Featured Researches

Quantum Gases

Analogue cosmological particle creation in an ultracold quantum fluid of light

In inflationary cosmology, the rapid expansion of the early universe resulted in the spontaneous production of cosmological particles from vacuum fluctuations, observable today in the cosmic microwave background anisotropies. The analogue of cosmological particle creation in a quantum fluid could provide insight, but an observation has not yet been achieved. Here we report the spontaneous creation of analogue cosmological particles in the laboratory, using a quenched 3-dimensional quantum fluid of light. We observe acoustic peaks in the density power spectrum, in close quantitative agreement with the quantum-field theoretical prediction. We find that the long-wavelength particles provide a window to early times, and we apply this principle to the cosmic microwave background. This work introduces a new quantum fluid, as cold as an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate.

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Quantum Gases

Analytically solvable model to the spin Hall effect with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings

When the Rashba and Dresslhaus spin-orbit coupling are both presented for a two-dimensional electron in a perpendicular magnetic field, a striking resemblance to anisotropic quantum Rabi model in quantum optics is found. We perform a generalized Rashba coupling approximation to obtain a solvable Hamiltonian by keeping the nearest-mixing terms of Laudau states, which is reformulated in the similar form to that with only Rashba coupling. Each Landau state becomes a new displaced-Fock state with a displacement shift instead of the original Harmonic oscillator Fock state, yielding eigenstates in closed form. Analytical energies are consistent with numerical ones in a wide range of coupling strength even for a strong Zeeman splitting. In the presence of an electric field, the spin conductance and the charge conductance obtained analytically are in good agreements with the numerical results. As the component of the Dresselhaus coupling increases, we find that the spin Hall conductance exhibits a pronounced resonant peak at a larger value of the inverse of the magnetic field. Meanwhile, the charge conductance exhibits a series of plateaus as well as a jump at the resonant magnetic field. Our method provides an easy-to-implement analytical treatment to two-dimensional electron gas systems with both types of spin-orbit couplings.

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Quantum Gases

Anderson Molecules

Atoms can form molecules if they attract each other. Here, we show that atoms are also able to form bound states not due to the attractive interaction but because of destructive interference. If the interaction potential changes in a disordered way with a change of the distance between two atoms, Anderson localization can lead to the formation of exponentially localized bound states. While disordered interaction potentials do not exist in nature, we show that they can be created by means of random modulation in time of the strength of the original interaction potential between atoms and objects that we dub Anderson molecules can be realized in the laboratory.

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Quantum Gases

Anomalous Dynamical Scaling of Roughness in Disordered Fermion Models

Localization is one of the most fundamental interference phenomena caused by randomness, and its universal aspects have been extensively explored from the perspective of one-parameter scaling mainly in equilibrium states. We theoretically study dynamics of fermions on disordered one-dimensional potentials exhibiting localization, and find that surface roughness and entanglement entropy show dynamical one-parameter-scaling in delocalized phases. The scaling of the roughness corresponds to the Family-Vicsek scaling in classical surface growth, and the associated universal scaling exponents depend on the type of disorder. Particularly, we find that partially localized states in the delocalized phase of the random-dimer model lead to anomalous scaling exponents, which are absent in classical systems and clean systems. Furthermore, we show that the surface roughness is approximately proportional to the square root of the von Neumann entanglement entropy, and then demonstrate that even the entanglement entropy obeys the Family-Vicsek-type scaling. This finding suggests that the surface roughness becomes a reliable measure for the entanglement dynamics.

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Quantum Gases

Approximating Lattice Gauge Theories on Superconducting Circuits: Quantum Phase Transition and Quench Dynamics

We propose an implementation to approximate Z 2 lattice gauge theory (LGT) on superconducting quantum circuits, where the effective theory is a mixture of a LGT and a gauge-broken term. Using matrix product state based methods, both the ground state properties and quench dynamics are systematically investigated. With an increase of the transverse (electric) field, the system displays a quantum phase transition from a disordered phase to a translational symmetry breaking phase. In the ordered phase, an approximate Gaussian law of the Z 2 LGT emerges in the ground state. Moreover, to shed light on the experiments, we also study the quench dynamics, where there is a dynamical signature of the spontaneous translational symmetry breaking. The spreading of the single particle of matter degree is diffusive under the weak transverse field, while it is ballistic with small velocity for the strong field. Furthermore, due to the existence of an approximate Gaussian law under the strong transverse field, the matter degree can also exhibit a confinement which leads to a strong suppression of the nearest-neighbor hopping. Our results pave the way for simulating the LGT on superconducting circuits, including the quantum phase transition and quench dynamics.

