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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Fifth-order generalized Heisenberg supermagnetic models

This paper is concerned with the construction of the fifth-order generalized Heisenberg supermagnetic models. We also investigate the integrable structure and properties of the supersymmetric systems. We establish their gauge equivalent equations with the gauge transformation for two quadratic constraints, i.e., the super fifth-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the fermionic fifth-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation, respectively.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Finite genus solutions to the lattice Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries equation

Based on integrable Hamiltonian systems related to the derivative Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries (SKdV) equation, a novel discrete Lax pair for the lattice SKdV (lSKdV) equation is given by two copies of a Darboux transformation which can be used to derive an integrable symplectic correspondence. Resorting to the discrete version of Liouville-Arnold theorem, finite genus solutions to the lSKdV equation are calculated through Riemann surface method.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

From auto-Bäcklund transformations to auto-Bäcklund transformations, and torqued ABS equations

We provide a method which takes an auto-Bäcklund transformation (auto-BT) and produces another auto-BT for a different equation. We apply the method to the natural auto-BTs for the ABS quad equations, which gives rise to torqued versions of ABS equations and explains the origin of each auto-BT listed in [J. Atkinson, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 135202]. The method is also applied to non-natural auto-BTs for ABS equations, which yields 3D consistent cubes which have not been found in [R. Boll, J. Nonl. Math. Phys. 18 (2011) 337--365], and to a multi-quadratic ABS* equation giving rise to a multi-quartic equation.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

From the conformal self-duality equations to the Manakov-Santini system

Under two separate symmetry assumptions, we demonstrate explicitly how the equations governing a general anti-self-dual conformal structure in four dimensions can be reduced to the Manakov-Santini system, which determines the three-dimensional Einstein-Weyl structure on the space of orbits of symmetry. The two symmetries investigated are a non-null translation and a homothety, which are previously known to reduce the second heavenly equation to the Laplace's equation and the hyper-CR system, respectively. Reductions on the anti-self-dual null-Kähler condition are also explored in both cases.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Full-parameter discrete Painlevé systems from non-translational Cremona isometries

Since the classification of discrete Painlevé equations in terms of rational surfaces, there has been much interest in the range of integrable equations arising from each of the 22 surface types in Sakai's list. For all but the most degenerate type in the list, the surfaces come in families which admit affine Weyl groups of symmetries. Translation elements of this symmetry group define discrete Painlevé equations with the same number of parameters as their family of surfaces. While non-translation elements of the symmetry group have been observed to correspond to discrete systems of Painlevé-type through projective reduction, these have fewer than the maximal number of free parameters corresponding to their surface type. We show that difference equations with the full number of free parameters can be constructed from non-translation elements of infinite order in the symmetry group, constructing several examples and demonstrating their integrability. This is prompted by the study of a previously proposed discrete Painlevé equation related to a special class of discrete analogues of surfaces of constant negative Gaussian curvature, which we generalise to a full-parameter integrable difference equation, given by the Cremona action of a non-translation element of the extended affine Weyl group W ˜ ( D (1) 4 ) on a family of generic D (1) 4 - surfaces.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Gap Probabilities in the Laguerre Unitary Ensemble and Discrete Painlevé Equations

In this paper we study a certain recurrence relation, that can be used to generate ladder operators for the Laguerre Unitary ensemble, from the point of view of Sakai's geometric theory of Painlevé equations. On one hand, this gives us one more detailed example of the appearance of discrete Painlevé equations in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. On the other hand, it serves as a good illustration of the effectiveness of a recently proposed procedure on how to reduce such recurrences to some canonical discrete Painlevé equations.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Gauge Symmetry Origin of Bäcklund Transformations for Painlevé Equations

We identify the self-similarity limit of the second flow of sl(N) mKdV hierarchy with the periodic dressing chain thus establishing % a connection to A (1) N?? invariant Painlevé equations. The A (1) N?? Bäcklund symmetries of dressing equations and Painlevé equations are obtained in the self-similarity limit of gauge transformations of the mKdV hierarchy realized as zero-curvature equations on the loop algebra sl ? (N) endowed with a principal gradation.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

General rogue waves in the Boussinesq equation

We derive general rogue wave solutions of arbitrary orders in the Boussinesq equation by the bilinear Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) reduction method. These rogue solutions are given as Gram determinants with 2N−2 free irreducible real parameters, where N is the order of the rogue wave. Tuning these free parameters, rogue waves of various patterns are obtained, many of which have not been seen before. Compared to rogue waves in other integrable equations, a new feature of rogue waves in the Boussinesq equation is that the rogue wave of maximum amplitude at each order is generally asymmetric in space. On the technical aspect, our contribution to the bilinear KP-reduction method for rogue waves is a new judicious choice of differential operators in the procedure, which drastically simplifies the dimension reduction calculation as well as the analytical expressions of rogue wave solutions.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

General rogue waves in the three-wave resonant interaction systems

General rogue waves in (1+1)-dimensional three-wave resonant interaction systems are derived by the bilinear method. These solutions are divided into three families, which correspond to a simple root, two simple roots and a double root of a certain quartic equation arising from the dimension reduction respectively. It is shown that while the first family of solutions associated with a simple root exist for all signs of the nonlinear coefficients in the three-wave interaction equations, the other two families of solutions associated with two simple roots and a double root can only exist in the so-called soliton-exchange case, where the nonlinear coefficients have certain signs. Many of these rogue wave solutions, such as those associated with two simple roots, and higher-order solutions associated with a simple root, are new solutions which have not been reported before. Technically, our bilinear derivation of rogue waves for the double-root case is achieved by a generalization to the previous dimension reduction procedure in the bilinear method, and this generalized procedure allows us to treat roots of arbitrary multiplicities. Dynamics of the derived rogue waves is also examined, and new rogue-wave patterns are presented. Connection between these bilinear rogue waves and those derived earlier by Darboux transformation is also explained.

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Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

General solutions for KdV- and Toda-type discrete integrable systems based on path encodings

We define infinite versions of four well-studied discrete integrable models, namely the ultra-discrete KdV equation, the discrete KdV equation, the ultra-discrete Toda equation, and the discrete Toda equation. For each equation, we show that there exists a unique solution to the initial value problem when the given data lies within a certain class, which includes the support of many shift ergodic measures. Our approach involves the introduction of a path encoding for the model configuration, for which we are able to describe the dynamics more generally than in previous work on finite size systems, periodic systems and semi-infinite systems. This picture is also convenient for checking that the systems are all time reversible. Moreover, we investigate links between the different equations, such as showing that the ultra-discrete KdV (resp. Toda) equation is the ultra-discretization of discrete KdV (resp. Toda) equation, and demonstrating a correspondence between (one time step) solutions of the ultra-discrete (resp. discrete) Toda equation with a particular symmetry and solutions of the ultra-discrete (resp. discrete) KdV equation. Finally, we show that the path encodings we introduce can be used to construct solutions to τ -function versions of the equations of interest.

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