Featured Researches

Neurons And Cognition

Contextuality Analysis of Impossible Figures

This paper has two purposes. One is to demonstrate contextuality analysis of systems of epistemic random variables. The other is to evaluate the performance of a new, hierarchical version of the measure of (non)contextuality introduced in earlier publications. As objects of analysis we use impossible figures of the kind created by the Penroses and Escher. We make no assumptions as to how an impossible figure is perceived, taking it instead as a fixed physical object allowing one of several deterministic descriptions. Systems of epistemic random variables are obtained by probabilistically mixing these deterministic systems. This probabilistic mixture reflects our uncertainty or lack of knowledge rather than random variability in the frequentist sense.

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Neurons And Cognition

Contours information and the perception of various visual illusions

The simplicity principle states that the human visual system prefers the simplest interpretation. However, conventional coding models could not resolve the incompatibility between predictions from the global minimum principle and the local minimum principle. By quantitatively evaluating the total information content of all possible visual interpretations, we show that the perceived pattern is always the one with the simplest local completion as well as the least total surprisal globally, thus solving this apparent conundrum. Our proposed framework consist of (1) the information content of visual contours, (2) direction of visual contour, and (3) the von Mises distribution governing human visual expectation. We used it to explain the perception of prominent visual illusions such as Kanizsa triangle, Ehrenstein cross, and Rubin's vase. This provides new insight into the celebrated simplicity principle and could serve as a fundamental explanation of the perception of illusory boundaries and the bi-stability of perceptual grouping.

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Neurons And Cognition

Control for Multifunctionality: Bioinspired Control Based on Feeding in Aplysia californica

Animals exhibit remarkable feats of behavioral flexibility and multifunctional control that remain challenging for robotic systems. The neural and morphological basis of multifunctionality in animals can provide a source of bio-inspiration for robotic controllers. However, many existing approaches to modeling biological neural networks rely on computationally expensive models and tend to focus solely on the nervous system, often neglecting the biomechanics of the periphery. As a consequence, while these models are excellent tools for neuroscience, they fail to predict functional behavior in real time, which is a critical capability for robotic control. To meet the need for real-time multifunctional control, we have developed a hybrid Boolean model framework capable of modeling neural bursting activity and simple biomechanics at speeds faster than real time. Using this approach, we present a multifunctional model of Aplysia californica feeding that qualitatively reproduces three key feeding behaviors (biting, swallowing, and rejection), demonstrates behavioral switching in response to external sensory cues, and incorporates both known neural connectivity and a simple bioinspired mechanical model of the feeding apparatus. We demonstrate that the model can be used for formulating testable hypotheses and discuss the implications of this approach for robotic control and neuroscience.

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Neurons And Cognition

Control of fixation duration during visual search task execution

We study the ability of human observer to control fixation duration during execution of visual search tasks. We conducted the eye-tracking experiments with natural and synthetic images and found the dependency of fixation duration on difficulty of the task and the lengths of preceding and succeeding saccades. In order to explain it, we developed the novel control model of human eye-movements that incorporates continuous-time decision making, observation and update of belief state. This model is based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Process with delay in observation and saccade execution that accounts for a delay between eye and cortex. We validated the computational model through comparison of statistical properties of simulated and experimental eye-movement trajectories.

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Neurons And Cognition

Convolutional Neural Networks as a Model of the Visual System: Past, Present, and Future

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were inspired by early findings in the study of biological vision. They have since become successful tools in computer vision and state-of-the-art models of both neural activity and behavior on visual tasks. This review highlights what, in the context of CNNs, it means to be a good model in computational neuroscience and the various ways models can provide insight. Specifically, it covers the origins of CNNs and the methods by which we validate them as models of biological vision. It then goes on to elaborate on what we can learn about biological vision by understanding and experimenting on CNNs and discusses emerging opportunities for the use of CNNS in vision research beyond basic object recognition.

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Neurons And Cognition

Correlation Across Environments Encoded by Hippocampal Place Cells

The hippocampus is often attributed to episodic memory formation and storage in the mammalian brain; in particular, Alme et al. showed that hippocampal area CA3 forms statistically independent representations across a large number of environments, even if the environments share highly similar features. This lack of overlap between spatial maps indicates the large capacity of the CA3 circuitry. In this paper, we support the argument for the large capacity of the CA3 network. To do so, we replicate the key findings of Alme et al. and extend the results by perturbing the neural activity encodings with noise and conducting representation similarity analysis (RSA). We find that the correlations between firing rates are partially resistant to noise, and that the spatial representations across cells show similar patterns, even across different environments. Finally, we discuss some theoretical and practical implications of our results.

