Featured Researches

Differential Geometry

A smooth counterexample to the Hamiltonian Seifert conjecture in R^6

A smooth counterexample to the Hamiltonian Seifert conjecture for six-dimensional symplectic manifolds is found. In particular, we construct a smooth proper function on the symplectic 2n-dimensional vector space, 2n > 4, such that one of its non-singular level sets carries no periodic orbits of the Hamiltonian flow. The function can be taken to be C^0-close and isotopic to a positive-definite quadratic form so that the level set in question is isotopic to an ellipsoid. This is a refinement of previously known constructions giving such functions for 2n > 6. The proof is based on a new version of a symplectic embedding theorem applied to the horocycle flow.

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Differential Geometry

A symplectic proof of Verlinde factorization

We prove a multiplicity formula for Riemann-Roch numbers of reductions of Hamiltonian actions of loop groups. This includes as a special case the factorization formula for the quantum dimension of the moduli space of flat connections over a Riemann surface.

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Differential Geometry

A universal lower bound for the first eigenvalue of the Dirac operator on quaternionic Kaehler manifolds

A universal lower bound for the first positive eigenvalue of the Dirac operator on a compact quaternionic Kaehler manifold M of positive scalar curvature is calculated. It is shown that it is equal to the first positive eigenvalue on the quaternionic projective space. For this, the horizontal tangent bundle on the canonical SO(3)-bundle over M is equipped with a hyperkaehlerian structure and the corresponding splitting of the horizontal spinor bundle is considered. The desired estimate is obtained by looking at hyperkaehlerian twistor operators on horizontal spinors.

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Differential Geometry

A-hat Genus and Collapsing

We give relationships between the vanishing of the A-hat genus and the possibility that a spin manifold can collapse with curvature bounded below.

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Differential Geometry

Abelian Chern-Simons theory

We give a construction of the abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory from the point of view of a 2+1 dimensional topological quantum field theory. The definition of the quantum theory relies on geometric quantization ideas which have been previously explored in connection to the nonabelian Chern-Simons theory [JW,ADW]. We formulate the topological quantum field theory in terms of the category of extended 2- and 3-manifolds introduced by Walker [Wa] and prove that it satisfies the axioms of unitary topological quantum field theories formulated by Atiyah [A1].

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Differential Geometry

Adiabatic Limits and Spectral Geometry of Foliations

We study spectral asymptotics for the Laplace operator on differential forms on a Riemannian foliated manifold equipped with a bundle-like metric in the case when the metric is blown up in directions normal to the leaves of the foliation. The asymptotical formula for the eigenvalue distribution function is obtained. The relationships with the spectral theory of leafwise Laplacian and with the noncommutative spectral geometry of foliations are discussed.

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Differential Geometry

Adiabatic limits of Seiberg-Witten equations on Seifert manifolds

We present a simpler proof for the existence of adiabatic limits. Moreover, we added a new section where the adiabatic process is reversed and in some nondegenerate cases we deform the adiabatic limits to genuine irreducible solutions of the SW equations.

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Differential Geometry

Affine connections on involutive G-structures

This paper is a review of the twistor theory of irreducible G-structures and affine connections. Long ago, Berger presented a very restricted list of possible irreducibly acting holonomies of torsion-free affine connections. His list was complete in the part of metric connections, while the situation with holonomies of non-metric torsion-free affine connections was and remains rather unclear. One of the results discussed in this review asserts that any torsion-free holomorphic affine connection with irreducibly acting holonomy group can, in principle, be constructed by twistor methods. Another result reveals a new natural subclass of affine connections with "very little torsion" which shares with the class of torsion-free affine connections two basic properties --- the list of irreducibly acting holonomy groups of affine connections in this subclass is very restricted and the links with the twistor theory are again very strong.

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Differential Geometry

Almost Complex and Almost Product Einstein Manifolds from a Variational Principle

It is shown that the first order (Palatini) variational principle for a generic nonlinear metric-affine Lagrangian depending on the (symmetrized) Ricci square invariant leads to an almost-product Einstein structure or to an almost-complex anti-Hermitian Einstein structure on a manifold. It is proved that a real anti-Hermitian metric on a complex manifold satisfies the Kähler condition on the same manifold treated as a real manifold if and only if the metric is the real part of a holomorphic metric. A characterisation of anti-Kähler Einstein manifolds and almost-product Einstein manifolds is obtained. Examples of such manifolds are considered.

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Differential Geometry

Almost Diameter Rigidity for the Cayley Plane

In this paper we give a generalisation of the Radius Rigidity theorem of F.Wilhelm. This is done by showing that if a Riemannian submersion of S 15 with 7-dimensional fibres has at least one fibre which is a great sphere then all the fibres are so. Some weaker than known conditions which force the existence of such a fibre are also discussed.

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