Featured Researches

Computational Physics

GPU-accelerated machine learning inference as a service for computing in neutrino experiments

Machine learning algorithms are becoming increasingly prevalent and performant in the reconstruction of events in accelerator-based neutrino experiments. These sophisticated algorithms can be computationally expensive. At the same time, the data volumes of such experiments are rapidly increasing. The demand to process billions of neutrino events with many machine learning algorithm inferences creates a computing challenge. We explore a computing model in which heterogeneous computing with GPU coprocessors is made available as a web service. The coprocessors can be efficiently and elastically deployed to provide the right amount of computing for a given processing task. With our approach, Services for Optimized Network Inference on Coprocessors (SONIC), we integrate GPU acceleration specifically for the ProtoDUNE-SP reconstruction chain without disrupting the native computing workflow. With our integrated framework, we accelerate the most time-consuming task, track and particle shower hit identification, by a factor of 17. This results in a factor of 2.7 reduction in the total processing time when compared with CPU-only production. For this particular task, only 1 GPU is required for every 68 CPU threads, providing a cost-effective solution.

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Computational Physics

Gaussian Processes for Surrogate Modeling of Discharged Fuel Nuclide Compositions

Several applications such as nuclear forensics, nuclear fuel cycle simulations and sensitivity analysis require methods to quickly compute spent fuel nuclide compositions for various irradiation histories. Traditionally, this has been done by interpolating between one-group cross-sections that have been pre-computed from nuclear reactor simulations for a grid of input parameters, using fits such as Cubic Spline. We propose the use of Gaussian Processes (GP) to create surrogate models, which not only provide nuclide compositions, but also the gradient and estimates of their prediction uncertainty. The former is useful for applications such as forward and inverse optimization problems, the latter for uncertainty quantification applications. For this purpose, we compare GP-based surrogate model performance with Cubic- Spline-based interpolators based on infinite lattice simulations of a CANDU 6 nuclear reactor using the SERPENT 2 code, considering burnup and temperature as input parameters. Additionally, we compare the performance of various grid sampling schemes to quasirandom sampling based on the Sobol sequence. We find that GP-based models perform significantly better in predicting spent fuel compositions than Cubic-Spline-based models, though requiring longer computational runtime. Furthermore, we show that the predicted nuclide uncertainties are reasonably accurate. While in the studied two-dimensional case, grid- and quasirandom sampling provide similar results, quasirandom sampling will be a more effective strategy in higher dimensional cases.

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Computational Physics

Generalized semi-analytical solution for coupled multispecies advection-dispersion equations in multilayer porous media

Multispecies contaminant transport in the Earth's subsurface is commonly modelled using advection-dispersion equations coupled via first-order reactions. Analytical and semi-analytical solutions for such problems are highly sought after but currently limited to either one species, homogeneous media, certain reaction networks, specific boundary conditions or a combination thereof. In this paper, we develop a semi-analytical solution for the case of a heterogeneous layered medium and a general first-order reaction network. Our approach combines a transformation method to decouple the multispecies equations with a recently developed semi-analytical solution for the single-species advection-dispersion-reaction equation in layered media. The generalized solution is valid for arbitrary numbers of species and layers, general Robin-type conditions at the inlet and outlet and accommodates both distinct retardation factors across layers or distinct retardation factors across species. Four test cases are presented to demonstrate the solution approach with the reported results in agreement with previously published results and numerical results obtained via finite volume discretisation. MATLAB code implementing the generalized semi-analytical solution is made available.

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Computational Physics

Generating a Machine-learned Equation of State for Fluid Properties

Equations of State (EoS) for fluids have been a staple of engineering design and practice for over a century. Available EoS are based on the fitting of a closed-form analytical expression to suitable experimental data. The underlying mathematical structure and the underlying physical model significantly restrain the applicability and accuracy of the resulting EoS. This contribution explores the issues surrounding the substitution of analytical EoS for machine-learned models, in particular, we describe, as a proof of concept, the effectiveness of a machine-learned model to replicate statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT-VR-Mie) EoS for pure fluids. By utilizing Artificial Neural Network and Gaussian Process Regression, predictions of thermodynamic properties such as critical pressure and temperature, vapor pressures and densities of pure model fluids are performed based on molecular descriptors. To quantify the effectiveness of the Machine Learning techniques, a large data set is constructed using the comparisons between the Machine-Learned EoS and the surrogate data set suggest that the proposed approach shows promise as a viable technique for the correlation, extrapolation and prediction of thermophysical properties of fluids.

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Computational Physics

Global optimization of atomic structures with gradient-enhanced Gaussian process regression

Determination of atomic structures is a key challenge in the fields of computational physics and materials science, as a large variety of mechanical, chemical, electronic, and optical properties depend sensitively on structure. Here, we present a global optimization scheme where energy and force information from density functional theory (DFT) calculations is transferred to a probabilistic surrogate model to estimate both the potential energy surface (PES) and the associated uncertainties. The local minima in the surrogate PES are then used to guide the search for the global minimum in the DFT potential. We find that adding the gradients in most cases improves the efficiency of the search significantly. The method is applied to global optimization of [Ta 2 O 5 ] x clusters with x=1,2,3 , and the surface structure of oxidized ZrN.

