Featured Researches

General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Late-time tails and mode coupling of linear waves on Kerr spacetimes

We provide a rigorous derivation of the precise late-time asymptotics for solutions to the scalar wave equation on subextremal Kerr backgrounds, including the asymptotics for projections to angular frequencies ?�≥1 and ?�≥2 . The ??-dependent asymptotics on Kerr spacetimes differ significantly from the non-rotating Schwarzschild setting ("Price's law"). The main differences with Schwarzschild are slower decay rates for higher angular frequencies and oscillations along the null generators of the event horizon. We introduce a physical space-based method that resolves the following two main difficulties for establishing ??-dependent asymptotics in the Kerr setting: 1) the coupling of angular modes and 2) a loss of ellipticity in the ergoregion. Our mechanism identifies and exploits the existence of conserved charges along null infinity via a time invertibility theory, which in turn relies on new elliptic estimates in the full black hole exterior. This framework is suitable for resolving the conflicting numerology in Kerr late-time asymptotics that appears in the numerics literature.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Lattice classical cosmology

This article presents the lattice-smeared gravity phase space reduction defined by the cosmological gauge-fixing conditions. These conditions are specified to reduce the SU(2) symmetry and the spatial diffeomorphism invariance of the loop quantum gravity's Fock space, known as the spin network. The internal symmetry is fixed to the Abelian case and the diffeomorphism invariance is simultaneously reduced to spatial translations. The unification of the results of the related gauge fixing conditions leads to the gauge generators correlation. Consequently, these conditions become solvable by constant variables; hence the reduced constraints become globally satisfied and vanish identically. By rigorously satisfying the reduced gauge symmetries, the resulting cosmological model is precisely the limit of the gravitational theory expressed in terms of holonomies and fluxes. Moreover, the obtained Hamiltonian constraint is finite (without any cut-off introduction) and as rigorous as an approximation of a Lie group by its representation. Furthermore, it has the form of the sum over elementary cuboidal cells. Finally, the simple structure of its homogeneities and anisotropies should allow to describe the quantum cosmological evolution of the Universe in terms of transition amplitudes, instead of using perturbative approximations.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Lifshitz scaling, ringing black holes, and superradiance

We investigate the ringdown waveform and reflectivity of a Lifshitz scalar field around a fixed Schwarzschild black hole. The radial wave equation is modified due to the Lorentz breaking terms, which leads to a diversity of ringdown waveforms. Also, it turns out that Lifshitz waves scattered by the Schwarzschild black hole exhibits superradiance. The Lorentz breaking terms lead to superluminal propagation and high-frequency modes can enter and leave the interior of the Killing horizon where negativity of energy is not prohibited. This allows the Lifshitz waves to carry out additional positive energy to infinity while leaving negative energy inside the Killing horizon, similar to the Penrose process in the ergosphere of a Kerr spacetime. Another interesting phenomenon is emergence of long-lived quasinormal modes, associated with roton-type dispersion relations. These effects drastically modify the greybody factor of a microscopic black hole, whose Hawking temperature is comparable with or higher than the Lifshitz energy scale.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Light and Airy: a simple solution for relativistic quantum acceleration radiation

We study the quantum radiation of particle production by vacuum from an ultra-relativistic moving mirror (dynamical Casimir effect) solution that allows (possibly for the first time) analytically calculable time evolution of particle creation and an Airy particle spectral distribution. The reality of the beta Bogoliubov coefficients is responsible for the simplicity, and the mirror is asymptotically inertial at the speed of light, with finite energy production. We also discuss general relations regarding negative energy flux, the transformation to the 1-D Schr{ö}dinger equation, and the incompleteness of entanglement entropy.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Light from Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter black holes

We derive for the first time the form of the spiral null geodesics around the photon sphere of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in the de Sitter expanding universe. Moreover, we obtain the principal parameter we need for deriving, according to our method [I. I. Cot\u aescu. {Eur. Phys. J. C.} (2021) 81:32], the black hole shadow and the related redshift as measured by a remote observer situated in the asymptotic zone. We obtain thus a criterion of detecting charged black holes without peculiar velocities when one knows the mass, redshift and the black hole shadow.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Linear confinement of generalized KG-oscillator with a uniform magnetic field in Kaluza-Klein theory and Aharonov-Bohm effect

