Featured Researches

General Mathematics

On Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of a Volterra-Hammerstein functional integral equation

The aim of this paper is to study Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for a Volterra-Hammerstein functional integral equation in three variables via Picard operators.

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General Mathematics

On Ladyzhenskaya-Serrin condition sufficient for regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Periodic case

We consider the Navier-Stokes equations in a bounded domain with periodic boundary conditions. Let V=V(x,t) be the velocity of the fluid. The aim of this paper is to prove the bound ∥V(t) ∥ H 1 ≤c for any t∈ R + , where c depends on data. The proof is divided into two steps. In the first step the Lamé system with a special version of the convective term is considered. The system has two viscosities. Assuming that the second viscosity (the bulk one) is sufficiently large we are able to prove the existence of global regular solutions to this system. The proof is divided into two steps. First the long time existence in interval (0,T) is proved, where T is proportional to the bulk viscosity. Having the bulk viscosity large we are able to show that data at time T are sufficiently small. Then by the small data arguments a global existence follows. In this paper we are restricted to derive appropriate estimates only. To prove the existence we should use the method of successive approximations and the continuation argument. Let v be a solution to it. In the second step we consider a problem for u=v−V . Assuming that ∥u ∥ H 1 at t=0 is sufficiently small we show that ∥u(t) ∥ H 1 is also sufficiently small for any t∈ R + . Estimates for v and u in H 1 imply estimate for ∥V(t) ∥ H 1 for any t∈ R + .

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General Mathematics

On Mathematical Ways of Knowing

Mathematics is one of the ways our species makes sense of this world and I believe that it is inherent in our thinking machinery. The mathematics we do in turn is dependent on the way we view our universe and ourselves. Lakoff and Nunez [17] argue carefully and eloquently for a mathematics inherently based on human cognition. In this note I attempt to engage with the construct of mathematical cognition through the lens of humanistic mathematics.

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General Mathematics

On Noncentral Tanny-Dowling Polynomials and Generalizations of Some Formulas for Geometric Polynomials

In this paper, we establish some formulas for the noncentral Tanny-Dowling polynomials including sums of products and explicit formulas which are shown to be generalizations of known identities. Other important results and consequences are also discussed and presented.

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General Mathematics

On Poincaré lemma or Volterra theorem about differential forms and cohomology groups

The Poincaré lemma (or Volterra theorem) is of utmost importance both in theory and in practice. It tells us every differential form which is closed, is locally exact. In other words, on a contractible manifold all closed forms are exact. The aim of this paper is to present some direct proofs of this lemma and explore some of its numerous consequences. Some connections with Cech-De Rham-Dolbeault cohomologies, ∂ ¯ ¯ ¯ -Poincaré lemma or Dolbeault-Grothendieck lemma are given.

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General Mathematics

On Relations Between the Stirling Numbers of First and Second Kind

Four new relations have been found between the Stirling numbers of first and second kind. They are derived directly from recently published relations.

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General Mathematics

On Self-Descriptive Squares

A novel kind of self-referential square matrix is introduced. A certain subset of the matrix entries record the frequencies of occurrence of each distinct number appearing within the entire matrix. Such squares are necessarily elusive. Our investigation brings to light interesting cases, such as 'generic' squares that include algebraic variables and self-descriptive squares that are also magic squares.

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General Mathematics

On Slant Magnetic Curves in S -manifolds

We consider slant normal magnetic curves in (2n+1) -dimensional S -manifolds. We prove that γ is a slant normal magnetic curve in an -manifold ( M 2m+s ,φ, ξ α , η α ,g) if and only if it belongs to a list of slant φ -curves satisfying some special curvature equations. This list consists of some specific geodesics, slant circles, Legendre and slant helices of order 3 . We construct slant normal magnetic curves in R 2n+s (−3s) and give the parametric equations of these curves.

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General Mathematics

On The Basics of the Nonlinear Diffusion

This study handles spatial three-dimensional solution of the nonlinear diffusion equation without particular initial conditions. The functional behavior of the equation and the concentration have been studied in new ways. An auxiliary function for diffusion is given having an interesting relationship with the concentration. A set of new integro-differential equations is given for diffusion.

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General Mathematics

On a Fundamental Task of Bidiophantine Geometric Figures

The goal of the work is to take on and study one of the fundamental tasks studying Bidiophantine polygons (let us call a polygon Diophantine, if the distance between each two vertex of those is expressed by a natural number and we say that a Diophantine polygon is Bidiophantine if the coordinates of its each vertex are integer numbers).

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