Featured Researches

Mathematical Physics

Accessory parameters in confluent Heun equations and classical irregular conformal blocks

Classical Virasoro conformal blocks are believed to be directly related to accessory parameters of Floquet type in the Heun equation and some of its confluent versions. We extend this relation to another class of accessory parameter functions that are defined by inverting all-order Bohr-Sommerfeld periods for confluent and biconfluent Heun equation. The relevant conformal blocks involve Nagoya irregular vertex operators of rank 1 and 2 and conjecturally correspond to partition functions of a 4D N=2 , N f =3 gauge theory at strong coupling and an Argyres-Douglas theory.

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Mathematical Physics

Additivity violation of quantum channels via strong convergence to semi-circular and circular elements

Additivity violation of minimum output entropy, which shows non-classical properties in quantum communication, had been proved in most cases for random quantum channels defined by Haar-distributed unitary matrices. In this paper, we investigate random completely positive maps made of Gaussian Unitary Ensembles and Ginibre Ensembles regarding this matter. Using semi-circular systems and circular systems of free probability, we not only show the multiplicativity violation of maximum output norms in the asymptotic regimes but also prove the additivity violation via Haagerup inequality for a new class of random quantum channels constructed by rectifying the above completely positive maps based on strong convergence.

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Mathematical Physics

Algebraic Bethe ansatz for o 2n+1 -invariant integrable models

A class of o 2n+1 -invariant quantum integrable models is investigated in the framework of algebraic Bethe ansatz method. A construction of the o 2n+1 -invariant Bethe vector is proposed in terms of the Drinfeld currents for the double of Yangian DY( o 2n+1 ) . Action of the monodromy matrix entries onto off-shell Bethe vectors for these models is calculated. Recursion relations for these vectors were obtained. The action formulas can be used to investigate structure of the scalar products of Bethe vectors in o 2n+1 -invariant models.

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Mathematical Physics

Algebraic approach and Berry phase of a Hamiltonian with a general SU(1,1) symmetry

In this paper we study a general Hamiltonian with a linear structure given in terms of two different realizations of the SU(1,1) group. We diagonalize this Hamiltonian by using the similarity transformations of the SU(1,1) and SU(2) displacement operators performed to the su(1,1) Lie algebra generators. Then, we compute the Berry phase of a general time-dependent Hamiltonian with this general SU(1,1) linear structure.

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Mathematical Physics

Algebraic discretization of time-independent Hamiltonian systems using a Lie-group/algebra approach

In this paper, time-independent Hamiltonian systems are investigated via a Lie-group/algebra formalism. The (unknown) solution linked with the Hamiltonian is considered to be a Lie-group transformation of the initial data, where the group parameter acts as the time. The time-evolution generator (i.e. the Lie algebra associated to the group transformation) is constructed at an algebraic level, hence avoiding discretization of the time-derivatives for the discrete case. This formalism makes it possible to investigate the continuous and discrete versions of time for time-independent Hamiltonian systems and no additional information on the system is required (besides the Hamiltonian itself and the initial conditions of the solution). When the time-independent Hamiltonian system is integrable in the sense of Liouville, one can use the action-angle coordinates to straighten the time-evolution generator and construct an exact scheme (i.e. a scheme without errors). In addition, a method to analyse the errors of approximative/numerical schemes is provided. These considerations are applied to well-known examples associated with the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator.

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Mathematical Physics

Algebraic localization implies exponential localization in non-periodic insulators

Exponentially-localized Wannier functions are a basis of the Fermi projection of a Hamiltonian consisting of functions which decay exponentially quickly in space. In two and three spatial dimensions, it is well understood for periodic insulators that exponentially-localized Wannier functions exist if and only if there exists an orthonormal basis for the Fermi projection with finite second moment (i.e. all basis elements satisfy ?�|x | 2 |w(x) | 2 dx<??). In this work, we establish a similar result for non-periodic insulators in two spatial dimensions. In particular, we prove that if there exists an orthonormal basis for the Fermi projection which satisfies ?�|x | 5+ϵ |w(x) | 2 dx<??for some ϵ>0 then there also exists an orthonormal basis for the Fermi projection which decays exponentially quickly in space. This result lends support to the Localization Dichotomy Conjecture for non-periodic systems recently proposed by Marcelli, Monaco, Moscolari, and Panati.

