Featured Researches

Statistical Mechanics

Boundary effects on symmetry resolved entanglement

We study the symmetry resolved entanglement entropies in one-dimensional systems with boundaries. We provide some general results for conformal invariant theories and then move to a semi-infinite chain of free fermions. We consider both an interval starting from the boundary and away from it. We derive exact formulas for the charged and symmetry resolved entropies based on theorems and conjectures about the spectra of Toeplitz+Hankel matrices. En route to characterise the interval away from the boundary, we prove a general relation between the eigenvalues of Toeplitz+Hankel matrices and block Toeplitz ones. An important aspect is that the saddle-point approximation from charged to symmetry resolved entropies introduces algebraic corrections to the scaling that are much more severe than in systems without boundaries.

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Statistical Mechanics

Boundary time crystals in collective d -level systems

Boundary time crystals (BTC's) are non-equilibrium phases of matter occurring in quantum systems in contact to an environment, for which a macroscopic fraction of the many body system breaks time translation symmetry. We study BTC's in collective d -level systems, focusing in the cases with d=2 , 3 and 4 . We find that BTC's appear in different forms for the different cases. We first consider the model with collective d=2 -level systems [presented in Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 , 035301 ( 2018 )], whose dynamics is described by a Lindblad master equation, and perform a throughout analysis of its phase diagram and Jacobian stability for different interacting terms in the coherent Hamiltonian. In particular, using perturbation theory for general (non Hermitian) matrices we obtain analytically how a specific Z 2 symmetry breaking Hamiltonian term destroys the BTC phase in the model. Based on these results we define a d=4 model composed of a pair of collective 2 -level systems interacting with each other. We show that this model support richer dynamical phases, ranging from limit-cycles, period-doubling bifurcations and a route to chaotic dynamics. The BTC phase is more robust in this case, not annihilated by the former symmetry breaking Hamiltonian terms. The model with collective d=3 -level systems is defined similarly, as competing pairs of levels, but sharing a common collective level. The dynamics can deviate significantly from the previous cases, supporting phases with the coexistence of multiple limit-cycles, closed orbits and a full degeneracy of zero Lyapunov exponents.

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Statistical Mechanics

Branching annihilating random walk with long-range repulsion: logarithmic scaling, reentrant phase transitions, and crossover behaviors

We study absorbing phase transitions in the one-dimensional branching annihilating random walk with long-range repulsion. The repulsion is implemented as hopping bias in such a way that a particle is more likely to hop away from its closest particle. The bias strength due to long-range interaction has the form ε x −σ , where x is the distance from a particle to its closest particle, 0≤σ≤1 , and the sign of ε determines whether the interaction is repulsive (positive ε ) or attractive (negative ε ). A state without particles is the absorbing state. We find a threshold ε s such that the absorbing state is dynamically stable for small branching rate q if ε< ε s . The threshold differs significantly, depending on parity of the number ℓ of offspring. When ε> ε s , the system with odd ℓ can exhibit reentrant phase transitions from the active phase with nonzero steady-state density to the absorbing phase, and back to the active phase. On the other hand, the system with even ℓ is in the active phase for nonzero q if ε> ε s . Still, there are reentrant phase transitions for ℓ=2 . Unlike the case of odd ℓ , however, the reentrant phase transitions can occur only for σ=1 and 0<ε< ε s . We also study the crossover behavior for ℓ=2 when the interaction is attractive (negative ε ), to find the crossover exponent ϕ=1.123(13) for σ=0 .

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Statistical Mechanics

Breaking universality in random sequential adsorption on a square lattice with long-range correlated defects

Jamming and percolation transitions in the standard random sequential adsorption of particles on regular lattices are characterized by a universal set of critical exponents. The universality class is preserved even in the presence of randomly distributed defective sites that are forbidden for particle deposition. However, using large-scale Monte Carlo simulations by depositing dimers on the square lattice and employing finite-size scaling, we provide evidence that the system does not exhibit such well-known universal features when the defects have spatial long-range (power-law) correlations. The critical exponents ν j and ν associated with the jamming and percolation transitions, respectively, are found to be non-universal for strong spatial correlations and approach systematically their own universal values as the correlation strength is decreased. More crucially, we have found a difference in the values of the percolation correlation length exponent ν for a small but finite density of defects with strong spatial correlations. Furthermore, for a fixed defect density, it is found that the percolation threshold of the system, at which the largest cluster of absorbed dimers first establishes the global connectivity, gets reduced with increasing the strength of the spatial correlation.

