Featured Researches

Metric Geometry

Heronian friezes

Motivated by computational geometry of point configurations on the Euclidean plane, and by the theory of cluster algebras of type A, we introduce and study Heronian friezes, the Euclidean analogues of Coxeter's frieze patterns. We prove that a generic Heronian frieze possesses the glide symmetry (hence is periodic), and establish the appropriate version of the Laurent phenomenon. For a closely related family of Cayley-Menger friezes, we identify an algebraic condition of coherence, which all friezes of geometric origin satisfy. This yields an unambiguous propagation rule for coherent Cayley-Menger friezes, as well as the corresponding periodicity results.

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Metric Geometry

High-dimensional ellipsoids converge to Gaussian spaces

We prove the convergence of (solid) ellipsoids to a Gaussian space in Gromov's concentration/weak topology as the dimension diverges to infinity. This gives the first discovered example of an irreducible nontrivial convergent sequence in the concentration topology, where 'irreducible nontrivial' roughly means to be not constructed from Levy families nor box convergent sequences.

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Metric Geometry

Horizontally affine functions on step-2 Carnot algebras

In this paper we introduce the notion of horizontally affine, h-affine in short, function and give a complete description of such functions on step-2 Carnot algebras. We show that the vector space of h-affine functions on the free step-2 rank- n Carnot algebra is isomorphic to the exterior algebra of R n . Using that every Carnot algebra can be written as a quotient of a free Carnot algebra, we shall deduce from the free case a description of h-affine functions on arbitrary step-2 Carnot algebras, together with several characterizations of those step-2 Carnot algebras where h-affine functions are affine in the usual sense of vector spaces. Our interest for h-affine functions stems from their relationship with a class of sets called precisely monotone, recently introduced in the literature, as well as from their relationship with minimal hypersurfaces.

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Metric Geometry

How to define your dimension: A discourse on Hausdorff dimension and self-similarity

One often distinguishes between a line and a plane by saying that the former is one-dimensional while the latter is two. But, what does it mean for an object to have d??dimensions? Can we define a consistent notion of dimension rigorously for arbitrary objects, say a snowflake, perhaps? And must the dimension always be integer-valued? After highlighting some crucial problems that one encounters while defining a sensible notion of dimension for a certain class of objects, we attempt to answer the above questions by exploring the concept of Hausdorff dimension -- a remarkable method of assigning dimension to subsets of arbitrary metric spaces. In order to properly formulate the definition and properties of the Hausdorff dimension, we review the critical measure-theoretic terminology beforehand. Finally, we discuss the notion of self-similarity and show how it often defies our quotidian intuition that dimension must always be integer-valued.

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Metric Geometry

Hyperbolic metrics on open subsests of Ptolemaic spaces with sharp parameter bounds

It is shown that a construction of Z. Zhang and Y. Xiao on open subsets of Ptolemaic spaces yields, when the subset has boundary containing at least two points, metrics that are Gromov hyperbolic with parameter log2 and strongly hyperbolic with parameter 1 with no further conditions on the open set. A class of examples is constructed on Hadamard manifolds showing these estimates of the parameters are sharp.

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Metric Geometry

Hypercomplex Iterated Function Systems

We introduce the novel concept of hypercomplex iterated function system (IFS) on the complete metric space ( A k n+1 ,d) and define its hypercomplex attractor. Systems of hypercomplex function systems arising from hypercomplex IFSs and their backward trajectories are also introduced and it is shown that the attractors of such backward trajectories possess different local (fractal) shapes.

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Metric Geometry

Icosahedral Polyhedra from D6 lattice and Danzer's ABCK tiling

It is well known that the point group of the root lattice D_6 admits the icosahedral group as a maximal subgroup. The generators of the icosahedral group H_3, its roots and weights are determined in terms of those of D_6. Platonic and Archimedean solids possessing icosahedral symmetry have been obtained by projections of the sets of lattice vectors of D_6 determined by a pair of integers (m1, m2) in most cases, either both even or both odd. Vertices of the Danzer's ABCK tetrahedra are determined as the fundamental weights of H3 and it is shown that the inflation of the tiles can be obtained as projections of the lattice vectors characterized by the pair of integers which are linear combinations of the integers (m1, m2) with coefficients from Fibonacci sequence. Tiling procedure both for the ABCK tetrahedral tiling and the <ABCK> octahedral tiling in H_3 and the corresponding D_6 spaces are specified by determining the rotations and translation in 3D and the corresponding group elements in D_6. The tetrahedron K constitutes the fundamental region of the icosahedral group and generates the rhombic triacontahedron upon the group action. Properties of the K-polyhedron, B-polyhedron and the C-polyhedron generated by the icosahedral group have been discussed.

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Metric Geometry

Icosahedral Tiling with Dodecahedral Structures

Icosahedron and dodecahedron can be dissected into tetrahedral tiles projected from 3D-facets of the Delone polytopes representing the deep and shallow holes of the root lattice D_6. The six fundamental tiles of tetrahedra of edge lengths 1 and \tau are assembled into four composite tiles whose faces are normal to the 5-fold axes of the icosahedral group. The 3D Euclidean space is tiled face-to-face by the composite tiles with an inflation factor \tau generated by an inflation matrix. The aperiodic tiling is a generalization of the Tubingen triangular tiling in 2-dimensions for the faces of the tiles are made of Robinson triangles. Certain combinations of the tiles constitute dodecahedra with edge lengths of 1 and the golden ratio \tau=(1+\sqrt(5))/2.

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Metric Geometry

Ideal Triangulation and Disk Unfolding of a Singular Flat Surface

An ideal triangulation of a singular flat surface is a geodesic triangulation such that its vertex set is equal to the set of singular points of the surface. Using the fact that each pair of points in a surface has a finite number of geodesics having length ≤L connecting them, where L is any positive number, we prove that each singular flat surface has an ideal triangulation provided that the surface has singular points when it has no boundary components, or each of its boundary components has a singular point. Also, we prove that such a surface contains a finite number of geodesics which connect its singular points so that when we cut the surface through these arcs we get a flat disk with a non-singular interior.

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Metric Geometry

Incongruent equipartitions of the plane into quadrangles of equal perimeter

Motivated by a question of R.\ Nandakumar, we show that the Euclidean plane can be dissected into mutually incongruent convex quadrangles of the same area and the same perimeter. As a byproduct we obtain vertex-to-vertex dissections of the plane by mutually incongruent triangles of unit area that are arbitrarily close to the periodic vertex-to-vertex tiling by equilateral triangles.

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