Featured Researches

Audio And Speech Processing

An Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Classification

In this paper, ensembles of classifiers that exploit several data augmentation techniques and four signal representations for training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for audio classification are presented and tested on three freely available audio classification datasets: i) bird calls, ii) cat sounds, and iii) the Environmental Sound Classification dataset. The best performing ensembles combining data augmentation techniques with different signal representations are compared and shown to outperform the best methods reported in the literature on these datasets. The approach proposed here obtains state-of-the-art results in the widely used ESC-50 dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the most extensive study investigating ensembles of CNNs for audio classification. Results demonstrate not only that CNNs can be trained for audio classification but also that their fusion using different techniques works better than the stand-alone classifiers.

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Audio And Speech Processing

An Investigation of End-to-End Models for Robust Speech Recognition

End-to-end models for robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) have not been sufficiently well-explored in prior work. With end-to-end models, one could choose to preprocess the input speech using speech enhancement techniques and train the model using enhanced speech. Another alternative is to pass the noisy speech as input and modify the model architecture to adapt to noisy speech. A systematic comparison of these two approaches for end-to-end robust ASR has not been attempted before. We address this gap and present a detailed comparison of speech enhancement-based techniques and three different model-based adaptation techniques covering data augmentation, multi-task learning, and adversarial learning for robust ASR. While adversarial learning is the best-performing technique on certain noise types, it comes at the cost of degrading clean speech WER. On other relatively stationary noise types, a new speech enhancement technique outperformed all the model-based adaptation techniques. This suggests that knowledge of the underlying noise type can meaningfully inform the choice of adaptation technique.

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Audio And Speech Processing

An Overview of Deep-Learning-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement and Separation

Speech enhancement and speech separation are two related tasks, whose purpose is to extract either one or more target speech signals, respectively, from a mixture of sounds generated by several sources. Traditionally, these tasks have been tackled using signal processing and machine learning techniques applied to the available acoustic signals. Since the visual aspect of speech is essentially unaffected by the acoustic environment, visual information from the target speakers, such as lip movements and facial expressions, has also been used for speech enhancement and speech separation systems. In order to efficiently fuse acoustic and visual information, researchers have exploited the flexibility of data-driven approaches, specifically deep learning, achieving strong performance. The ceaseless proposal of a large number of techniques to extract features and fuse multimodal information has highlighted the need for an overview that comprehensively describes and discusses audio-visual speech enhancement and separation based on deep learning. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey of this research topic, focusing on the main elements that characterise the systems in the literature: acoustic features; visual features; deep learning methods; fusion techniques; training targets and objective functions. In addition, we review deep-learning-based methods for speech reconstruction from silent videos and audio-visual sound source separation for non-speech signals, since these methods can be more or less directly applied to audio-visual speech enhancement and separation. Finally, we survey commonly employed audio-visual speech datasets, given their central role in the development of data-driven approaches, and evaluation methods, because they are generally used to compare different systems and determine their performance.

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Audio And Speech Processing

An Overview of Voice Conversion and its Challenges: From Statistical Modeling to Deep Learning

Speaker identity is one of the important characteristics of human speech. In voice conversion, we change the speaker identity from one to another, while keeping the linguistic content unchanged. Voice conversion involves multiple speech processing techniques, such as speech analysis, spectral conversion, prosody conversion, speaker characterization, and vocoding. With the recent advances in theory and practice, we are now able to produce human-like voice quality with high speaker similarity. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of voice conversion techniques and their performance evaluation methods from the statistical approaches to deep learning, and discuss their promise and limitations. We will also report the recent Voice Conversion Challenges (VCC), the performance of the current state of technology, and provide a summary of the available resources for voice conversion research.

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Audio And Speech Processing

An embedded multichannel sound acquisition system for drone audition

Microphone array techniques can improve the acoustic sensing performance on drones, compared to the use of a single microphone. However, multichannel sound acquisition systems are not available in current commercial drone platforms. To encourage the research in drone audition, we present an embedded sound acquisition and recording system with eight microphones and a multichannel sound recorder mounted on a quadcopter. In addition to recording and storing locally the sound from multiple microphones simultaneously, the embedded system can connect wirelessly to a remote terminal to transfer audio files for further processing. This will be the first stage towards creating a fully embedded solution for drone audition. We present experimental results obtained by state-of-the-art drone audition algorithms applied to the sound recorded by the embedded system.

