Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Calculation of Hawking Radiation in Local Field Theory

Hawking radiation of the blackhole is calculated based on the principle of local field theory. In our approach, the radiation is a unitary process, therefore no information loss will be recorded. In fact, observers in different regions of the space communicate using the Hawking radiation, when the systems in the different regions are entangled with each other. The entanglement entropy of the blackhole is also calculated in the local field theory. We found that the entanglement entropy of the systems separated by the blackhole horizon is closely connected to the Hawking radiation in our approach. Both Hawking radiation and entanglement entropy of the four-dimensional blackholes are ultraviolet divergent quantity, but the equation relating the two quantities is free of divergences and is given simply bySEE=12??ARH, whereSEEis the entanglement entropy,Ais the area of the horizon, andRHis the Hawking radiation.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Can effective four-dimensional scalar theory be asymptotically free in a spacetime with extra dimensions?

We trace what happens with asymptotically free behavior of the running coupling in?3theory in six-dimensional space-time if to compactify two spatial dimensions on a 2D closed manifold. The result can be considered as an effective 4D theory of infinitely many KK-type scalar fields with triple interactions. The effective \emph{dimensional} coupling inherits running to zero at high mass scales in a modified form depending on the size of the compact manifold. Some physical implications are discussed.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Canonical Analysis of Non-Relativistic String with Non-Relativistic World-Sheet

We perform canonical analysis of non-relativistic string theory with non-relativistic world-sheet gravity. We determine structure of constraints and symplectic structure of canonical variables.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Cascade of phase transitions in a planar Dirac material

We investigate a model of interacting Dirac fermions in2+1dimensions withMflavors andNcolors having theU(M)?SU(N)symmetry. In the large-Nlimit, we find that theU(M)symmetry is spontaneously broken in a variety of ways. In the vacuum, when the parity-breaking flavor-singlet mass is varied, the ground state undergoes a sequence ofMfirst-order phase transitions, experiencingM+1phases characterized by symmetry breakingU(M)?�U(M?�k)?U(k)withk?�{0,1,2,??M}, bearing a close resemblance to the vacuum structure of three-dimensional QCD. At finite temperature and chemical potential, a rich phase diagram with first and second-order phase transitions and tricritical points is observed. Also exotic phases with spontaneous symmetry breaking of the form asU(3)?�U(1)3,U(4)?�U(2)?U(1)2, andU(5)?�U(2)2?U(1)exist. For a large flavor-singlet mass, the increase of the chemical potentialμbrings aboutMconsecutive first-order transitions that separate the low-μphase diagram with vanishing fermion density from the high-μregion with a high fermion density.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Casimir Energy for concentricδ-δ′spheres

We study the vacuum interaction of a scalar field and two concentric spheres defined by a singular potential on their surfaces. The potential is a linear combination of the Dirac-δand its derivative. The presence of the delta prime term in the potential causes that it behaves differently when it is seen from the inside or from the outside of the sphere. We study different cases for positive and negative values of the delta prime coupling, keeping positive the coupling of the delta. As a consequence, we find regions in the space of couplings, where the energy is positive, negative or zero. Moreover, the sign of theδ′couplings cause different behavior on the value of the Casimir energy for different values of the radii. This potential gives rise to general boundary conditions with limiting cases defining Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions what allows us to simulate purely electric o purely magnetic spheres.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Casimir effect for fermion condensate in conical rings

The fermion condensate (FC) is investigated for a (2+1)-dimensional massive fermionic field confined on a truncated cone with an arbitrary planar angle deficit and threaded by a magnetic flux. Different combinations of the boundary conditions are imposed on the edges of the cone. They include the bag boundary condition as a special case. By using the generalized Abel-Plana-type summation formula for the series over the eigenvalues of the radial quantum number, the edge-induced contributions in the FC are explicitly extracted. The FC is an even periodic function of the magnetic flux with the period equal to the flux quantum. Depending on the boundary conditions, the condensate can be either positive or negative. For a massless field the FC in the boundary-free conical geometry vanishes and the nonzero contributions are purely edge-induced effects. This provides a mechanism for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the absence of magnetic fields. Combining the results for the fields corresponding to two inequivalent irreducible representations of the Clifford algebra, the FC is investigated in the parity and time-reversal symmetric fermionic models and applications are discussed for graphitic cones.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Casimir free energy for massive fermions and the applicability of the zeta function

