Featured Researches

Analysis Of Pdes

Evolution equations with applications to population dynamics

The main topic of this thesis is the analysis of evolution equations reflecting issues in ecology and population dynamics. In mathematical modelling, the impact of environmental elements and the interaction between species is read into the role of heterogeneity in equations and interactions in coupled systems. In this direction, we investigate three separate problems, each corresponding to a chapter of this thesis. The first problem addresses the evolution of a single population living in a periodic medium with a fast diffusion line; this corresponds to the study of a reaction-diffusion system with equations in different dimensions. We derive results on asymptotic behaviour through the study of some generalised principal eigenvalues. We find that the road has no impact on the survival chances of the population, despite the deleterious effect expected from fragmentation. The second investigation regards a model describing the competition between two populations in a situation of asymmetrically aggressive interactions; this consists of a system of two ODEs. The evolution progresses through two possible scenarios, where only one population survives. Then, the interpretation of one of the parameters as the aggressiveness of the attacker population naturally raises questions of controllability. We characterise the set of initial conditions leading to the victory of the attacker through a suitable (possibly time-dependant) strategy. The third and last part of this thesis analyses the time decay of some evolution equations with classical and fractional time derivatives. Depending on the type of derivative and some degree of non-degeneracy of the spatial operator, quantitative polynomial or exponential estimates are entailed.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Exact description of SIR-Bass epidemics on 1D lattices

This paper is devoted to the study of a stochastic epidemiological model which is a variant of the SIR model to which we add an extra factor in the transition rate from susceptible to infected accounting for the inflow of infection due to immigration or environmental sources of infection. This factor yields the formation of new clusters of infections, without having to specify a priori and explicitly their date and place of appearance.We establish an {exact deterministic description} for such stochastic processes on 1D lattices (finite lines, semi-infinite lines, infinite lines, circles) by showing that the probability of infection at a given point in space and time can be obtained as the solution of a deterministic ODE system on the lattice. Our results allow stochastic initial conditions and arbitrary spatio-temporal heterogeneities on the parameters.We then apply our results to some concrete situations and obtain useful qualitative results and explicit formulae on the macroscopic dynamics and also the local temporal behavior of each individual. In particular, we provide a fine analysis of some aspects of cluster formation through the study of {patient-zero problems} and the effects of {time-varying point sources}.Finally, we show that the space-discrete model gives rise to new space-continuous models, which are either ODEs or PDEs, depending on the rescaling regime assumed on the parameters.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Exact observability properties of subelliptic wave and Schr{ö}dinger equations

In this survey paper, we report on recent works concerning exact observability (and, by duality, exact controllability) properties of subelliptic wave and Schr{ö}dinger-type equations. These results illustrate the slowdown of propagation in directions transverse to the horizontal distribution. The proofs combine sub-Riemannian geometry, semi-classical analysis, spectral theory and non-commutative harmonic analysis.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and Exponential Growth of Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains

We investigate the barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions in a three-dimensional (3D) simply connected bounded domain, whose smooth boundary has a finite number of two-dimensional connected components. For any adiabatic exponent bigger than one, after discovering some new estimates on boundary integrals related to the slip boundary condition, we prove that both the weak and classical solutions to the initial-boundary-value problem of this system exist globally in time provided the initial energy is suitably small. Moreover, the density has large oscillations and contains vacuum states. Finally, it is also shown that for the classical solutions, the oscillation of the density will grow unboundedly in the long run with an exponential rate provided vacuum appears (even at a point) initially. This is the first result concerning the global existence of classical solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density containing vacuum states initially for general 3D bounded smooth domains.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and Nonlinear Stability of Steady-States to Outflow Problem for the Full Two-Phase Flow

The outflow problem for the viscous full two-phase flow model in a half line is investigated in the present paper. The existence, uniqueness and the nonlinear time stability of the steady-state are shown. Furthermore, we can obtain either the exponential time decay rate for supersonic state or the algebraic time decay rate for supersonic state and sonic state in the weighted Sobolev space.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and convergence of solutions to fractional pure critical exponent problems

We study existence and convergence properties of least-energy symmetric solutions (l.e.s.s.) to the pure critical problem (?��?) s u s =| u s | 2 ??s ?? u s , u s ??D s 0 (Ω), 2 ??s := 2N N??s , where s is any positive number, Ω is either R N or a smooth symmetric bounded domain, and D s 0 (Ω) is the homogeneous Sobolev space. Depending on the kind of symmetry considered, solutions can be sign changing. We show that, up to a subsequence, a l.e.s.s. u s converges to a l.e.s.s. u t as s goes to any t>0 . In bounded domains, this convergence can be characterized in terms of an homogeneous fractional norm of order t?��?. A similar characterization is no longer possible in unbounded domains due to scaling invariance and an incompatibility with the functional spaces; to circumvent these difficulties, we use a suitable rescaling and characterize the convergence via cut-off functions. If t is an integer, these results describe in a precise way the nonlocal-to-local transition. Finally, we also include a nonexistence result of nontrivial nonnegative solutions in a ball for any s>1 .

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and incompressible limit of a tissue growth model with autophagy

In this paper we study a cross-diffusion system whose coefficient matrix is non-symmetric and degenerate. The system arises in the study of tissue growth with autophagy. The existence of a weak solution is established. We also investigate the limiting behavior of solutions as the pressure gets stiff. The so-called incompressible limit is a free boundary problem of Hele-Shaw type. Our key new discovery is that the usual energy estimate still holds as long as the time variable stays away from 0 .

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and multiplicity of bound state solutions to a Kirchhoff type equation with a general nonlinearity

In this paper, we consider the following Kirchhoff type equation -\left(a+ b\int_{\R^3}|\nabla u|^2\right)\triangle {u}+V(x)u=f(u),\,\,x\in\R^3, where a,b>0 and $f\in C(\R,\R)$, and the potential $V\in C^1(\R^3,\R)$ is positive, bounded and satisfies suitable decay assumptions. By using a new perturbation approach together with a new version of global compactness lemma of Kirchhoff type, we prove the existence and multiplicity of bound state solutions for the above problem with a general nonlinearity. We especially point out that neither the corresponding Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition nor any monotonicity assumption is required for f . Moreover, the potential V may not be radially symmetry or coercive. As a prototype, the nonlinear term involves the power-type nonlinearity f(u)=|u | p?? u for p??2,6) . In particular, our results generalize and improve the results by Li and Ye (J.Differential Equations, 257(2014): 566-600), in the sense that the case p??2,3] is left open there.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and nonexistence in the liquid drop model

We revisit the liquid drop model with a general Riesz potential. Our new result is the existence of minimizers for the conjectured optimal range of parameters. We also prove a conditional uniqueness of minimizers and a nonexistence result for heavy nuclei.

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Analysis Of Pdes

Existence and nonexistence of solutions to the Hardy parabolic equation

In this paper, we obtain necessary conditions and sufficient conditions on the initial data for the local-in-time solvability of the Cauchy problem ??t u+(?��?) θ 2 u=|x | ?��?u p ,x??R N ,t>0,u(0)=μin R N , where N?? , 0<θ?? , p>1 , γ>0 and μ is a nonnegative Radon measure on R N . Using these conditions, we attempt to identify the optimal strength of the singularity of μ for the existence of solutions to this problem.

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