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Neurons And Cognition

Cortical oscillations implement a backbone for sampling-based computation in spiking neural networks

Brains need to deal with an uncertain world. Often, this requires visiting multiple interpretations of the available information or multiple solutions to an encountered problem. This gives rise to the so-called mixing problem: since all of these "valid" states represent powerful attractors, but between themselves can be very dissimilar, switching between such states can be difficult. We propose that cortical oscillations can be effectively used to overcome this challenge. By acting as an effective temperature, background spiking activity modulates exploration. Rhythmic changes induced by cortical oscillations can then be interpreted as a form of simulated tempering. We provide a rigorous mathematical discussion of this link and study some of its phenomenological implications in computer simulations. This identifies a new computational role of cortical oscillations and connects them to various phenomena in the brain, such as sampling-based probabilistic inference, memory replay, multisensory cue combination and place cell flickering.

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Neurons And Cognition

Cortical surface parcellation based on intra-subject white matter fiber clustering

We present a hybrid method that performs the complete parcellation of the cerebral cortex of an individual, based on the connectivity information of the white matter fibers from a whole-brain tractography dataset. The method consists of five steps, first intra-subject clustering is performed on the brain tractography. The fibers that make up each cluster are then intersected with the cortical mesh and then filtered to discard outliers. In addition, the method resolves the overlapping between the different intersection regions (sub-parcels) throughout the cortex efficiently. Finally, a post-processing is done to achieve more uniform sub-parcels. The output is the complete labeling of cortical mesh vertices, representing the different cortex sub-parcels, with strong connections to other sub-parcels. We evaluated our method with measures of brain connectivity such as functional segregation (clustering coefficient), functional integration (characteristic path length) and small-world. Results in five subjects from ARCHI database show a good individual cortical parcellation for each one, composed of about 200 subparcels per hemisphere and complying with these connectivity measures.

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Neurons And Cognition

Cost-efficiency trade-offs of the human brain network revealed by a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

It is widely believed that the formation of brain network structure is under the pressure of optimal trade-off between reducing wiring cost and promoting communication efficiency. However, the question of whether this trade-off exists in empirical human brain networks and, if so, how it takes effect is still not well understood. Here, we employed a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to directly and quantitatively explore the cost-efficiency trade-off in human brain networks. Using this algorithm, we generated a population of synthetic networks with optimal but diverse cost-efficiency trade-offs. It was found that these synthetic networks could not only reproduce a large portion of connections in the empirical brain networks but also embed a resembling small-world structure. Moreover, the synthetic and empirical brain networks were found similar in terms of the spatial arrangement of hub regions and the modular structure, which are two important topological features widely assumed to be outcomes of cost-efficiency trade-offs. The synthetic networks had high robustness against random attack as the empirical brain networks did. Additionally, we also revealed some differences of the synthetic networks from the empirical brain networks, including lower segregated processing capacity and weaker robustness against targeted attack. These findings provide direct and quantitative evidence that the structure of human brain networks is indeed largely influenced by optimal cost-efficiency trade-offs. We also suggest that some additional factors (e.g., segregated processing capacity) might jointly determine the network organization with cost and efficiency.

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Neurons And Cognition

Criticality and the role of the connectome in shaping slow oscillations in the brain during deep sleep

During slow-wave sleep, the brain is in a self-organized regime in which slow oscillations (SOs) between up- and down-states propagate across the cortex. We address the mechanism of how SOs emerge and can recruit large parts of the brain using a whole-brain model based on empirical connectivity data. Individual brain areas generate SOs that are induced by a local adaptation mechanism. Optimal fits to human resting-state fMRI data and EEG during deep sleep are found at critical values of the adaptation strength where the model produces a balance between local and global SOs with realistic spatiotemporal statistics. Local oscillations are more frequent, last shorter, and have a lower amplitude. Global oscillations spread as waves of silence across the brain, traveling from anterior to posterior regions due to the heterogeneous network structure of the human brain. Our results demonstrate the utility of whole-brain models for explaining the origin of large-scale cortical oscillations and how they are shaped by the connectome.

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