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Quantum Gases

Artificial magnetic field for synthetic quantum matter without dynamical modulation

We propose an all-static method to realize an artificial magnetic field for charge neutral particles without introducing any time modulation. Our proposal consists of one-dimensional tubes subject to harmonic trapping potentials with shifted centers. We show that this setup realizes an artificial magnetic field in a hybrid real-momentum space. We discuss how characteristic features of particles in a magnetic field, such as chiral edge states and the quantized Hall response, can be observed in this setup. We find that the mean-field ground state of bosons in this setup in the presence of long-range interactions in physical real space can have quantized vortices in the hybrid real-momentum space; such a state with vortices exhibits a supersolid structure in the physical real space. Our method can be applied to a variety of synthetic quantum matter, including ultracold atomic gases, coupled photonic cavities, coupled waveguides, and exciton-polariton lattices.

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Quantum Gases

Atom-dimer and dimer-dimer scatterings in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas

Using the diagrammatic approach, here we study how spin-orbit coupling (SOC) affects the fermion-dimer and dimer-dimer scattering lengths in the Born approximation, and benchmark their accuracy with the higher-order approximations. We consider both isotropic and Rashba couplings in three dimensions, and show that the Born approximation gives accurate results in the 1/(mα a s )?��?1 limit, where m is the mass of the fermions, α is the strength of the SOC, and a s is the s -wave scattering length between fermions. This is because the higher-loop contributions form a perturbative series in the 1/(mα a s )<0 region that is controlled by the smallness of the residue Z of the dimer propagator. In sharp contrast, since Z grows with the square-root of the binding energy of the dimer in the 1/(mα a s )>0 region, all of the higher-loop contributions are of similar order.

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Quantum Gases

Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase induced by dissipating quasisolitons

We theoretically study the sound propagation in a two-dimensional weakly interacting uniform Bose gas. Using the classical fields approximation we analyze in detail the properties of density waves generated both in a weak and strong perturbation regimes. While in the former case density excitations can be described in terms of hydrodynamic or collisionless sound, the strong disturbance of the system results in a qualitatively different response. We identify observed structures as quasisolitons and uncover their internal complexity for strong perturbation case. For this regime quasisolitons break into vortex pairs as time progresses, eventually reaching an equilibrium state. We find this state, characterized by only fluctuating in time averaged number of pairs of opposite charge vortices and by appearance of a quasi-long-range order, as the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase.

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Quantum Gases

Beyond Lee-Huang-Yang description of self-bound Bose mixtures

We investigate the properties of self-bound ultradilute Bose-Bose mixtures, beyond the Lee-Huang-Yang description. Our approach is based on the determination of the beyond mean-field corrections to the phonon modes of the mixture in a self-consistent way and calculation of the associated equation of state. The newly obtained ground state energies show excellent agreement with recent quantum Monte Carlo calculations, providing a simple and accurate description of the self-bound mixtures with contact type interaction. We further show numerical results for the equilibrium properties of the finite size droplet, by adjusting the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Our analysis is extended to the one-dimensional mixtures where an excellent agreement with quantum Monte Carlo predictions is found for the equilibrium densities. Finally, we discuss the effects of temperature on the stability of the liquid phase.

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Quantum Gases

Bidirectional dynamic scaling in an isolated Bose gas far from equilibrium

Understanding and classifying nonequilibrium many-body phenomena, analogous to the classification of equilibrium states of matter into universality classes, is an outstanding problem in physics. Any many-body system, from stellar matter to financial markets, can be out of equilibrium in a myriad of ways; since many are also difficult to experiment on, it is a major goal to establish universal principles that apply to different phenomena and physical systems. At the heart of the classification of equilibrium states is the universality seen in the self-similar spatial scaling of systems close to phase transitions. Recent theoretical work, and first experimental evidence, suggest that isolated many-body systems far from equilibrium generically exhibit dynamic (spatiotemporal) self-similar scaling, akin to turbulent cascades and the Family-Vicsek scaling in classical surface growth. Here we observe bidirectional dynamic scaling in an isolated quench-cooled atomic Bose gas; as the gas thermalises and undergoes Bose-Einstein condensation, it shows self-similar net flows of particles towards the infrared (smaller momenta) and energy towards the ultraviolet (smaller lengthscales). For both infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) dynamics we find that the scaling exponents are independent of the strength of the interparticle interactions that drive the thermalisation.

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