In this paper, we solve generalized KG-oscillator interacts with a uniform magnetic field in five-dimensional space-time background produced by topological defects under a linear confining potential using the Kaluza-Klein theory. We solve this equation and analyze an analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm effect for bound states. We observe that the energy levels for each radial mode depends on the global parameters characterizing the space-time, the confining potential, and the magnetic field which shows a quantum effect

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Linearization stability of reflection-asymmetric thin-shell wormholes with double shadows

Wormholes are hypothetical objects which can be black hole mimickers with strong gravitational fields. Recently, Wielgus et al. have constructed reflection-asymmetric thin-shell wormholes which are composed of the parts of a Schwarzschild spacetime and a Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime with two photon spheres with different sizes each other in [M. Wielgus, J. Horak, F. Vincent, and M. Abramowicz, Phys. Rev. D 102, 084044 (2020)]. They have discussed observational property of the shadows with two photon rings in different sizes as seen from an observer and they have named their shadows double shadows. In this paper, we study the linearization stability of the reflection-asymmetric thin-shell wormholes with the double shadows.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Logarithmic corrections to Newtonian gravity and Large Scale Structure

Effects from nonstandard corrections to Newtonian gravity, at large scale, can be investigated using the cosmological structure formation. In particular, it is possible to show if and how a logarithmic correction (as that induced from nonlocal gravity) modifies the clustering properties of galaxies and of clusters of galaxies. The thermodynamics of such systems can be used to obtain important information about the effects of such modification on clustering. We will compare its effects with observational data and it will be demonstrated that the observations seem to point to a characteristic scale where such a logarithmic correction might be in play at galactic scales. However, at larger scales such statistical inferences are much weaker, so that a fully reliable statistical evidence for this kind of corrections cannot be stated without further investigations and the use of more varied and precise cosmological and astrophysical probes.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Loop Quantum Gravity on Dynamical Lattice and Improved Cosmological Effective Dynamics with Inflaton

In the path integral formulation of the reduced phase space Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), we propose a new approach to allow the spatial cubic lattice (graph) to change dynamically in the physical time evolution. The equations of motion of the path integral derive the effective dynamics of cosmology from the full LQG, when we focus on solutions with homogeneous and isotropic symmetry. The resulting cosmological effective dynamics with the dynamical lattice improves the effective dynamics obtained earlier from the path integral with fixed spatial lattice: The improved effective dynamics recovers the FLRW cosmology at low energy density and resolves the big-bang singularity with a bounce. The critical density ? c at the bounce is Planckian ? c ??? ?? where ? is a Planckian area serving as certain UV cut-off of the effective theory. The effective dynamics gives the unsymmetric bounce and has the de-Sitter (dS) spacetime in the past of the bounce. The cosmological constant ? eff of the dS spacetime is emergent from the quantum effect ? eff ??? ?? . These results are qualitatively similar to the properties of μ ¯ -scheme Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC). Moreover, we generalize the earlier path integral formulation of the full LQG by taking into account the coupling with an additional real scalar field, which drives the slow-roll inflation of the effective cosmological dynamics. In addition, we discuss the cosmological perturbation theory on the dynamical lattice, and the relation to the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation.

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General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology

Loop quantum gravity and cosmological constant

An one-parameter regularization freedom of the Hamiltonian constraint for loop quantum gravity is analyzed. The corresponding spatially flat, homogenous and isotropic model includes the two well-known models of loop quantum cosmology as special cases. The quantum bounce nature is tenable in the generalized cases. For positive value of the regularization parameter, the effective Hamiltonian leads to an asymptotic de-Sitter branch of the Universe connecting to the standard Friedmann branch by the quantum bounce. Remarkably, by suitably choosing the value of the regularization parameter, the observational cosmological constant can emerge at large volume limit from the effect of quantum gravity, and the effective Newtonian constant satisfies the experimental restrictions in the meantime.

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