Featured Researches

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable boundary conditions for nonlinear lattices

Integrable boundary conditions in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions are discussed from the higher symmetries point of view. Boundary conditions consistent with the discrete Landau-Lifshitz model and infinite 2D Toda lattice are represented.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable deformations of oscillator chains from quantum algebras

A family of completely integrable nonlinear deformations of systems of N harmonic oscillators are constructed from the non-standard quantum deformation of the sl(2,R) algebra. Explicit expressions for all the associated integrals of motion are given, and the long-range nature of the interactions introduced by the deformation is shown to be linked to the underlying coalgebra structure. Separability and superintegrability properties of such systems are analysed, and their connection with classical angular momentum chains is used to construct a non-standard integrable deformation of the XXX hyperbolic Gaudin system.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable discretizations for lattice systems: local equations of motion and their Hamiltonian properties

We develop the approach to the problem of integrable discretization based on the notion of r --matrix hierarchies. One of its basic features is the coincidence of Lax matrices of discretized systems with the Lax matrices of the underlying continuous time systems. A common feature of the discretizations obtained in this approach is non--locality. We demonstrate how to overcome this drawback. Namely, we introduce the notion of localizing changes of variables and construct such changes of variables for a large number of examples, including the Toda and the relativistic Toda lattices, the Volterra lattice and its integrable perturbation, the second flows of the Toda and of the Volterra hierarchies, the modified Volterra lattice, the Belov-Chaltikian lattice, the Bogoyavlensky lattices, the Bruschi-Ragnisco lattice. We also introduce a novel class of constrained lattice KP systems, discretize all of them, and find the corresponding localizing change of variables. Pulling back the differential equations of motion under the localizing changes of variables, we find also (sometimes novel) integrable one-parameter perturbations of integrable lattice systems. Poisson properties of the localizing changes of variables are also studied: they produce interesting one-parameter deformations of the known Poisson algebras.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable discretizations of the Euler top

Discretizations of the Euler top sharing the integrals of motion with the continuous time system are studied. Those of them which are also Poisson with respect to the invariant Poisson bracket of the Euler top are characterized. For all these Poisson discretizations a solution in terms of elliptic functions is found, allowing a direct comparison with the continuous time case. We demonstrate that the Veselov--Moser discretization also belongs to our family, and apply our methods to this particular example.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable mixed vertex models from braid-monoid algebra

We use the braid-monoid algebra to construct integrable mixed vertex models. The transfer matrix of a mixed SU(N) model is diagonalized by nested Bethe ansatz approach.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable open boundary conditions for XXC models

The XXC models are multistate generalizations of the well known spin 1/2 XXZ model. These integrable models share a common underlying su(2) structure. We derive integrable open boundary conditions for the hierarchy of conserved quantities of the XXC models . Due to lack of crossing unitarity of the R-matrix, we develop specific methods to prove integrability. The symmetry of the spectrum is determined.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable semi-discretization of the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations

A system of semi-discrete coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations is studied. To show the complete integrability of the model with multiple components, we extend the discrete version of the inverse scattering method for the single-component discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation proposed by Ablowitz and Ladik. By means of the extension, the initial-value problem of the model is solved. Further, the integrals of motion and the soliton solutions are constructed within the framework of the extension of the inverse scattering method.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable supersymmetric correlated electron chain with open boundaries

We construct an extended Hubbard model with open boundaries from a R -matrix based on the U q [Osp(2|2)] superalgebra. We study the reflection equation and find two classes of diagonal solutions. The corresponding one-dimensional open Hamiltonians are diagonalized by means of the Bethe ansatz approach.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integrable vs Nonintegrable Geodesic Soliton Behavior

We study confined solutions of certain evolutionary partial differential equations (pde) in 1+1 space-time. The pde we study are Lie-Poisson Hamiltonian systems for quadratic Hamiltonians defined on the dual of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the real line. These systems are also Euler-Poincare equations for geodesic motion on the diffeomorphism group in the sense of the Arnold program for ideal fluids, but where the kinetic energy metric is different from the L2 norm of the velocity. These pde possess a finite-dimensional invariant manifold of particle-like (measure-valued) solutions we call ``pulsons.'' We solve the particle dynamics of the two-pulson interaction analytically as a canonical Hamiltonian system for geodesic motion with two degrees of freedom and a conserved momentum. The result of this two-pulson interaction for rear-end collisions is elastic scattering with a phase shift, as occurs with solitons. In contrast, head-on antisymmetric collisons of pulsons tend to form singularities.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Integral equations for the correlation functions of the quantum one-dimensional Bose gas

The large time and long distance behavior of the temperature correlation functions of the quantum one-dimensional Bose gas is considered. We obtain integral equations, which solutions describe the asymptotics. These equations are closely related to the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations. In the low temperature limit the solutions of these equations are given in terms of observables of the model.

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