Featured Researches

Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamical Reduction of Discrete Systems Based on the Renormalization Group Method

The renormalization group (RG) method is extended for global asymptotic analysis of discrete systems. We show that the RG equation in the discretized form leads to difference equations corresponding to the Stuart-Landau or Ginzburg-Landau equations. We propose a discretization scheme which leads to a faithful discretization of the reduced dynamics of the original differential equations.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamical Scaling Behavior of the Swift-Hohenberg Equation Following a Quench to the Modulated State

We study the kinetics of phase transitions in a Rayleigh-Benard system after onset of convection using 2D Swift-Hohenberg equation. An initially uniform state evolves to one whose ground state is spatially periodic. We confirmed previous results which showed that dynamical scaling occurs at medium quench ( ϵ=0.25 ) with scaling exponents 1/5 and 1/4 under zero noise and finite noise respectively. We find logarithmic scaling behavior for a deep quench ( ϵ=0.75 ) at zero noise. A simple method is devised to measure the proxy of domain wall length. We find that the energy and domain wall length exhibit scaling behavior with the same exponent. For ϵ=0.25 , the scaling exponents are 1/4 and 0.3 at zero and finite noise respectively.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics and Selection of Giant Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

For Rayleigh-Benard convection of a fluid with Prandtl number \sigma \approx 1, we report experimental and theoretical results on a pattern selection mechanism for cell-filling, giant, rotating spirals. We show that the pattern selection in a certain limit can be explained quantitatively by a phase-diffusion mechanism. This mechanism for pattern selection is very different from that for spirals in excitable media.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics of Wetting Fronts in Porous Media

We propose a new phenomenological approach for describing the dynamics of wetting front propagation in porous media. Unlike traditional models, the proposed approach is based on dynamic nature of the relation between capillary pressure and medium saturation. We choose a modified phase-field model of solidification as a particular case of such dynamic relation. We show that in the traveling wave regime the results obtained from our approach reproduce those derived from the standard model of flow in porous media. In more general case, the proposed approach reveals the dependence of front dynamics upon the flow regime.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics of a Single Peak of the Rosensweig Instability in a Magnetic Fluid

To describe the dynamics of a single peak of the Rosensweig instability a model is proposed which approximates the peak by a half-ellipsoid atop a layer of magnetic fluid. The resulting nonlinear equation for the height of the peak leads to the correct subcritical character of the bifurcation for static induction. For a time-dependent induction the effects of inertia and damping are incorporated. The results of the model show qualitative agreement with the experimental findings, as in the appearance of period doubling, trebling, and higher multiples of the driving period. Furthermore a quantitative agreement is also found for the parameter ranges of frequency and induction in which these phenomena occur.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics of axial separation in long rotating drums

We propose a continuum description for the axial separation of granular materials in a long rotating drum. The model, operating with two local variables, concentration difference and the dynamic angle of repose, describes both initial transient traveling wave dynamics and long-term segregation of the binary mixture. Segregation proceeds through ultra-slow logarithmic coarsening.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics of kinks in the Ginzburg-Landau equation: Approach to a metastable shape and collapse of embedded pairs of kinks

We consider initial data for the real Ginzburg-Landau equation having two widely separated zeros. We require these initial conditions to be locally close to a stationary solution (the ``kink'' solution) except for a perturbation supported in a small interval between the two kinks. We show that such a perturbation vanishes on a time scale much shorter than the time scale for the motion of the kinks. The consequences of this bound, in the context of earlier studies of the dynamics of kinks in the Ginzburg-Landau equation, [ER], are as follows: we consider initial conditions v 0 whose restriction to a bounded interval I have several zeros, not too regularly spaced, and other zeros of v 0 are very far from I . We show that all these zeros eventually disappear by colliding with each other. This relaxation process is very slow: it takes a time of order exponential of the length of I .

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Dynamics of localized structures in vector waves

Dynamical properties of topological defects in a twodimensional complex vector field are considered. These objects naturally arise in the study of polarized transverse light waves. Dynamics is modeled by a Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with parameter values appropriate for linearly polarized laser emission. Creation and annihilation processes, and selforganization of defects in lattice structures, are described. We find "glassy" configurations dominated by vectorial defects and a melting process associated to topological-charge unbinding.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Early stages of ramified growth in quasi-two-dimensional electrochemical deposition

I have measured the early stages of the growth of branched metal aggregates formed by electrochemical deposition in very thin layers. The growth rate of spatial Fourier modes is described qualitatively by the results of a linear stability analysis [D.P. Barkey, R.H. Muller, and C.W. Tobias, J. Electrochem. Soc. {\bf 136}, 2207 (1989)]. The maximum growth rate is proportional to (I/c ) δ where I is the current through the electrochemical cell, c the electrolyte concentration, and δ=1.37±0.08 . Differences between my results and the theoretical predictions suggest that electroconvection in the electrolyte has a large influence on the instability leading to ramified growth.

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Electric Nusselt number characterization of electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals

We develop a characterization method of electroconvection structures in a planar nematic liquid crystal layer by a study of the electric current transport. Because the applied potential difference has a sinusoidal time dependence, we define two electric Nusselt numbers corresponding to the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the current. These Nusselt numbers are predicted theoretically using a weakly nonlinear analysis of the standard model. Our measurements of the electric current confirm that both numbers vary linearly with the distance from onset until the occurence of secondary instabilities; these instabilities also have a distinct Nusselt number signature. A systematic comparison between our theoretical and experimental results, using no adjusted parameters, demonstrates reasonable agreement. This represents a quantitative test of the standard model completely independent from traditional, optical techniques of studying electroconvection.

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