Featured Researches

Physics Education

Making Science Personal: Inclusivity-Driven Design for General-Education Courses

General-education college astronomy courses offer instructors both a unique audience and a unique challenge. For many students, such a course may be their first time encountering a standalone astronomy class, and it is also likely one of the last science courses they will take. Thus, in a single semester, primary course goals often include both imparting knowledge about the Universe and giving students some familiarity with the processes of science. In traditional course environments, students often compartmentalize information into separate "life files" and "course files" rather than integrating information into a coherent framework. The astronomy course created through this project, taught at the University of Arizona in Spring 2019, was designed around inclusivity-driven guiding principles that help students engage with course content in ways that are meaningful, relevant, and accessible. Our course bridges the gap between students' "life" and "course files", encourages and respects diverse points of view, and empowers students to connect course content with their personal lives and identities. In this paper, we provide insight into the guiding principles that informed our course design and share research results on the effectiveness of the instructional strategies and assessment techniques implemented in the course.

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Physics Education

Manually driven harmonic oscillator

Oscillations and resonance are essential topics in physics that can be explored theoretically and experimentally in the classroom or teaching laboratory environments. However, one of the main challenges concerning the experimental study of resonance phenomena via forced oscillations is the control of the oscillation frequency, which demands an electronic circuit or a fine tuned coupled mechanical system. In this work, we demonstrate that, in what concerns the physics teaching, such demanding accessories are not necessary. The forced oscillations can be implemented by the teacher's hand guided by an oscillating circle displayed in a web application loaded in a smartphone. The oscillations are applied to an ordinary spiral toy. Qualitative, as well quantitative, proposals are explored in this work with excellent results.

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Physics Education

Maple's Quantum Chemistry Package in the Chemistry Classroom

An introduction to the Quantum Chemistry Package (QCP), implemented in the computer algebra system Maple, is presented. The QCP combines sophisticated electronic structure methods and Maple's easy-to-use graphical interface to enable computation and visualization of the electronic energies and properties of molecules. Here we describe how the QCP can be used in the chemistry classroom using lessons provided within the package. In particular, the calculation and visualization of molecular orbitals of hydrogen fluoride, the application of the particle in a box to conjugated dyes, the use of geometry optimization and normal mode analysis for hypochlorous acid, and the thermodynamics of combustion of methane.

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Physics Education

Mathematical Sensemaking as Seeking Coherence between Calculations and Concepts: Instruction and Assessments for Introductory Physics

What kind of problem-solving instruction can help students apply what they have learned to solve the new and unfamiliar problems they will encounter in the future? We propose that mathematical sensemaking, the practice of seeking coherence between formal mathematics and conceptual understanding, is a key target of successful physics problem-solving instruction. However, typical assessments tend to measure understanding in more disjoint ways. To capture coherence-seeking practices in student problem solving, we introduce an assessment framework that highlights opportunities to use these problem-solving approaches more flexibly. Three assessment items embodying this calculation-concept crossover framework illustrate how coherence can drive flexible problem-solving approaches that may be more efficient, insightful, and accurate. These three assessment items were used to evaluate the efficacy of an instructional approach focused on developing mathematical-sensemaking skills. In a quasi-experimental study, three parallel lecture sections of first-semester, introductory physics were compared: two mathematical sensemaking sections, with one having an experienced instructor (MS) and one a novice instructor (MS-nov), and a traditionally-taught section acted as a control group (CTRL). On the three crossover assessment items, mathematical sensemaking students used calculation-concept crossover approaches more and generated more correct solutions than CTRL students. Student surveyed epistemological views toward problem-solving coherence at the end of the course predicted their crossover approach use but did not fully account for the differences in crossover approach use between the MS and CTRL groups. These results illustrate new instructional and assessment frameworks for research on mathematical sensemaking and adaptive problem-solving expertise.

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Physics Education

Measurement of resistance coefficients of pendulum motion with balls of various sizes

In order to obtain the damping and resistance coefficients of a pendulum, we constructed an optical system containing a photogate for measuring the speed of the pendulum at the lowest point of motion. The photogate consisted of a photoresistor, a laser, a mechanical body, and a pendulum ball. A 3D printer was used to produce the mechanical body and pendulum balls of various sizes. Furthermore, we used Arduino to automate measurement of the speed at the lowest point of motion and increase the precision. We found that the resistance coefficient was proportional to the size of the balls, regardless of the ball mass, in agreement with the drag equation for a small Reynolds number.

