Featured Researches

Mathematical Physics

Graded Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solution of the SU(2|2) spin chain model with generic integrable boundaries

The graded off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method is proposed to study supersymmetric quantum integrable models (i.e., quantum integrable models associated with superalgebras). As an example, the exact solutions of the SU(2|2) vertex model with both periodic and generic open boundary conditions are constructed. By generalizing the fusion techniques to the supersymmetric case, a closed set of operator product identities about the transfer matrices are derived, which allows us to give the eigenvalues in terms of homogeneous or inhomogeneous T−Q relations. The method and results provided in this paper can be generalized to other high rank supersymmetric quantum integrable models.

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Mathematical Physics

Gradient Gibbs measures for the SOS model with integer spin values on a Cayley tree

In the present paper we continue the investigation from [1] and consider the SOS (solid-on-solid) model on the Cayley tree of order k≥2 . In the ferromagnetic SOS case on the Cayley tree, we find three solutions to a class of period-4 height-periodic boundary law equations and these boundary laws define up to three periodic gradient Gibbs measures.

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Mathematical Physics

Grassmannian-parameterized solutions to direct-sum polygon and simplex equations

We consider polygon and simplex equations, of which the simplest nontrivial examples are pentagon (5-gon) and Yang--Baxter (2-simplex), respectively. We examine the general structure of (2n+1)-gon and 2n-simplex equations in direct sums of vector spaces. Then we provide a construction for their solutions, parameterized by elements of the Grassmannian Gr(n+1,2n+1).

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Mathematical Physics

Ground States for translationally invariant Pauli-Fierz Models at zero Momentum

We consider the translationally invariant Pauli-Fierz model describing a charged particle interacting with the electromagnetic field. We show under natural assumptions that the fiber Hamiltonian at zero momentum has a ground state.

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Mathematical Physics

Ground state in the energy super-critical Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential

The energy super-critical Gross--Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential is revisited in the particular case of cubic focusing nonlinearity and dimension d > 4. In order to prove the existence of a ground state (a positive, radially symmetric solution in the energy space), we develop the shooting method and deal with a one-parameter family of classical solutions to an initial-value problem for the stationary equation. We prove that the solution curve (the graph of the eigenvalue parameter versus the supremum) is oscillatory for d <= 12 and monotone for d >= 13. Compared to the existing literature, rigorous asymptotics are derived by constructing three families of solutions to the stationary equation with functional-analytic rather than geometric methods.

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Mathematical Physics

Groups of Worldview Transformations Implied by Isotropy of Space

Given any Euclidean ordered field, Q , and any 'reasonable' group, G , of (1+3)-dimensional spacetime symmetries, we show how to construct a model M G of kinematics for which the set W of worldview transformations between inertial observers satisfies W=G . This holds in particular for all relevant subgroups of Gal , cPoi , and cEucl (the groups of Galilean, Poincaré and Euclidean transformations, respectively, where c∈Q is a model-specific parameter orresponding to the speed of light in the case of Poincaré transformations). In doing so, by an elementary geometrical proof, we demonstrate our main contribution: spatial isotropy is enough to entail that the set W of worldview transformations satisfies either W⊆Gal , W⊆cPoi , or W⊆cEucl for some c>0 . So assuming spatial isotropy is enough to prove that there are only 3 possible cases: either the world is classical (the worldview transformations between inertial observers are Galilean transformations); the world is relativistic (the worldview transformations are Poincaré transformations); or the world is Euclidean (which gives a nonstandard kinematical interpretation to Euclidean geometry). This result considerably extends previous results in this field, which assume a priori the (strictly stronger) special principle of relativity, while also restricting the choice of Q to the field of reals. As part of this work, we also prove the rather surprising result that, for any G containing translations and rotations fixing the time-axis t , the requirement that G be a subgroup of one of the groups Gal , cPoi or cEucl is logically equivalent to the somewhat simpler requirement that, for all g∈G : g[t] is a line, and if g[t]=t then g is a trivial transformation (i.e. g is a linear transformation that preserves Euclidean length and fixes the time-axis setwise).

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Mathematical Physics

Hadamard states for bosonic quantum field theory on globally hyperbolic spacetimes

According to Radzikowski's celebrated results, bisolutions of a wave operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime are of Hadamard form iff they are given by a linear combination of distinguished parametrices i 2 ( G ˜ aF − G ˜ F + G ˜ A − G ˜ R ) in the sense of Duistermaat-Hörmander. Inspired by the construction of the corresponding advanced and retarded Green operator G A , G R as done in Bär, Ginoux, Pfäffle 2007, we construct the remaining two Green operators G F , G aF locally in terms of Hadamard series. Afterwards, we provide the global construction of i 2 ( G ˜ aF − G ˜ F ) , which relies on new techniques like a well-posed Cauchy problem for bisolutions and a patching argument using Čech cohomology. This leads to global bisolutions of Hadamard form, each of which can be chosen to be a Hadamard two-point-function, i.e. the smooth part can be adapted such that, additionally, the symmetry and the positivity condition are exactly satisfied.

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Mathematical Physics

Hamiltonian form for general autonomous ODE systems: Low dimensional examples

Paper is devoted to maintaining the simple objective: We want to provide Hamiltonian canonical form for autonomous dynamical system reducible to even-dimensional one. Along the road we construct new class of conserved quantities, called effectively conserved, that have dissimilar properties to traditional first integrals (e.g. differential of effectively conserved quantity being a Pfaffian form). We do not confine the discussion to physics; we consider examples from biology and chemistry, giving direct recipe for how to engage the framework in occurring problems. Perspective for future application in geometric numerical methods is given.

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Mathematical Physics

Hamiltonian structures for integrable nonabelian difference equations

In this paper we extensively study the notion of Hamiltonian structure for nonabelian differential-difference systems, exploring the link between the different algebraic (in terms of double Poisson algebras and vertex algebras) and geometric (in terms of nonabelian Poisson bivectors) definitions. We introduce multiplicative double Poisson vertex algebras (PVAs) as the suitable noncommutative counterpart to multiplicative PVAs, used to describe Hamiltonian differential-difference equations in the commutative setting, and prove that these algebras are in one-to-one correspondence with the Poisson structures defined by difference operators, providing a sufficient condition for the fulfilment of the Jacobi identity. Moreover, we define nonabelian polyvector fields and their Schouten brackets, for both finitely generated noncommutative algebras and infinitely generated difference ones: this allows us to provide a unified characterisation of Poisson bivectors and double quasi-Poisson algebra structures. Finally, as an application we obtain some results towards the classification of local scalar Hamiltonian difference structures and construct the Hamiltonian structures for the nonabelian Kaup, Ablowitz-Ladik and Chen-Lee-Liu integrable lattices.

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Mathematical Physics

Hamiltonian systems, Toda lattices, Solitons, Lax Pairs on weighted Z-graded graphs

We consider discrete one dimensional nonlinear equations and present the procedure of lifting them to Z-graded graphs. We identify conditions which allow one to lift one dimensional solutions to solutions on graphs. In particular, we prove the existence of solitons {for static potentials} on graded fractal graphs. We also show that even for a simple example of a topologically interesting graph the corresponding non-trivial Lax pairs and associated unitary transformations do not lift to a Lax pair on the Z-graded graph.

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