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Statistical Mechanics

Bulk topological states in a new collective dynamics model

In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of topological states in a new collective dynamics model. This individual-based model (IBM) describes self-propelled rigid bodies moving with constant speed and adjusting their rigid-body attitude to that of their neighbors. In previous works, a macroscopic model has been derived from this IBM in a suitable scaling limit. In the present work, we exhibit explicit solutions of the macroscopic model characterized by a non-trivial topology. We show that these solutions are well approximated by the IBM during a certain time but then the IBM transitions towards topologically trivial states. Using a set of appropriately defined topological indicators, we reveal that the breakage of the non-trivial topology requires the system to go through a phase of maximal disorder. We also show that similar but topologically trivial initial conditions result in markedly different dynamics, suggesting that topology plays a key role in the dynamics of this system.

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Statistical Mechanics

Bundled string solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations in the non-Hermitian spin chain

The asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) is a paradigmatic stochastic integrable system that describes nonequilibrium transport phenomena. In this paper, we investigate the solutions of the Bethe equations for the ASEP in the thermodynamic limit. The Bethe equations for many Hermitian integrable systems, such as the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, have regular solutions called string solutions. However, in the case of the ASEP, the pattern of the string solution changes owing to its non-hermiticity. We call this new type of string solutions ``bundled string solutions''. We introduce and formulate the bundled string solutions, and then derive the Bethe-Takahashi equation for the ASEP.

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Statistical Mechanics

Butterfly Effect and Spatial Structure of Information Spreading in a Chaotic Cellular Automaton

Inspired by recent developments in the study of chaos in many-body systems, we construct a measure of local information spreading for a stochastic Cellular Automaton in the form of a spatiotemporally resolved Hamming distance. This decorrelator is a classical version of an Out-of-Time-Order Correlator studied in the context of quantum many-body systems. Focusing on the one-dimensional Kauffman Cellular Automaton, we extract the scaling form of our decorrelator with an associated butterfly velocity v b and a velocity-dependent Lyapunov exponent λ(v) . The existence of the latter is not a given in a discrete classical system. Second, we account for the behaviour of the decorrelator in a framework based solely on the boundary of the information spreading, including an effective boundary random walk model yielding the full functional form of the decorrelator. In particular, we obtain analytic results for v b and the exponent β in the scaling ansatz λ(v)?��?v??v b ) β , which is usually only obtained numerically. Finally, a full scaling collapse establishes the decorrelator as a unifying diagnostic of information spreading.

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Statistical Mechanics

Calculation of the Residual Entropy of Ice Ih by Monte Carlo simulation with the Combination of the Replica-Exchange Wang-Landau algorithm and Multicanonical Replica-Exchange Method

We estimated the residual entropy of ice Ih by the recently developed simulation protocol, namely, the combination of Replica-Exchange Wang-Landau algorithm and Multicanonical Replica-Exchange Method. We employed a model with the nearest neighbor interactions on the three-dimensional hexagonal lattice, which satisfied the ice rules in the ground state. The results showed that our estimate of the residual entropy is found to be within 0.038 % of series expansion estimate by Nagle and within 0.000077 % of PEPS algorithm by Vanderstraeten. In this article, we not only give our latest estimate of the residual entropy of ice Ih but also discuss the importance of the uniformity of a random number generator in MC simulations.

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Statistical Mechanics

Capture of a diffusive prey by multiple predators in confined space

The first passage search of a diffusing target (prey) by multiple searchers (predators) in confinement is an important problem in the stochastic process literature. While the analogous problem in open space has been studied in some details, a systematic study in confined space is still lacking. In this paper, we study the first passage times for this problem in 1,2 and 3− dimensions. Due to confinement, the survival probability of the target takes a form ∼ e −t/τ at large times t . The characteristic capture timescale τ associated with the rare capture events are rather challenging to measure. We use a computational algorithm that allows us to estimate τ with high accuracy. We study in details the behavior of τ as a function of the system parameters, namely, the number of searchers N , the relative diffusivity r of the target with respect to the searcher, and the system size. We find that τ deviates from the ∼1/N scaling seen in the case of a static target, and this deviation varies continuously with r and the spatial dimensions.

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Statistical Mechanics

Cavity and replica methods for the spectral density of sparse symmetric random matrices

We review the problem of how to compute the spectral density of sparse symmetric random matrices, i.e. weighted adjacency matrices of undirected graphs. Starting from the Edwards-Jones formula, we illustrate the milestones of this line of research, including the pioneering work of Bray and Rodgers using replicas. We focus first on the cavity method, showing that it quickly provides the correct recursion equations both for single instances and at the ensemble level. We also describe an alternative replica solution that proves to be equivalent to the cavity method. Both the cavity and the replica derivations allow us to obtain the spectral density via the solution of an integral equation for an auxiliary probability density function. We show that this equation can be solved using a stochastic population dynamics algorithm, and we provide its implementation. In this formalism, the spectral density is naturally written in terms of a superposition of local contributions from nodes of given degree, whose role is thoroughly elucidated. This paper does not contain original material, but rather gives a pedagogical overview of the topic. It is indeed addressed to students and researchers who consider entering the field. Both the theoretical tools and the numerical algorithms are discussed in detail, highlighting conceptual subtleties and practical aspects.

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