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Audio And Speech Processing

An evaluation of word-level confidence estimation for end-to-end automatic speech recognition

Quantifying the confidence (or conversely the uncertainty) of a prediction is a highly desirable trait of an automatic system, as it improves the robustness and usefulness in downstream tasks. In this paper we investigate confidence estimation for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR). Previous work has addressed confidence measures for lattice-based ASR, while current machine learning research mostly focuses on confidence measures for unstructured deep learning. However, as the ASR systems are increasingly being built upon deep end-to-end methods, there is little work that tries to develop confidence measures in this context. We fill this gap by providing an extensive benchmark of popular confidence methods on four well-known speech datasets. There are two challenges we overcome in adapting existing methods: working on structured data (sequences) and obtaining confidences at a coarser level than the predictions (words instead of tokens). Our results suggest that a strong baseline can be obtained by scaling the logits by a learnt temperature, followed by estimating the confidence as the negative entropy of the predictive distribution and, finally, sum pooling to aggregate at word level.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Analysis of Emotional Content in Indian Political Speeches

Emotions play an essential role in public speaking. The emotional content of speech has the power to influence minds. As such, we present an analysis of the emotional content of politicians speech in the Indian political scenario. We investigate the emotional content present in the speeches of politicians using an Attention based CNN+LSTM network. Experimental evaluations on a dataset of eight Indian politicians shows how politicians incorporate emotions in their speeches to strike a chord with the masses. An analysis of the voting share received along with victory margin and their relation to emotional content in speech of the politicians is also presented.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Analysis of memory in LSTM-RNNs for source separation

Long short-term memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNNs) are considered state-of-the art in many speech processing tasks. The recurrence in the network, in principle, allows any input to be remembered for an indefinite time, a feature very useful for sequential data like speech. However, very little is known about which information is actually stored in the LSTM and for how long. We address this problem by using a memory reset approach which allows us to evaluate network performance depending on the allowed memory time span. We apply this approach to the task of multi-speaker source separation, but it can be used for any task using RNNs. We find a strong performance effect of short-term (shorter than 100 milliseconds) linguistic processes. Only speaker characteristics are kept in the memory for longer than 400 milliseconds. Furthermore, we confirm that performance-wise it is sufficient to implement longer memory in deeper layers. Finally, in a bidirectional model, the backward models contributes slightly more to the separation performance than the forward model.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Any-to-Many Voice Conversion with Location-Relative Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling

This paper proposes an any-to-many location-relative, sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq), non-parallel voice conversion approach, which utilizes text supervision during training. In this approach, we combine a bottle-neck feature extractor (BNE) with a seq2seq synthesis module. During the training stage, an encoder-decoder-based hybrid connectionist-temporal-classification-attention (CTC-attention) phoneme recognizer is trained, whose encoder has a bottle-neck layer. A BNE is obtained from the phoneme recognizer and is utilized to extract speaker-independent, dense and rich spoken content representations from spectral features. Then a multi-speaker location-relative attention based seq2seq synthesis model is trained to reconstruct spectral features from the bottle-neck features, conditioning on speaker representations for speaker identity control in the generated speech. To mitigate the difficulties of using seq2seq models to align long sequences, we down-sample the input spectral feature along the temporal dimension and equip the synthesis model with a discretized mixture of logistic (MoL) attention mechanism. Since the phoneme recognizer is trained with large speech recognition data corpus, the proposed approach can conduct any-to-many voice conversion. Objective and subjective evaluations show that the proposed any-to-many approach has superior voice conversion performance in terms of both naturalness and speaker similarity. Ablation studies are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of feature selection and model design strategies in the proposed approach. The proposed VC approach can readily be extended to support any-to-any VC (also known as one/few-shot VC), and achieve high performance according to objective and subjective evaluations.

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Audio And Speech Processing

Aphasic Speech Recognition using a Mixture of Speech Intelligibility Experts

Robust speech recognition is a key prerequisite for semantic feature extraction in automatic aphasic speech analysis. However, standard one-size-fits-all automatic speech recognition models perform poorly when applied to aphasic speech. One reason for this is the wide range of speech intelligibility due to different levels of severity (i.e., higher severity lends itself to less intelligible speech). To address this, we propose a novel acoustic model based on a mixture of experts (MoE), which handles the varying intelligibility stages present in aphasic speech by explicitly defining severity-based experts. At test time, the contribution of each expert is decided by estimating speech intelligibility with a speech intelligibility detector (SID). We show that our proposed approach significantly reduces phone error rates across all severity stages in aphasic speech compared to a baseline approach that does not incorporate severity information into the modeling process.

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