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Physics Education

Measuring light with light dependent resistors: an easy approach for optics experiments

We entertain the use of light dependent resistors as a viable option as measuring sensors in optics laboratory experiments or classroom demonstrations. The main advantages of theses devices are essentially very low cost, easy handling and commercial availability which can make them interesting for instructors with limited resources. Simple calibration procedures were developed indicating a precision of ∼5% for illuminance measurements. Optical experiments were carried out as proof of feasibility for measurements of reflected and transmitted light and its quality results are presented. In particular, the sensor measurements allowed to verify the angular distribution of a Lambertian reflective material, to observe transmitted and reflected specular light on a glass slab as function of the incoming angle of a light beam, and to estimate glass refractive index with values averaging 1.51±0.06 in satisfactory agreement with the expected 1.52 value.

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Physics Education

Measuring the Effectiveness of Learning Resources Via Student Interaction with Online Learning Modules

We present a new method for measuring the effectiveness of online learning resources, through the analysis of time-stamped log data of students' interaction with a sequence of online learning modules created based on the concept of mastery learning. Each module was designed to assess students' mastery of one topic before and after interacting with the learning resources in the module. In addition, analysis of log data provides information on students' test-taking effort when completing the assessment, and learning effort when interacting with the learning resources. Combining these three measurements provides accurate information on the quality of each online learning module, as well as detailed suggestions for future improvements. The results from data collected from all 10 modules are presented in a sequence of sunburst charts, an intuitive visual representation designed to allow the average instructor to quickly grasp the key outcomes of the data analysis, and identify less effective modules for future improvements. Online learning modules can be implemented much more frequently than either clinical experiments or classroom assessments, and can provide more interpretable data than most existing online courses, making it a valuable tool for quickly assessing the effectiveness of online learning resources.

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Physics Education

Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 Induced Campus Closure on Student Self-Regulated Learning in Physics Online Learning Modules

This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 induced campus closure on university students' self-regulated learning behavior by analyzing click-stream data collected from student interactions with 70 online learning modules in a university physics course. To do so, we compared the trend of six types of actions related to the three phases of self-regulated learning before and after campus closures and between two semesters. We found that campus closure changed students' planning and goal setting strategies for completing the assignments, but didn't have a detectable impact on the outcome or the time of completion, nor did it change students' self-reflection behavior. The results suggest that most students still manage to complete assignments on time during the pandemic, while the design of online learning modules might have provided the flexibility and support for them to do so.

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Physics Education

Meeting Laboratory Course Learning Goals Remotely via Custom Home Experiment Kits

In this paper, the use of cost-effective, custom home experiment kits for remote teaching of first-semester introductory physics labs is described. The kit experiments were designed to match the existing onsite lab experiment learning goals and the general laboratory course learning goals in remote teaching. Additionally, a revised group project approach optimized for remote use and that leverages the kits was developed and employed. Student survey results at the end of the Summer 2020 semester indicate that the critical learning goals were met, student satisfaction with the remote lab was maintained, and successful collaboration via video-conferencing breakout rooms was achieved.

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Physics Education

Methods of learning of computer simulation of physical processes and phenomena in university

To effectively prepare engineering students requires of formation of a system of fundamental physical knowledge together with the ability to apply them in specific productive activities, both on fundamental and on the profiled-oriented level. Accordingly the tasks of physics of high school is mastering the methodology of science knowledge and scientific way of thinking and generalize of experimental natural ability to conduct scientific research by methods of physical knowledge. In the process of teaching physics simulations simultaneously acts by scientific knowledge, is part of the content of educational material and effective means of experiment. It is possible to obtain special teaching methods of computer simulation, which include primarily computer experiment. The main methods of computer modeling learning in university are a multimedia lecture, telecommunications project and computer-oriented laboratory practice. The main tasks of teaching computer modeling in physics course are the overall development and formation of outlook of future engineers and development practical skills in computer simulation. The leading method of learning computer simulation in physics course is a project method. Those methods of learning are optimal in the context of developmental education. Computational experiment is a modeling methodology as a science, so it can be attributed to the principles of scientific methods of learning. Purposes of learning physics in university include the necessity of mastering a given set of scientific facts and methods of getting these facts. Computational experiment reflects the method of knowledge which applied in physics.

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