Featured Researches

Space Physics

Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind Observed in the Inner Heliosphere by Parker Solar Probe

The slow solar wind is typically characterized as having low Alfvénicity. However, Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observed predominately Alfvénic slow solar wind during several of its initial encounters. From its first encounter observations, about 55.3\% of the slow solar wind inside 0.25 au is highly Alfvénic ( | σ C |>0.7 ) at current solar minimum, which is much higher than the fraction of quiet-Sun-associated highly Alfvénic slow wind observed at solar maximum at 1 au. Intervals of slow solar wind with different Alfvénicities seem to show similar plasma characteristics and temperature anisotropy distributions. Some low Alfvénicity slow wind intervals even show high temperature anisotropies, because the slow wind may experience perpendicular heating as fast wind does when close to the Sun. This signature is confirmed by Wind spacecraft measurements as we track PSP observations to 1 au. Further, with nearly 15 years of Wind measurements, we find that the distributions of plasma characteristics, temperature anisotropy and helium abundance ratio ( N α / N p ) are similar in slow winds with different Alfvénicities, but the distributions are different from those in the fast solar wind. Highly Alfvénic slow solar wind contains both helium-rich ( N α / N p ∼0.045 ) and helium-poor ( N α / N p ∼0.015 ) populations, implying it may originate from multiple source regions. These results suggest that highly Alfvénic slow solar wind shares similar temperature anisotropy and helium abundance properties with regular slow solar winds, and they thus should have multiple origins.

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Space Physics

Alfvénic Thermospheric Upwelling in a Global Geospace Model

Motivated by low-altitude cusp observations of small-scale (~ 1 km) field-aligned currents (SSFACs) interpreted as ionospheric Alfvén resonator modes, we investigated the effects of Alfvén wave energy deposition on thermospheric upwelling and the formation of air density enhancements in and near the cusp. Such density enhancements were commonly observed near 400 km altitude by the CHAMP satellite. They are not predicted by empirical thermosphere models, and they are well-correlated with the observed SSFACs. A parameterized model for the altitude dependence of the Alfvén wave electric field, constrained by CHAMP data, has been developed and embedded in the Joule heating module of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (CMIT) model. The CMIT model was then used to simulate the geospace response to an interplanetary stream interaction region (SIR) that swept past Earth on 26-27 March 2003. CMIT diagnostics for the thermospheric mass density at 400 km altitude show: 1) CMIT without Alfvénic Joule heating usually underestimates CHAMP's orbit-average density; inclusion of Alfvénic heating modestly improves CMIT's orbit-average prediction of the density (by a few %), especially during the more active periods of the SIR event. 2) The improvement in CMIT's instantaneous density prediction with Alfvénic heating included is more significant (up to 15%) in the vicinity of the cusp heating region, a feature that the MSIS empirical thermosphere model misses for this event. Thermospheric density changes of 20-30% caused by the cusp-region Alfvénic heating sporadically populate the polar region through the action of corotation and neutral winds.

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Space Physics

Alternative high plasma beta regimes of electron heat-flux instabilities in the solar wind

The heat transport in the solar wind is dominated by the suprathermal electron populations, i.e., a tenuous halo and a field-aligned beam/strahl, with high energies and antisunward drifts along the magnetic field. Their evolution may offer plausible explanations for the rapid decrease of the heat flux with the solar wind expansion, typically invoked being the self-generated instabilities, or the so-called heat flux instabilities (HFIs). The present paper provides a unified description of the full spectrum of HFIs, as prescribed by the linear kinetic theory for high beta conditions ( β e ≫0.1 ) and different relative drifts ( U ) of the suprathermals. HFIs of different nature are distinguished, i.e., electromagnetic, electrostatic or hybrid, propagating parallel or obliquely to the magnetic field, etc., as well as their regimes of interplay (co-existence) or dominance. These alternative regimes of HFIs complement each other and may be characteristic to different relative drifts of suprathermal electrons and various conditions in the solar wind, e.g., in the slow or fast winds, streaming interaction regions and interplanetary shocks. Moreover, these results strongly suggest that heat flux regulation may not involve only one but several HFIs, concomitantly or successively in time. Conditions for a single, well defined instability with major effects on the suprathermal electrons and, implicitly, the heat flux, seem to be very limited. Whistler HFIs are more likely to occur but only for minor drifts (as also reported by recent observations), which may explain a modest implication in their regulation, shown already in quasilinear studies and numerical simulations.

