Featured Researches

General Topology

CCS -normal spaces

A space X is called CCS -normal space if there exist a normal space Y and a bijection f:X↦Y such that f | C :C↦f(C) is homeomorphism for any cellular-compact subset C of X . We discuss about the relations between C -normal, CC -normal, Ps -normal spaces with CCS -normal.

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General Topology

Cantor's intersection theorem in the setting of F -metric spaces

This paper deals with an open problem posed by Jleli and Samet in \cite[\, M.~Jleli and B.~Samet, On a new generalization of metric spaces, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl, 20(3) 2018]{JS1}. In \cite[\, Remark 5.1]{JS1} They asked whether the Cantor's intersection theorem can be extended to F -metric spaces or not. In this manuscript we give an affirmative answer to this open question. We also show that the notions of compactness, totally boundedness in the setting of F -metric spaces are equivalent to that of usual metric spaces.

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General Topology

Cardinal invariants and convergence properties of locally minimal groups

If G is a locally essential subgroup of a compact abelian group K, then: (i) t(G)=w(G)=w(K), where t(G) is the tightness of G; (ii) if G is radial, then K must be metrizable; (iii) G contains a super-sequence S converging to 0 such that |S|=w(G)=w(K). Items (i)--(iii) hold when G is a dense locally minimal subgroup of K. We show that locally minimal, locally precompact abelian groups of countable tightness are metrizable. In particular, a minimal abelian group of countable tightness is metrizable. This answers a question of O. Okunev posed in 2007. For every uncountable cardinal kappa, we construct a Frechet-Urysohn minimal group G of character kappa such that the connected component of G is an open normal omega-bounded subgroup (thus, G is locally precompact). We also build a minimal nilpotent group of nilpotency class 2 without non-trivial convergent sequences having an open normal countably compact subgroup.

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General Topology

Cardinality Estimations of Sets with Interval Uncertainties in Finite Topological Spaces

In this paper, we have established boundaries of cardinal numbers of nonempty sets in finite non- T 1 topological spaces using interval analysis. For a finite set with known cardinality, we give interval estimations based on the closure and interior of the set. In this paper, we give new results for the cardinalities of non-empty semi-open sets in non- T 1 topological spaces as well as in extremely disconnected and hyperconnected topological spaces.

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General Topology

Cartesian products of the g -topologies are a g -topology

We show that unlike the usual topologies the g -topologies are closed with respect to the Cartesian products. Moreover, we bring much detailed explanations some examples of concepts related the statistical metric spaces.

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General Topology

Categorical Extension of Dualities: From Stone to de Vries and Beyond, I

Propounding a general categorical framework for the extension of dualities, we present a new proof of the de Vries Duality Theorem for the category KHaus of compact Hausdorff spaces and their continuous maps, as an extension of a restricted Stone duality. Then, applying a dualization of the categorical framework to the de Vries duality, we give an alternative proof of the extension of the de Vries duality to the category Tych of Tychonoff spaces that was provided by Bezhanishvili, Morandi and Olberding. In the process of doing so, we obtain new duality theorems for both categories, KHaus and Tych .

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General Topology

Categories of coarse groups: quasi-homomorphisms and functorial coarse structures

Coarse geometry is the study of large-scale properties of spaces. In this paper we study group coarse structures (i.e., coarse structures on groups that agree with the algebraic structures), by using group ideals. We introduce a large class of examples of group coarse structures induced by cardinal invariants. In order to enhance the categorical treatment of the subject, we use quasi-homomorphisms, as a large-scale counterpart of homomorphisms. In particular, the localisation of a category plays a fundamental role. We then define the notion of functorial coarse structures and we give various examples of those structures.

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General Topology

Cayley Graphs on Billiard Surfaces

In this article we discuss a connection between two famous constructions in mathematics: a Cayley graph of a group and a (rational) billiard surface. For each rational billiard surface, there is a natural way to draw a Cayley graph of a dihedral group on that surface. Both of these objects have the concept of "genus" attached to them. For the Cayley graph, the genus is defined to be the lowest genus amongst all surfaces that the graph can be drawn on without edge crossings. We prove that the genus of the Cayley graph associated to a billiard surface arising from a triangular billiard table is always zero or one. One reason this is interesting is that there exist triangular billiard surfaces of arbitrarily high genus , so the genus of the associated graph is usually much lower than the genus of the billiard surface.

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General Topology

Certain properties of contra-T*12-continuous functions

The concept of contra function was introduced by Dontchev [2], in this work, we use the notion of T*12-open to study a new class of function called a contra-T*12-continuous function as a generalization of contra-continuous.

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General Topology

Characterization of (semi-)Eberlein compacta using retractional skeletons

We deeply study retractions associated to suitable models in compact spaces admitting a retractional skeleton and find several interesting consequences. Most importantly, we provide a new characterization of Valdivia compacta using the notion of retractional skeletons, which seems to be helpful when characterizing its subclasses. Further, we characterize Eberlein and semi-Eberlein compacta in terms of retractional skeletons and show that our new characterizations give an alternative proof of the fact that continuous image of an Eberlein compact is Eberlein as well as new stability results for the class of semi-Eberlein compacta, solving in particular an open problem posed by Kubis and Leiderman.

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