third order optical conductivity to the evaluation of a small set of similar integrals. In the scenario where charge carriers are present prior to optical excitation, Fermi surface contributions must also be considered and are shown to have an universal frequency dependence, tunable by doping. General characteristics are made evident in this type of resonance-based analysis: the existence of step functions that determine the chemical potential dependence of electron-hole symmetric insulators; the determination of the imaginary part by Hilbert transforms, simpler than those of the nonlinear Kramers-Krönig relations; the absence of Drude peaks in the diagonal elements of the second order conductivity, among others. As examples, analytical expressions are derived for the nonlinear conductivities of some simple systems: a very basic model of direct gap semiconductors and the Dirac fermions of monolayer graphene.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nonlinear optical responses of crystalline systems: Results from a velocity gauge analysis

In this work, the difficulties inherent to perturbative calculations in the velocity gauge are addressed. In particular, it is shown how calculations of nonlinear optical responses in the independent particle approximation can be done to any order and for any finite band model. The procedure and advantages of the velocity gauge in such calculations are described. The addition of a phenomenological relaxation parameter is also discussed. As an illustration, the nonlinear optical response of monolayer graphene is numerically calculated using the velocity gauge.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nonlocal Heat Transport and Improved Target Design for X-ray Heating Studies at X-ray Free Electron Lasers

The extremely high power densities and short durations of single pulses of x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) have opened new opportunities in atomic physics, where complex excitation-relaxation chains allow for high ionization states in atomic and molecular systems, and in dense plasma physics, where XFEL heating of solid-density targets can create unique dense states of matter having temperatures on the order of the Fermi energy. We focus here on the latter phenomena, with special emphasis on the problem of optimum target design to achieve high x-ray heating into the warm dense matter (WDM) state. We report fully three-dimensional simulations of the incident x-ray pulse and the resulting multielectron relaxation cascade to model the spatial energy density deposition in multicomponent targets, with particular focus on the effects of nonlocal heat transport due to the motion of high energy photoelectrons and Auger electrons. We find that nanoscale high-Z/low-Z multicomponent targets can give much improved energy density deposition in lower-Z materials, with enhancements reaching a factor of 100. This has three important benefits. First, it greatly enlarges the thermodynamic parameter space in XFEL x-ray heating studies of lower-Z materials. Second, it allows the use of higher probe photon energies, enabling higher-information content X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements such as in two-color XFEL operations. Third, while this is merely one step toward optimization of x-ray heating target design, the demonstration of the importance of nonlocal heat transport establishes important common ground between XFEL-based x-ray heating studies and more traditional laser plasma methods.

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Other Condensed Matter

Note on the superfluid Reynolds number for turbulent flow of superfluid 4 He around an oscillating sphere

The superfluid Reynolds number R e s =(v− v c )D/κ can be expressed simply by the number of vortex rings that are shed during a half-period of the oscillation.

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Other Condensed Matter

Note: On the memory kernel and the reduced system propagator

We relate the memory kernel in the Nakajima-Zwanzig-Mori time-convolution approach to the reduced system propagator which is often used to obtain the kernel in the Tokuyama-Mori time-convolutionless approach. The connection provides a robust and simple formalism to compute the memory kernel for a generalized system-bath model circumventing the need to compute high order system-bath observables. We illustrate this for a model system with electron-electron and electron-phonon couplings, driven away from equilibrium.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in p-type GaAs

Spin-lattice relaxation of the nuclear spin system in p-type GaAs is studied using a three-stage experimental protocol including optical pumping and measuring the difference of the nuclear spin polarization before and after a dark interval of variable length. This method allows us to measure the spin-lattice relaxation time T 1 of optically pumped nuclei "in the dark", that is, in the absence of illumination. The measured T 1 values fall into the sub-second time range, being three orders of magnitude shorter than in earlier studied n-type GaAs. The drastic difference is further emphasized by magnetic-field and temperature dependences of T 1 in p-GaAs, showing no similarity to those in n-GaAs. This unexpected behavior is explained within a developed theoretical model involving quadrupole relaxation of nuclear spins, which is induced by electric fields within closely spaced donor-acceptor pairs.

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Other Condensed Matter

Nucleation at quantized vortices and the heterogeneous phase separation in supersaturated superfluid 3He-4He liquid mixtures

Supersaturated superfluid 3He-4He liquid mixture, separating into the 3He-concentrated c-phase and 3He-diluted d-phase, represents a unique possibility for studying macroscopic quantum nucleation and quantum phase-separation kinetics in binary mixtures at low temperatures down to absolute zero. One of possible heterogeneous mechanisms for the phase separation of supersaturated d-phase is associated with superfluidity of this phase and with a possible existence of quantized vortices playing a role of nucleation sites for the c-phase of liquid mixture. We analyze the growth dynamics of vortex core filled with the c-phase and determine the temperature behavior of c-phase nucleation rate and the crossover temperature between the classical and quantum nucleation mechanisms.

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