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Space Physics

An Empirical Orthogonal Function Reanalysis of the Northern Polar External and Induced Magnetic Field During Solar Cycle 23

We apply the method of data-interpolating empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) to ground-based magnetic vector data from the SuperMAG archive to produce a series of month length reanalyses of the surface external and induced magnetic field (SEIMF) in 110,000 km 2 equal-area bins over the entire northern polar region at 5 min cadence over solar cycle 23, from 1997.0 to 2009.0. Each EOF reanalysis also decomposes the measured SEIMF variation into a hierarchy of spatiotemporal patterns which are ordered by their contribution to the monthly magnetic field variance. We find that the leading EOF patterns can each be (subjectively) interpreted as well-known SEIMF systems or their equivalent current systems. The relationship of the equivalent currents to the true current flow is not investigated. We track the leading SEIMF or equivalent current systems of similar type by intermonthly spatial correlation and apply graph theory to (objectively) group their appearance and relative importance throughout a solar cycle, revealing seasonal and solar cycle variation. In this way, we identify the spatiotemporal patterns that maximally contribute to SEIMF variability over a solar cycle. We propose this combination of EOF and graph theory as a powerful method for objectively defining and investigating the structure and variability of the SEIMF or their equivalent ionospheric currents for use in both geomagnetism and space weather applications. It is demonstrated here on solar cycle 23 but is extendable to any epoch with sufficient data coverage.

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Space Physics

An extended MHD study of the 16 October 2015 MMS diffusion region crossing

The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has given us unprecedented access to high cadence particle and field data of magnetic reconnection at Earth's magnetopause. MMS first passed very near an X-line on 16 October 2015, the Burch event, and has since observed multiple X-line crossings. Subsequent 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) modeling efforts of and comparison with the Burch event have revealed a host of novel physical insights concerning magnetic reconnection, turbulence induced particle mixing, and secondary instabilities. In this study, we employ the Gkeyll simulation framework to study the Burch event with different classes of extended, multi-fluid magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), including models that incorporate important kinetic effects, such as the electron pressure tensor, with physics-based closure relations designed to capture linear Landau damping. Such fluid modeling approaches are able to capture different levels of kinetic physics in global simulations and are generally less costly than fully kinetic PIC. We focus on the additional physics one can capture with increasing levels of fluid closure refinement via comparison with MMS data and existing PIC simulations.

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Space Physics

Analysis of cosmic rays' atmospheric effects and their relationships to cutoff rigidity and zenith angle using Global Muon Detector Network data

Cosmic rays are charged particles whose flux observed at Earth shows temporal variations related to space weather phenomena and may be an important tool to study them. The cosmic ray intensity recorded with ground-based detectors also shows temporal variations arising from atmospheric variations. In the case of muon detectors, the main atmospheric effects are related to pressure and temperature changes. In this work, we analyze both effects using data recorded by the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN), consisting of four multidirectional muon detectors at different locations, in the period between 2007 and 2016. For each GMDN directional channel, we obtain coefficients that describe the pressure and temperature effects. We then analyze how these coefficients can be related to the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity and zenith angle associated with cosmic-ray particles observed by each channel. In the pressure effect analysis, we found that the observed barometric coefficients show a very clear logarithmic correlation with the cutoff rigidity divided by the zenith angle cosine. On the other hand, the temperature coefficients show a good logarithmic correlation with the product of the cutoff and zenith angle cosine after adding a term proportional to the sine of geographical latitude of the observation site. This additional term implies that the temperature effect measured in the northern hemisphere detectors is stronger than that observed in the southern hemisphere. The physical origin of this term and of the good correlations found in this analysis should be studied in detail in future works.