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Mathematical Physics

Algebraic structures for adjoint-symmetries and symmetries of partial differential equations

Symmetries of a partial differential equation (PDE) can be defined as the solutions of the linearization (Frechet derivative) equation holding on the space of solutions to the PDE, and they are well-known to comprise a linear space having the structure of a Lie algebra. Solutions of the adjoint linearization equation holding on the space of solutions to the PDE are called adjoint-symmetries. Their algebraic structure for general PDE systems is studied herein. This is motivated by the correspondence between variational symmetries and conservation laws arising from Noether's theorem, which has a well-known generalization to non-variational PDEs, where symmetries are replaced by adjoint-symmetries, and variational symmetries are replaced by multipliers (adjoint-symmetries satisfying a certain Euler-Lagrange condition). Several main results are obtained. Symmetries are shown to have three different linear actions on the linear space of adjoint-symmetries. These linear actions are used to construct bilinear adjoint-symmetry brackets, one of which is like a pull-back of the symmetry commutator bracket and has the properties of a Lie bracket. In the case of variational PDEs, adjoint-symmetries coincide with symmetries, and the linear actions themselves constitute new bilinear symmetry brackets which differ from the commutator bracket when acting on non-variational symmetries. Several examples of nonlinear PDEs are used to illustrate all of the results.

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Mathematical Physics

All self-adjoint extensions of the magnetic Laplacian in nonsmooth domains and gauge transformations

We use boundary triples to find a parametrization of all self-adjoint extensions of the magnetic Schrödinger operator, in a quasi-convex domain~ Ω with compact boundary, and magnetic potentials with components in W 1 ∞ ( Ω ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ) . This gives also a new characterization of all self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian in nonregular domains. Then we discuss gauge transformations for such self-adjoint extensions and generalize a characterization of the gauge equivalence of the Dirichlet magnetic operator for the Dirichlet Laplacian; the relation to the Aharonov-Bohm effect, including irregular solenoids, is also discussed. In particular, in case of (bounded) quasi-convex domains it is shown that if some extension is unitarily equivalent (through the multiplication by a smooth unit function) to a realization with zero magnetic potential, then the same occurs for all self-adjoint realizations.

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Mathematical Physics

An Axiomatization Proposal and a Global Existence Theorem for Strong Emergence Between Parameterized Lagrangian Field Theories

In this paper we propose an axiomatization for the notion of strong emergence phenomenon between field theories depending on additional parameters, which we call parameterized field theories. We present sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of such phenomena between two given Lagrangian theories. More precisely, we prove that a Lagrangian field theory depending linearly on an additional parameter emerges from every multivariate polynomial theory evaluated at differential operators which have well-defined Green functions (or, more generally, that has a right-inverse in some extended sense). As a motivating example, we show that the phenomenon of gravity emerging from noncommutativy, in the context of a real or complex scalar field theory, can be recovered from our emergence theorem. We also show that, in the same context, we could also expect the reciprocal, i.e., that noncommutativity could emerge from gravity. Some other particular cases are analyzed.

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Mathematical Physics

An Introduction to Motivic Feynman Integrals

This article gives a short step-by-step introduction to the representation of parametric Feynman integrals in scalar perturbative quantum field theory as periods of motives. The application of motivic Galois theory to the algebro-geometric and categorical structures underlying Feynman graphs is reviewed up to the current state of research. The example of primitive log-divergent Feynman graphs in scalar massless ϕ 4 quantum field theory is analysed in detail.

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