Featured Researches

Differential Geometry

Equivariant Poisson Cohomology and a Spectral Sequence Associated with a Moment Map

We introduce and study a new spectral sequence associated with a Poisson group action on a Poisson manifold and an equivariant momentum mapping. This spectral sequence is a Poisson analog of the Leray spectral sequence of a fibration. The spectral sequence converges to the Poisson cohomology of the manifold and has the E 2 -term equal to the tensor product of the cohomology of the Lie algebra and the equivariant Poisson cohomology of the manifold. The latter is defined as the equivariant cohomology of the multi-vector fields made into a G-differential complex by means of the momentum mapping. An extensive introduction to equivariant cohomology of G-differential complexes is given including some new results and a number of examples and applications are considered.

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Differential Geometry

Equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer Homology

This paper circulated previously in a draft version. Now, upon general request, it is about time to distribute the more detailed (and much longer) version. The main technical issues revolve around the fine structure of the compactification of the moduli spaces of flow lines and the obstruction bundle technique, with related gluing theorems, needed in the proof of the topological invariance of the equivariant version of the Floer homology.

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Differential Geometry

Equivariant torsion and G-CW-complexes

For any compact Lie group G we discuss the relation of the equivariant Reidemeister and analytic torsion of G-manifolds with their G-CW structures.

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Differential Geometry

Equivariant torsion of locally symmetric spaces

The equivariant holomorphic torsion of a compact locally symmetric manifold and an automorphism is expressed as a special value of a zeta function built out of geometric data (closed geodesics) of the manifold.

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Differential Geometry

Euler class and free generation

the main theorem gives a sufficient condition for a n elements of SL(2,R) to generate a free group.The idea behind it is to use a nonorientable version of the Dehn-Wolpert-Goldman twist and to sew it with the original representation of a free group to get representation of the closed surfase group and then to apply Goldman' theorem.

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Differential Geometry

Example of a non-log-concave Duistermaat-Heckman measure

We construct a compact symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian circle action for which the Duistermaat-Heckman function is not log-concave.

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Differential Geometry

Examples of non-Kaehler Hamiltonian torus actions

An important question with a rich history is the extent to which the symplectic category is larger than the Kaehler category. Many interesting examples of non-Kaehler symplectic manifolds have been constructed. However, sufficiently large symmetries can force a symplectic manifold to be Kaehler. In this paper, we solve several outstanding problems by constructing the first symplectic manifold with large non-trivial symmetries which does not admit an invariant Kaehler structure. The proof that it is not Kaehler is based on the Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg convexity theorem. Using the ideas of this paper, C. Woodward shows that even the symplectic analogue of spherical varieties need not be Kaehler.

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Differential Geometry

Existence results for mean field equations

Let Ω be an annulus. We prove that the mean field equation $-\Delta\psi=\frac{e\sp{-\beta\psi}}{\int\sb{\Omega}e\sp{-\beta\psi}}$ admits a solution with zero boundary for β∈(−16π,−8π) . This is a supercritical case for the Moser-Trudinger inequality.

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Differential Geometry

Exotic Holonomy on Moduli Spaces of Rational Curves

Bryant \cite{Br} proved the existence of torsion free connections with exotic holonomy, i.e. with holonomy that does not occur on the classical list of Berger \cite{Ber}. These connections occur on moduli spaces $\Y$ of rational contact curves in a contact threefold $\W$. Therefore, they are naturally contained in the moduli space $\Z$ of all rational curves in $\W$. We construct a connection on $\Z$ whose restriction to $\Y$ is torsion free. However, the connection on $\Z$ has torsion unless both $\Y$ and $\Z$ are flat. We also show the existence of a new exotic holonomy which is a certain sixdimensional representation of $\Sl \times \Sl$. We show that every regular H 3 -connection (cf. \cite{Br}) is the restriction of a unique connection with this holonomy.

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Differential Geometry

Exotic deformation quantization

We consider formal deformations of the Poisson algebra of functions (with singularities) on T ∗ M which are Laurent polynomials of fibers. Tn the case: dimM=1 ( M= S 1 ,R ), there exists a non-trivial ⋆ -product on this algebra non-equivalent to the standard Moyal product.

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