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Space Physics

Analysis of solar wind energy and the Akasofu parameter for energy dynamics assessment during Supersubstorm

Solar activities have significant impact on the member of the solar systems including earth. As earth is a planet with its own magnetic field, solar emissions with magnetic fields do interact with the earth's own magnetic field to create geo-magnetic disturbances. Substorms are geo-magnetic disturbances of shorter duration (few hours or less) which are mainly concentrated in the auroral region and originates due to the ionospheric current injection at high latitudes. Supersubstorm are intense substorms as identified by peak activities in geo-magnetic indices. In this thesis, we have investigated the energy dynamics during the supersubstorm and analyzed the relation of the energy components with different geo-magnetic indices and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) components. In particular, the solar wind energy levels and the energy coupled into the magnetosphere as captured by the Akasofu parameter are studied. A qualitative analysis of the computed energy and its relationship with different geo-magnetic indices is presented. Correlation and cross-correlation analysis have been used to get insights into the nature of the relationship between the energy components and indices. This for example uncovered the negative relationship between the solar wind energy and the Akasofu parameter. A summary analysis of the supersubstorm event in comparison with the quiet phases are made. This has led to insights for example showing the higher energy levels during supersubstorm and different energy ratios (Akasofu parameter divided by the solar wind energy) existing for different supersubstorm.

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Space Physics

Analysis of the Indian ASAT test on 27 March 2019

On March 27, 2019, India tested its first anti-satellite (ASAT) missile against its own "live" satellite, Microsat-R, launched on 24 January, 2019, as part of "Mission Shakti". The test parameters were chosen with extreme caution to minimize the hazard of post-impact debris predicted to re-enter the earth`s atmosphere within 45 days. Of the 400 pieces of debris identified by NASA, more than 60 were large enough to be tracked by the US Air Force`s Space Surveillance Network and US Strategic Command`s Combined Space Operations Center. Much of the information provided in the press about the ASAT missile and Microsat-R was inaccurate or misleading and did not appear to be based on scientific analysis of the data available to the public. To better understand the circumstances of this event, this paper will calculated and present detailed analysis of the tracked post-impact orbit debris from Microsat-R. All results in the current paper are based on orbital data, in the form of the NORAD two-line element (TLE) dataset from this http URL and the own calculations of the CoLiTec group.

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Space Physics

Angular Scattering in Charge Exchange: Issues and Implications for Secondary Interstellar Hydrogen

Interstellar neutral atoms provide a remote diagnostic of plasma in the outer heliosheath and the very local interstellar medium via charge exchange collisions that convert ions into atoms and vice versa. So far, most studies of interstellar atoms assumed that daughter hydrogen atoms directly inherit the kinetic properties of parent protons. This assumption neglects angular scattering of the interacting particles. However, for low relative velocities, as expected for charge exchanges in the outer heliosheath, this scattering is significant. In this study, we present how the parameters of daughter populations depend on the relative velocity and temperatures of parent populations. For this purpose, we numerically compute collision terms with and without this scattering. We find that the secondary population of interstellar hydrogen atoms, for the parent populations with the relative bulk velocity of 20 km s −1 and equal temperatures of 7500 K, has ~2 km s −1 higher bulk velocity if the scattering is taken into account. Additionally, temperatures are higher by ~2400 K and ~1200 K in parallel and perpendicular direction to the relative motion of parent populations, respectively. Moreover, a significant departure of secondary atoms from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is expected for high relative velocities of parent populations. This process affects the distribution and density of interstellar atoms in the heliosphere and production of pickup ions. Thus, we show that angular scattering in charge exchange collisions is important to include in analyses of interstellar neutral atoms and pickup ions observed at 1 au and in the outer heliosphere.

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Space Physics

Anisotropy of Electric Field Fluctuations Spectrum of Solar Wind Turbulence

To investigate the power and spectral index anisotropy in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence, we use 70 intervals of electric field data accumulated by Cluster spacecraft in the free solar wind. We compute the electric field fluctuation power spectra using wavelet analysis technique and study its spectral index variation with the change in angle between the heliocentric radial direction and the local mean magnetic field. We find clear power and spectral index anisotropy in the frequency ranging from 0.01 Hz to 0.1 Hz, with more power in parallel fluctuations than perpendicular. We also report our study of anisotropy as a function of solar activity.

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