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Computational Physics

Graph Theory Based Approach to Characterize Self Interstitial Defect Morphology

The defect morphology is an essential aspect of the evolution of crystals' microstructure and its response to stress. Existing methods either only report defect concentration or characterize only some of the defect morphologies. The need for an efficient and comprehensive algorithm to study defects is becoming more evident with the increase in the amount of simulation data and improvements in data-driven algorithms. We present a method to characterize a defect's morphology precisely by reducing the problem into graph theoretical concepts of finding connected components and cycles. The algorithm can identify the different homogenous components within a defect cluster having mixed morphology. We apply the method to classify morphologies of over a thousand point defect clusters formed in high energy W collision cascades. We highlight our method's comparative advantage for its completeness, computational speed, and quantitative details.

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Computational Physics

HL-LHC Computing Review: Common Tools and Community Software

Common and community software packages, such as ROOT, Geant4 and event generators have been a key part of the LHC's success so far and continued development and optimisation will be critical in the future. The challenges are driven by an ambitious physics programme, notably the LHC accelerator upgrade to high-luminosity, HL-LHC, and the corresponding detector upgrades of ATLAS and CMS. In this document we address the issues for software that is used in multiple experiments (usually even more widely than ATLAS and CMS) and maintained by teams of developers who are either not linked to a particular experiment or who contribute to common software within the context of their experiment activity. We also give space to general considerations for future software and projects that tackle upcoming challenges, no matter who writes it, which is an area where community convergence on best practice is extremely useful.

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Computational Physics

Hamiltonian and Alias-Free Hybrid Particle-Field Molecular Dynamics

Hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics combines standard molecular potentials with density-field models into a computationally efficient methodology that is well-adapted for the study of mesoscale soft matter systems. Here, we introduce a new formulation based on filtered densities and a particle-mesh formalism that allows for Hamiltonian dynamics and alias-free force computation. This is achieved by introducing a length scale for the particle-field interactions independent of the numerical grid used to represent the density fields, enabling systematic convergence of the forces upon grid refinement. Our scheme generalises the original particle-field molecular dynamics implementations presented in the literature, finding them as limit conditions. The accuracy of this new formulation is benchmarked by considering simple monoatomic systems described by the standard hybrid particle-field potentials. We find that by controlling the time step and grid size, conservation of energy and momenta, as well as disappearance of alias, is obtained. Increasing the particle-field interaction length scale permits the use of larger time steps and coarser grids. This promotes the use of multiple time step strategies over the quasi-instantaneous approximation, which is found to not conserve energy and momenta equally well. Finally, our investigations of the structural and dynamic properties of simple monoatomic systems show a consistent behavior between the present formulation and Gaussian Core models.

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Computational Physics

Heat transfer in strained twin graphene: A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation

In this work, we study the thermal energy transport properties of twin graphene, which has been introduced recently as a new two-dimensional carbon nano structure. The thermal conductivity is investigated using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation. We examine the effects of the length, temperature, and also the uni axial strain along with both armchair and zigzag directions. We found that the conductivity increases with growing the system length, while that slightly decreases with increasing the mean temperature of the system. Moreover, it is shown that the applied strain up to 0.02 will increase the thermal conductivity, and in the interval 0.02-0.06, it has a decreasing trend which can be used for tuning the thermal properties. Finally, the phonon density of states is investigated to study the behavior of thermal conductivity, fundamentally. We can control the thermal properties of the system with changing parameters such as strain. Our results may be important in the design of cooling electronic devices and thermal circuits.

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Computational Physics

Heterogeneous Multi-Rate mass transfer models in OpenFOAM

We implement the Multi-Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT) model for mobile-immobile transport in porous media within the open-source finite volume library \textsc{OpenFOAM}\reg \citep{Foundation2014}. Unlike other codes available in the literature [Geiger, S., Dentz, M., Neuweiler, I., SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition (2011); Silva, O., Carrera, J., Dentz, M., Kumar, S., Alcolea, A., Willmann, M., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13, (2009)], we propose an implementation that can be applied to complex three-dimensional geometries and highly heterogeneous fields, where the parameters of the MRMT can arbitrarily vary in space. Furthermore, being built over the widely diffused OpenFOAM\reg library, it can be easily extended and included in other models, and run in parallel. We briefly describe the structure of the < multiContinuumModels > library that includes the formulation of the MRMT based on the works of [Haggerty, R., Gorelick, S.M., Water Resources Research 31, (1995)] and [F. Municchi and M. Icardi Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013041, (2020)]. The implementation is verified against benchmark solutions and tested on two- and three-dimensional random permeability fields. The role of various physical and numerical parameters, including the transfer rates, the heterogeneities, and the number of terms in the MRMT expansions is investigated. Finally, we illustrate the significant role played by heterogeneity in the mass transfer when permeability and porosity are represented using Gaussian random fields.

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