We compute the Casimir Helmholtz free energy, using its fundamental definition, for a fermion field between two parallel plates with the MIT boundary conditions. We show that the Casimir free energy and other Casimir thermodynamic quantities, including the pressure, energy, and entropy go to zero as the temperature, the distance between the plates, or mass of the field increases. We compare our results with those of four different methods in common use, which we calculate explicitly. These include the zeta function method, the zero temperature subtraction method, and their renormalized versions. As is well known, the high temperature expansion of results of the former two contain the black-body termT4, the subtraction of which in the renormalized versions for the massless case yields the correct results based on the fundamental definition. However, for the massive case, we show that these five methods yield five different results. We then explain the sources of the differences.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Catastrophic Production of Slow Gravitinos

We study gravitational particle production of the massive spin-3/2Rarita-Schwinger field, and its close relative, the gravitino, in FRW cosmological spacetimes. For masses lighter than the value of the Hubble expansion rate after inflation,m3/2?�H, we find catastrophic gravitational particle production, wherein the number of gravitationally produced particles is divergent, caused by a transient vanishing of the helicity-1/2 gravitino sound speed. In contrast with the conventional gravitino problem, the spectrum of produced particles is dominated by those with momentum at the UV cutoff. This suggests a breakdown of effective field theory, which might be cured by new degrees of freedom that emerge in the UV. We study the UV completion of the Rarita-Schwinger field, namelyN=1,d=4, supergravity. We reproduce known results for models with a single superfield and models with an arbitrary number of chiral superfields, find a simple geometric expression for the sound speed in the latter case, and extend this to include nilpotent constrained superfields and orthogonal constrained superfields. We find supergravity models where the catastrophe is cured and models where it persists. Insofar as quantizing the gravitino is tantamount to quantizing gravity, as is the case in any UV completion of supergravity, the models exhibiting catastrophic production are prime examples of 4-dimensional effective field theories that become inconsistent when gravity is quantized, suggesting a possible link to the Swampland program. We propose the Gravitino Swampland Conjecture, which is consistent with and indeed follows from the KKLT and Large Volume scenarios for moduli stabilization in string theory.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Causality, Crossing and Analyticity in Conformal Field Theories

Analyticity and crossing properties of four point function are investigated in conformal field theories in the frameworks of Wightman axioms. A Hermitian scalar conformal field, satisfying the Wightman axioms, is considered. The crucial role of microcausality in deriving analyticity domains is discussed and domains of analyticity are presented. A pair of permuted Wightman functions are envisaged. The crossing property is derived by appealing to the technique of analytic completion for the pair of permuted Wightman functions. The operator product expansion of a pair of scalar fields is studied and analyticity property of the matrix elements of composite fields, appearing in the operator product expansion, is investigated. An integral representation is presented for the commutator of composite fields where microcausality is a key ingredient. Three fundamental theorems of axiomatic local field theories; namely, PCT theorem, the theorem proving equivalence between PCT theorem and weak local commutativity and the edge-of-the-wedge theorem are invoked to derive a conformal bootstrap equation rigorously.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Chains of interacting solitons

We present an overview of multisoliton chains arising in various non-integrable field theories, and discuss different mechanisms, which may lead to the occurrence of such axially-symmetric classical solutions. We explain the pattern of interactions between different solitons, in particular Q-balls, Skyrmions and monopoles and show how chains of interacting non-BPS solitons may form in a dynamic equilibrium between repulsive and attractive forces.

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